Appendix B: Approximation to Standard Normal Probability

The CDF Φ(x) of a standard normal random variable can be approximated by


where inline, k = 1/(1 + 0.2316419x), c1 = 0.319381530, c2 = − 0.356563782, c3 = 1.781477937, c4 = − 1.821255978, and c5 = 1.330274429.

For illustration, using the earlier approximation, we obtain Φ(1.96) = 0.975002, Φ(0.82) = 0.793892, and Φ( − 0.61) = 0.270931. These probabilities are very close to that obtained from a typical normal probability table.


6.1 Assume that the log price pt = ln(Pt) follows a stochastic differential equation


where wt is a Wiener process. Derive the stochastic equation for the price Pt.

6.2 Considering the forward price F of a nondividend-paying stock, we have


where r is the risk-free interest rate, which is constant, and Pt is the current stock price. Suppose Pt follows the geometric Brownian motion dPt = μPt dt + σPt dwt. Derive a stochastic diffusion equation for Ft, T.

6.3 Assume that the price of IBM stock follows the Ito process


where μ and σ are constant and wt is a standard Brownian motion. Consider the daily log returns of IBM stock in 1997. The average return and the sample standard deviation are 0.00131 and 0.02215, respectively. Use the data to estimate the parameters μ and σ assuming that there were 252 trading days in 1997.

6.4 Suppose that the current price of a stock is $120 per share with volatility σ = 50% per annum. Suppose further that the risk-free interest rate is 7% per annum and the stock pays no dividend. (a) What is the price of a European call option contingent on the stock with a strike price of $125 that will expire in 3 months? (b) What is the price of a European put option on the same stock with a strike price of $118 that will expire in 3 months? If the volatility σ is increased to 80% per annum, then what are the prices of the two options?

6.5 Derive the limiting marginal effects of the five variables K, Pt, Tt, σ, and r on a European put option contingent on a stock.

6.6 A stock price is currently $60 per share and follows the geometric Brownian motion dPt = μPt dt + σPt dt. Assume that the expected return μ from the stock is 20% per annum and its volatility is 40% per annum. What is the probability distribution for the stock price in 2 years? Obtain the mean and standard deviation of the distribution and construct a 95% confidence interval for the stock price.

6.7 A stock price is currently $60 per share and follows the geometric Brownian motion dPt = μPt dt + σPt dt. Assume that the expected return μ from the stock is 20% per annum and its volatility is 40% per annum. What is the probability distribution for the continuously compounded rate of return of the stock over 2 years? Obtain the mean and standard deviation of the distribution.

6.8 Suppose that the current price of stock A is $70 per share and the price follows the jump diffusion model in Eq. (6.26). Assume that the risk-free interest rate is 8% per annum, the stock pays no dividend, and its volatility (σ) is 30% per annum. In addition, the price on average has about 15 jumps per year with average jump size − 2% and jump standard error 3%. What is the price of a European call option with strike price $75 that will expire in 3 months? What is the price of the corresponding European put option?

6.9 Consider the European call option of a nondividend-paying stock. Suppose that Pt = $20, K = $18, r = 6% per annum, and Tt = 0.5 year. If the price of a European call option of the stock is $2.10, what opportunities are there for an arbitrageur?

6.10 Consider the put option of a nondividend-paying stock. Suppose that Pt = $44, K = $47, r = 6% per annum, and Tt = 0.5 year. If the European put option of the stock is selling at $1.00, what opportunities are there for an arbitrageur?


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