Chapter 31
Bet on Talent

Continuously recruiting for your talent bench is the foundation for building extraordinary teams because extraordinary teams cannot exist without the right people. How are you defining the “right people” for your team? And what is the payoff for betting on talent? The stories and lessons of this chapter answer those questions.

How necessary are the requirements you have for various jobs on your team or in your organization? It is not unusual to see a requirement for a college degree when a degree is not really necessary to do the job with excellence. Another common but unnecessary requirement: A minimum amount of experience. However, for entry-level, rank and file jobs, experience is not that important. In fact, lack of experience is the only deficiency that corrects itself over time. If you hire someone with no experience today, two years from now, he or she will have two years of experience.

Unnecessary requirements can also limit the diversity of your talent pool, as this next story illustrates.

But how can you really know whether someone can do the job? Best practice includes scientific assessment as a step in the selection process. The following story illustrates how scientific assessment can improve both the diversity of the people you hire and the odds that they will be top performers.

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