

  • acceptance
    • accepting people as they are
    • of bosses
  • accommodation, for new employees
  • accountability
    • for empowering employees
    • feedback and
    • poor performance and
    • for taking charge
  • advice, acting on
  • American Express Financial Services
  • apologies
    • admitting mistakes and
    • forgiveness and
    • offering
  • appreciation, showing


  • bad behavior, addressing
  • “Bad Is Stronger Than Good” (Baumeister)
  • bad news, delivering
  • Baker, Dan
  • balance, in feedback
  • Batista, Ed
  • Baumeister, Roy F.
  • body language
  • bosses, cultivating positive relationships with
  • Brauer, Sigi
  • brutal open-mindedness
  • “Building a Feedback-Rich Culture” (Batista)
  • butt, kicking


  • Career Investment Discussion (CID)
    • examples
    • overview
  • caring behavior
  • Carson, Johnny
  • celebration, of accomplishments
  • change
    • acceptance versus
    • embracing
    • encouraging suggestions
    • expectations for
    • legacy employees and
    • overcommunicating during management transition
    • preparing for
    • replacing employees who block change
  • class, conducting oneself with
  • clothing, for job interviews
  • coaching, See also mentor relationship
  • commitment
  • compassion
  • concern
    • discussing
    • showing
  • confidence
  • conflict. See interpersonal conflict
  • consequences, expecting
  • control, relinquishing
  • Cornell University
  • courage
  • Covey, Stephen R.
  • curating, of organization's folklore
  • customers, listening to


  • decision making, by employees
  • defensiveness, avoiding
  • delegating, for team building
  • diplomacy
  • discretionary effort, harnessing
  • dress codes
  • Drucker, Peter


  • 80/20 rule (Pareto Principle)
  • Elms Resort and Spa
  • emotional rehiring
  • employees. See change; engagement and motivation; growth of people; organizational culture; positive relationships; team building
  • empowerment
  • engagement and motivation
    • creating a sense of urgency about
    • empowerment for
    • expanding responsibilities for
    • finding meaning
    • harnessing discretionary effort
    • meeting needs with
    • motivating for growth
    • optimism for
    • relinquishing control
    • setting goals for
    • soliciting volunteers for unpopular tasks
  • Epp, Mark
  • events, for team building
  • expectations
    • aligning values with
    • for change
    • goals checklist
    • goal setting
    • for growth
    • for mentor relationship
    • optimize fit for
    • for relationships
    • setting rules and
  • experiments
    • acceptance
    • accommodating new employees
    • addressing poor performance
    • apologizing
    • articulating expectations
    • articulating the why
    • asking about successes
    • asking for volunteers
    • asking “How can I help?”
    • avoiding negativity
    • avoiding reliving unpleasant experiences
    • becoming a better mentee
    • building strengths
    • Career Investment Discussion (CID)
    • celebrating milestones
    • clarifying and enlivening values
    • coaching
    • conducting Focus On You
    • cost/benefit analysis
    • creating sense of urgency
    • cultivating appreciative culture
    • delivering bad news
    • discretionary effort
    • discussing fears and concerns
    • early adoption of change
    • emotional rehiring
    • encouraging ideas
    • evaluating difficult relationships
    • expressing gratitude
    • feedback system evaluation
    • firing employees
    • fitting in
    • fit of team members
    • focus on success
    • forgiving
    • GIFT formula, applying
    • hiring criteria
    • human investment planning
    • identifying expectations
    • identifying good performers
    • increasing empowerment
    • increasing fun in workplace
    • increasing moral authority
    • individualized recognition
    • initiating mentoring relationship
    • interviewing for willingness to sacrifice
    • kicking butt (motivating)
    • knowing oneself
    • listening to customers
    • making people feel significant
    • managing up
    • meeting people's needs
    • one-on-one meetings
    • potential future managers on team
    • promoting and transferring employees
    • quit reinforcing hearsay, rumors, gossip
    • recognizing costs and benefits of additional controls
    • recruiting continuously/staying in touch
    • redesigning employee orientation
    • replacing employees who block progress
    • reviewing performance/preparing for performance event
    • rising above politics
    • risk taking
    • storytelling
    • strengthening relationships
    • taking charge
    • talking people up
    • team-building events
    • Thanksgiving cards
    • time allocation
    • training
    • trusting behavior
    • visualizing goals
    • welcoming new team members


  • facial expression
  • “favorites,” playing
  • fear, discussing
  • feedback
    • addressing bad behavior
    • addressing poor performance
    • frequency and candidness of
    • See also recognition
  • firing, of employees
  • fit
    • in the GIFT Formula
    • optimizing fit of employees
    • team building and
  • focus
    • Pareto Principle for development
    • on people and values
    • on success
  • Focus On You
    • caring for others
    • for change in workplace
    • overview
  • “follow Shirley” method
  • forgiveness
  • Frankl, Viktor
  • Fredrickson, Barbara L.
  • Freund, Steven
  • friendship, with coworkers
  • fun, encouraging


  • Gandhi, Mahatma
  • GIFT Formula
    • examples
    • overview
  • goals
  • good news, sharing
  • gossip, avoiding
  • Gottman Ratio
  • gratitude
  • growth of people
    • asking high-value questions for
    • by coaching
    • helping others for
    • motivating and
    • optimizing fit
    • self-actualization for
    • by setting expectations
    • training and
  • guidance, asking for
  • Guiso, Luigi


  • Hall, William E.
  • Hartley-Leonard, Darryl
  • Harvard Business Review
  • hearsay, avoiding
  • high-value questions, asking
  • hiring
    • emotional rehiring
    • for future potential
    • hiring criteria
  • honesty
  • Horsman, Jim
  • “How can I help?,” asking
  • Hull, Raymond
  • human investment planning
  • Hyatt Hotels



