Not everyone sees things the same way you do. Your mum can’t necessarily see that she needs help round the house as she gets older, your boss might not see that the budget for your project isn’t big enough to do it justice, your neighbour can’t see why their hedge is too high, your friend doesn’t see how impractical it is for you to stay out late midweek, your colleagues don’t see why a particular client needs special treatment.

Half the point of understanding how people think is so that you can persuade them to think the way you do. This section is all about how to align yourself and other people so you’re both looking at things the same way, and can negotiate an agreement. It’s very much not about how to manipulate or coerce people, however. The aim is not to get what you want at all costs, but to use your people skills to get everyone wanting the same thing.

If the other person is left feeling frustrated, cheated, emotionally bludgeoned, harrassed, pressured, manipulated or beaten, you’re not doing it right. The aim is for both of you to feel happy with any decisions, and to feel that you’re in it together, both in agreement.

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