
AsyncIO is the current state of the art in Python concurrent programming. It combines the concept of futures and an event loop with the coroutines we discussed in Chapter 9, The Iterator Pattern. The result is about as elegant and easy to understand as it is possible to get when writing concurrent code, though that isn't saying a lot!

AsyncIO can be used for a few different concurrent tasks, but it was specifically designed for network I/O. Most networking applications, especially on the server side, spend a lot of time waiting for data to come in from the network. This can be solved by handling each client in a separate thread, but threads use up memory and other resources. AsyncIO uses coroutines instead of threads.

The library also provides its own event loop, obviating the need for the several lines long while loop in the previous example. However, event loops come with a cost. When we run code in an async task on the event loop, that code must return immediately, blocking neither on I/O nor on long-running calculations. This is a minor thing when writing our own code, but it means that any standard library or third-party functions that block on I/O have to have non-blocking versions created.

AsyncIO solves this by creating a set of coroutines that use the yield from syntax to return control to the event loop immediately. The event loop takes care of checking whether the blocking call has completed and performing any subsequent tasks, just like we did manually in the previous section.

AsyncIO in action

A canonical example of a blocking function is the time.sleep call. Let's use the asynchronous version of this call to illustrate the basics of an AsyncIO event loop:

import asyncio
import random

def random_sleep(counter):
    delay = random.random() * 5
    print("{} sleeps for {:.2f} seconds".format(counter, delay))
    yield from asyncio.sleep(delay)
    print("{} awakens".format(counter))

def five_sleepers():
    print("Creating five tasks")
    tasks = [
        asyncio.async(random_sleep(i)) for i in range(5)]
    print("Sleeping after starting five tasks")
    yield from asyncio.sleep(2)
    print("Waking and waiting for five tasks")
    yield from asyncio.wait(tasks)

print("Done five tasks")

This is a fairly basic example, but it covers several features of AsyncIO programming. It is easiest to understand in the order that it executes, which is more or less bottom to top.

The second last line gets the event loop and instructs it to run a future until it is finished. The future in question is named five_sleepers. Once that future has done its work, the loop will exit and our code will terminate. As asynchronous programmers, we don't need to know too much about what happens inside that run_until_complete call, but be aware that a lot is going on. It's a souped up coroutine version of the futures loop we wrote in the previous chapter that knows how to deal with iteration, exceptions, function returns, parallel calls, and more.

Now look a little more closely at that five_sleepers future. Ignore the decorator for a few paragraphs; we'll get back to it. The coroutine first constructs five instances of the random_sleep future. The resulting futures are wrapped in an asyncio.async task, which adds them to the loop's task queue so they can execute concurrently when control is returned to the event loop.

That control is returned whenever we call yield from. In this case, we call yield from asyncio.sleep to pause execution of this coroutine for two seconds. During this break, the event loop executes the tasks that it has queued up; namely the five random_sleep futures. These coroutines each print a starting message, then send control back to the event loop for a specific amount of time. If any of the sleep calls inside random_sleep are shorter than two seconds, the event loop passes control back into the relevant future, which prints its awakening message before returning. When the sleep call inside five_sleepers wakes up, it executes up to the next yield from call, which waits for the remaining random_sleep tasks to complete. When all the sleep calls have finished executing, the random_sleep tasks return, which removes them from the event queue. Once all five of those are completed, the asyncio.wait call and then the five_sleepers method also return. Finally, since the event queue is now empty, the run_until_complete call is able to terminate and the program ends.

The asyncio.coroutine decorator mostly just documents that this coroutine is meant to be used as a future in an event loop. In this case, the program would run just fine without the decorator. However, the asyncio.coroutine decorator can also be used to wrap a normal function (one that doesn't yield) so that it can be treated as a future. In this case, the entire function executes before returning control to the event loop; the decorator just forces the function to fulfill the coroutine API so the event loop knows how to handle it.

Reading an AsyncIO future

An AsyncIO coroutine executes each line in order until it encounters a yield from statement, at which point it returns control to the event loop. The event loop then executes any other tasks that are ready to run, including the one that the original coroutine was waiting on. Whenever that child task completes, the event loop sends the result back into the coroutine so that it can pick up executing until it encounters another yield from statement or returns.

This allows us to write code that executes synchronously until we explicitly need to wait for something. This removes the nondeterministic behavior of threads, so we don't need to worry nearly so much about shared state.


It's still a good idea to avoid accessing shared state from inside a coroutine. It makes your code much easier to reason about. More importantly, even though an ideal world might have all asynchronous execution happen inside coroutines, the reality is that some futures are executed behind the scenes inside threads or processes. Stick to a "share nothing" philosophy to avoid a ton of difficult bugs.