  • Jacobson, Lenore
  • Jesus
  • job change
    • adapting to new job
    • making decision to change


  • Kahneman, Daniel
  • Ken Blanchard Companies
  • Kerrey, Bill
  • King, Martin Luther, Jr.
  • Koop, C. Everett


  • Lacey, Alexander
  • “Law of Parsimony” concept (Hall)
  • legacy employees, change and
  • Lewicki, Roy J.
  • “Line Up” (The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company)
  • listening, to customers
  • Livingston, J. Sterling
  • Lombardi, Phil
  • Losada Ratio
  • loyalty
  • Luskin, Fred



  • Naberhaus, Julie
  • needs, meeting
  • negative feelings, forgiveness and
  • negativity, avoiding
  • new employees
    • accommodating
    • welcoming
  • ngikhona
  • Nice-to-Have category, tolerance and
  • nonverbal communication


  • Omni International Hotel
  • one-on-one meetings
    • accessibility for
    • as priority
  • optimism
  • organizational culture
    • accommodating new employees
    • addressing bad behavior
    • addressing poor performance
    • aligning values with expectations
    • avoiding gossip and rumors
    • celebrating accomplishments
    • curating organization's folklore
    • emotional rehiring and
    • encouraging fun
    • exemplifying values in employee orientation
    • feedback and
    • focus on people and values
    • loyalty in
    • moral authority and
    • politics in
    • of recognition and appreciation
    • showing concern
    • welcoming and integrating team members
  • overcommunicating, during management transition
  • ownership, taking


  • Pareto Principle
  • Peninsula Hotel Group
  • performance
    • addressing poor performance
    • coaching for
    • delivering exemplary performance
    • identifying good performers
    • investing time in top performers
    • See also engagement and motivation
  • Peter, Laurence
  • Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong, The (Peter, Hull)
  • Playboy Hotel and Casino
  • politics, in organizational culture
  • Portman, John
  • Portman Hotel Company
  • positive attitude, projecting
  • positive relationships
    • accepting people as they are
    • apologizing and
    • assessing relationship
    • with bosses
    • conflict in
    • embracing ebb and flow of relationships
    • forgiving and
    • getting to know employees for
    • mentor relationship
    • with new employees
    • in new jobs
    • opportunity to make a difference with
    • prioritizing one-on-one meetings
    • recognizing significance in people
    • relationship, defined
    • team building for
  • preparation, for change
  • Prince, The (Machiavelli)
  • prioritizing
    • adopting boss's priorities
    • for picking battles
  • promotion, encouraging
  • Proulx, Brent
  • Przybylski, A. K.


  • quality circles
  • questions
    • asking about successes
    • asking “how can I help?”
    • growth and asking high-value questions
    • interviewing about willingness to sacrifice
    • requesting guidance


  • Rath, Doug
  • reassignment, of employees
  • recognition
    • celebrating accomplishments
    • emotional rehiring
    • recognizing significance in people
    • showing appreciation and
  • recruiting
    • continuous need for
    • for finding talent
  • relationship, defined, See also positive relationships
  • replacement, hiring
  • resignation, by employees
  • resistance, to change, See also change
  • responsibilities, expanding
  • Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus
  • risk taking, delegating and
  • Ritz-Carlton
    • change embraced by
    • engaging and motivating employees by
    • growth of people in
    • organizational culture
    • positive relationships cultivated by
  • role modeling
  • Roosevelt, Theodore
  • Rosenthal, Robert
  • Royzman, Edward B.
  • Rozin, Paul
  • rules, setting
  • rumors, avoiding


  • Saar, Shalom
  • sacrifice
  • sawubona
  • Schacht, Carol Ott
  • Schulze, Horst
  • scorpion and frog example
  • Selection Research Incorporated
  • self-actualization
  • self-improvement
    • becoming a better mentee
    • building strengths for
    • changing jobs
    • defining success for
    • development for
    • expressing gratitude
    • finding mentors
    • hiring one's own replacement
    • maximizing success and
    • Pareto Principle for
  • Sermon on the Mount
  • shaping, of culture. See organizational culture
  • significance in people, recognizing
  • social events
  • social media, for team building
  • storytelling
  • strength
    • in bosses
    • building
  • success
    • asking about
    • defining
  • suggestions, encouraging


  • talent, identifying
  • Talent Plus
  • tasks, soliciting volunteers for
  • team building
    • avoiding “Peter Principle”
    • conducting team-building events
    • delegating
    • ensuring right fit
    • finding talent
    • firing employees and
    • honesty and
    • improving relationships with
    • investing time in top performers
    • recruiting
    • requesting commitment
    • respecting resignation of employees
    • training
    • turnover issues
    • welcoming and integrating team members
  • termination
    • firing employees
    • resignation by employees
    • for resisting change
    • turnover issues and
  • Thanksgiving cards
  • “thank you,” saying
  • Thinking, Fast and Slow (Kahneman)
  • Thunderbird School of Global Management
  • time allocation
  • tone of voice
  • Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • training
    • exemplifying values in employee orientation
    • for team building
  • transparency
  • trust
    • conflict and
    • demonstrating
    • feedback and
  • turnover issues


  • unpopular tasks, volunteers for
  • urgency, creating


  • values
    • aligning values with expectations
    • exemplifying values in employee orientation
    • focus on
    • moral authority
  • visualization, of goals
  • Volkswagen


  • Weinstein, N.
  • Wells Fargo
  • why, understanding
  • Wooden, John
  • word choice


  • Zappos
  • zero tolerance, for bad behavior
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