I have spent a lifetime watching, learning and distilling the Rules of how happy and successful people behave. I have observed what it is that these people do, and others do not. Whether it’s at work or in their relationships, as parents or managing their money, I can tell you why their lives run more smoothly than other people’s.

The Rules aren’t orders. You don’t have to obey them. I’m not telling you how you should live your life. I’m just passing on what I’ve learnt myself, in the hope you can make use of it. You’ll be happier and more successful if you follow the Rules, but it’s your call.

Some of these Rules – many of them – are common sense. They’re a reminder, not a revelation. But somehow you need to see them in black and white to realise that you’ve wandered off the track. Others may take a bit longer to get your head round. And you might even disagree with a few. That’s fine – you’re allowed to think for yourself. In fact, it’s actively encouraged.

There are eight books in the Rules series, to help you make a success of just about every part of your life:

The Rules of Work
The Rules of Life
The Rules of Love
The Rules of Management
The Rules of Wealth
The Rules of Parenting
The Rules of People
The Rules to Break

Richard Templar

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