In addition, AsyncIO allows us to collect logical sections of code together inside a single coroutine, even if we are waiting for other work elsewhere. As a specific instance, even though the yield from asyncio.sleep call in the random_sleep coroutine is allowing a ton of stuff to happen inside the event loop, the coroutine itself looks like it's doing everything in order. This ability to read related pieces of asynchronous code without worrying about the machinery that waits for tasks to complete is the primary benefit of the AsyncIO module.

AsyncIO for networking

AsyncIO was specifically designed for use with network sockets, so let's implement a DNS server. More accurately, let's implement one extremely basic feature of a DNS server.

The domain name system's basic purpose is to translate domain names, such as into IP addresses such as It has to be able to perform many types of queries and know how to contact other DNS servers if it doesn't have the answer required. We won't be implementing any of this, but the following example is able to respond directly to a standard DNS query to look up IPs for my three most recent employers:

import asyncio
from contextlib import suppress

ip_map = {
    b'': '',
    b'': '',
    b'': ''

def lookup_dns(data):
    domain = b''
    pointer, part_length = 13, data[12]
    while part_length:
        domain += data[pointer:pointer+part_length] + b'.'
        pointer += part_length + 1
        part_length = data[pointer - 1]

    ip = ip_map.get(domain, '')

    return domain, ip

def create_response(data, ip):
    ba = bytearray
    packet = ba(data[:2]) + ba([129, 128]) + data[4:6] * 2
    packet += ba(4) + data[12:]
    packet += ba([192, 12, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 60, 0, 4])
    for x in ip.split('.'): packet.append(int(x))
    return packet

class DNSProtocol(asyncio.DatagramProtocol):
    def connection_made(self, transport):
        self.transport = transport

    def datagram_received(self, data, addr):
        print("Received request from {}".format(addr[0]))
        domain, ip = lookup_dns(data)
        print("Sending IP {} for {} to {}".format(
            domain.decode(), ip, addr[0]))
            create_response(data, ip), addr)

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
transport, protocol = loop.run_until_complete(
        DNSProtocol, local_addr=('', 4343)))
print("DNS Server running")

with suppress(KeyboardInterrupt):

This example sets up a dictionary that dumbly maps a few domains to IPv4 addresses. It is followed by two functions that extract information from a binary DNS query packet and construct the response. We won't be discussing these; if you want to know more about DNS read RFC ("request for comment", the format for defining most Internet protocols) 1034 and 1035.

You can test this service by running the following command in another terminal:

nslookup -port=4343 localhost

Let's get on with the entrée. AsyncIO networking revolves around the intimately linked concepts of transports and protocols. A protocol is a class that has specific methods that are called when relevant events happen. Since DNS runs on top of UDP (User Datagram Protocol); we build our protocol class as a subclass of DatagramProtocol. This class has a variety of events that it can respond to; we are specifically interested in the initial connection occurring (solely so we can store the transport for future use) and the datagram_received event. For DNS, each received datagram must be parsed and responded to, at which point the interaction is over.

So, when a datagram is received, we process the packet, look up the IP, and construct a response using the functions we aren't talking about (they're black sheep in the family). Then we instruct the underlying transport to send the resulting packet back to the requesting client using its sendto method.

The transport essentially represents a communication stream. In this case, it abstracts away all the fuss of sending and receiving data on a UDP socket on an event loop. There are similar transports for interacting with TCP sockets and subprocesses, for example.

The UDP transport is constructed by calling the loop's create_datagram_endpoint coroutine. This constructs the appropriate UDP socket and starts listening on it. We pass it the address that the socket needs to listen on, and importantly, the protocol class we created so that the transport knows what to call when it receives data.

Since the process of initializing a socket takes a non-trivial amount of time and would block the event loop, the create_datagram_endpoint function is a coroutine. In our example, we don't really need to do anything while we wait for this initialization, so we wrap the call in loop.run_until_complete. The event loop takes care of managing the future, and when it's complete, it returns a tuple of two values: the newly initialized transport and the protocol object that was constructed from the class we passed in.

Behind the scenes, the transport has set up a task on the event loop that is listening for incoming UDP connections. All we have to do, then, is start the event loop running with the call to loop.run_forever() so that task can process these packets. When the packets arrive, they are processed on the protocol and everything just works.

The only other major thing to pay attention to is that transports (and, indeed, event loops) are supposed to be closed when we are finished with them. In this case, the code runs just fine without the two calls to close(), but if we were constructing transports on the fly (or just doing proper error handling!), we'd need to be quite a bit more conscious of it.

You may have been dismayed to see how much boilerplate is required in setting up a protocol class and underlying transport. AsyncIO provides an abstraction on top of these two key concepts called streams. We'll see an example of streams in the TCP server in the next example.

