The composite pattern

The composite pattern allows complex tree-like structures to be built from simple components. These components, called composite objects, are able to behave sort of like a container and sort of like a variable depending on whether they have child components. Composite objects are container objects, where the content may actually be another composite object.

Traditionally, each component in a composite object must be either a leaf node (that cannot contain other objects) or a composite node. The key is that both composite and leaf nodes can have the same interface. The UML diagram is very simple:

The composite pattern

This simple pattern, however, allows us to create complex arrangements of elements, all of which satisfy the interface of the component object. Here is a concrete instance of such a complicated arrangement:

The composite pattern

The composite pattern is commonly useful in file/folder-like trees. Regardless of whether a node in the tree is a normal file or a folder, it is still subject to operations such as moving, copying, or deleting the node. We can create a component interface that supports these operations, and then use a composite object to represent folders, and leaf nodes to represent normal files.

Of course, in Python, once again, we can take advantage of duck typing to implicitly provide the interface, so we only need to write two classes. Let's define these interfaces first:

class Folder:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.children = {}

    def add_child(self, child):

    def move(self, new_path):

    def copy(self, new_path):

    def delete(self):

class File:
    def __init__(self, name, contents): = name
        self.contents = contents

    def move(self, new_path):

    def copy(self, new_path):

    def delete(self):

For each folder (composite) object, we maintain a dictionary of children. Often, a list is sufficient, but in this case, a dictionary will be useful for looking up children by name. Our paths will be specified as node names separated by the / character, similar to paths in a Unix shell.

Thinking about the methods involved, we can see that moving or deleting a node behaves in a similar way, regardless of whether or not it is a file or folder node. Copying, however, has to do a recursive copy for folder nodes, while copying a file node is a trivial operation.

To take advantage of the similar operations, we can extract some of the common methods into a parent class. Let's take that discarded Component interface and change it to a base class:

class Component:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def move(self, new_path):
        new_folder =get_path(new_path)
        del self.parent.children[]
        new_folder.children[] = self
        self.parent = new_folder

    def delete(self):
        del self.parent.children[]

class Folder(Component):
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.children = {}

    def add_child(self, child):

    def copy(self, new_path):

class File(Component):
    def __init__(self, name, contents):
        self.contents = contents

    def copy(self, new_path):

root = Folder('')
def get_path(path):
    names = path.split('/')[1:]
    node = root
    for name in names:
        node = node.children[name]
    return node

We've created the move and delete methods on the Component class. Both of them access a mysterious parent variable that we haven't set yet. The move method uses a module-level get_path function that finds a node from a predefined root node, given a path. All files will be added to this root node or a child of that node. For the move method, the target should be a currently existing folder, or we'll get an error. As with many of the examples in technical books, error handling is woefully absent, to help focus on the principles under consideration.

Let's set up that mysterious parent variable first; this happens, in the folder's add_child method:

    def add_child(self, child):
        child.parent = self
        self.children[] = child

Well, that was easy enough. Let's see if our composite file hierarchy is working properly:

$ python3 -i

>>> folder1 = Folder('folder1')
>>> folder2 = Folder('folder2')
>>> root.add_child(folder1)
>>> root.add_child(folder2)
>>> folder11 = Folder('folder11')
>>> folder1.add_child(folder11)
>>> file111 = File('file111', 'contents')
>>> folder11.add_child(file111)
>>> file21 = File('file21', 'other contents')
>>> folder2.add_child(file21)
>>> folder2.children
{'file21': <__main__.File object at 0xb7220a4c>}
>>> folder2.move('/folder1/folder11')
>>> folder11.children
{'folder2': <__main__.Folder object at 0xb722080c>, 'file111': <__main__.File object at 0xb72209ec>}
>>> file21.move('/folder1')
>>> folder1.children
{'file21': <__main__.File object at 0xb7220a4c>, 'folder11': <__main__.Folder object at 0xb722084c>}

Yes, we can create folders, add folders to other folders, add files to folders, and move them around! What more could we ask for in a file hierarchy?

Well, we could ask for copying to be implemented, but to conserve trees, let's leave that as an exercise.

The composite pattern is extremely useful for a variety of tree-like structures, including GUI widget hierarchies, file hierarchies, tree sets, graphs, and HTML DOM. It can be a useful pattern in Python when implemented according to the traditional implementation, as the example earlier demonstrated. Sometimes, if only a shallow tree is being created, we can get away with a list of lists or a dictionary of dictionaries, and do not need to implement custom component, leaf, and composite classes. Other times, we can get away with implementing only one composite class, and treating leaf and composite objects as a single class. Alternatively, Python's duck typing can make it easy to add other objects to a composite hierarchy, as long as they have the correct interface.

The composite pattern
The composite pattern
The composite pattern
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