Using executors to wrap blocking code

AsyncIO provides its own version of the futures library to allow us to run code in a separate thread or process when there isn't an appropriate non-blocking call to be made. This essentially allows us to combine threads and processes with the asynchronous model. One of the more useful applications of this feature is to get the best of both worlds when an application has bursts of I/O-bound and CPU-bound activity. The I/O-bound portions can happen in the event-loop while the CPU-intensive work can be spun off to a different process. To illustrate this, let's implement "sorting as a service" using AsyncIO:

import asyncio
import json
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

def sort_in_process(data):
    nums = json.loads(data.decode())
    curr = 1
    while curr < len(nums):
        if nums[curr] >= nums[curr-1]:
            curr += 1
            nums[curr], nums[curr-1] = 
                nums[curr-1], nums[curr]
            if curr > 1:
                curr -= 1
    return json.dumps(nums).encode()

def sort_request(reader, writer):
    print("Received connection")
    length = yield from
    data = yield from reader.readexactly(
        int.from_bytes(length, 'big'))
    result = yield from asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(
        None, sort_in_process, data)
    print("Sorted list")
    print("Connection closed")     

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
server = loop.run_until_complete(
    asyncio.start_server(sort_request, '', 2015))
print("Sort Service running")


This is an example of good code implementing some really stupid ideas. The whole idea of sort as a service is pretty ridiculous. Using our own sorting algorithm instead of calling Python's sorted is even worse. The algorithm we used is called gnome sort, or in some cases, "stupid sort". It is a slow sort algorithm implemented in pure Python. We defined our own protocol instead of using one of the many perfectly suitable application protocols that exist in the wild. Even the idea of using multiprocessing for parallelism might be suspect here; we still end up passing all the data into and out of the subprocesses. Sometimes, it's important to take a step back from the program you are writing and ask yourself if you are trying to meet the right goals.

But let's look at some of the smart features of this design. First, we are passing bytes into and out of the subprocess. This is a lot smarter than decoding the JSON in the main process. It means the (relatively expensive) decoding can happen on a different CPU. Also, pickled JSON strings are generally smaller than pickled lists, so less data is passing between processes.

Second, the two methods are very linear; it looks like code is being executed one line after another. Of course, in AsyncIO, this is an illusion, but we don't have to worry about shared memory or concurrency primitives.


The previous example should look familiar by now as it has a similar boilerplate to other AsyncIO programs. However, there are a few differences. You'll notice we called start_server instead of create_server. This method hooks into AsyncIO's streams instead of using the underlying transport/protocol code. Instead of passing in a protocol class, we can pass in a normal coroutine, which receives reader and writer parameters. These both represent streams of bytes that can be read from and written like files or sockets. Second, because this is a TCP server instead of UDP, there is some socket cleanup required when the program finishes. This cleanup is a blocking call, so we have to run the wait_closed coroutine on the event loop.

Streams are fairly simple to understand. Reading is a potentially blocking call so we have to call it with yield from. Writing doesn't block; it just puts the data on a queue, which AsyncIO sends out in the background.

Our code inside the sort_request method makes two read requests. First, it reads 8 bytes from the wire and converts them to an integer using big endian notation. This integer represents the number of bytes of data the client intends to send. So in the next call, to readexactly, it reads that many bytes. The difference between read and readexactly is that the former will read up to the requested number of bytes, while the latter will buffer reads until it receives all of them, or until the connection closes.


Now let's look at the executor code. We import the exact same ProcessPoolExecutor that we used in the previous section. Notice that we don't need a special AsyncIO version of it. The event loop has a handy run_in_executor coroutine that we can use to run futures on. By default, the loop runs code in ThreadPoolExecutor, but we can pass in a different executor if we wish. Or, as we did in this example, we can set a different default when we set up the event loop by calling loop.set_default_executor().

As you probably recall from the previous section, there is not a lot of boilerplate for using futures with an executor. However, when we use them with AsyncIO, there is none at all! The coroutine automatically wraps the function call in a future and submits it to the executor. Our code blocks until the future completes, while the event loop continues processing other connections, tasks, or futures. When the future is done, the coroutine wakes up and continues on to write the data back to the client.

You may be wondering if, instead of running multiple processes inside an event loop, it might be better to run multiple event loops in different processes. The answer is: "maybe". However, depending on the exact problem space, we are probably better off running independent copies of a program with a single event loop than to try to coordinate everything with a master multiprocessing process.

We've hit most of the high points of AsyncIO in this section, and the chapter has covered many other concurrency primitives. Concurrency is a hard problem to solve, and no one solution fits all use cases. The most important part of designing a concurrent system is deciding which of the available tools is the correct one to use for the problem. We have seen advantages and disadvantages of several concurrent systems, and now have some insights into which are the better choices for different types of requirements.

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