12.6 Missing Values and Outliers

In this section, we discuss MCMC methods for handling missing values and detecting additive outliers. Let inline be an observed time series. A data point yh is an additive outlier if

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where ω is the magnitude of the outlier and xt is an outlier-free time series. Examples of additive outliers include recording errors (e.g., typos and measurement errors). Outliers can seriously affect time series analysis because they may induce substantial biases in parameter estimation and lead to model misspecification.

Consider a time series xt and a fixed time index h. We can learn a lot about xh by treating it as a missing value. If the model of xt were known, then we could derive the conditional distribution of xh given the other values of the series. By comparing the observed value yh with the derived distribution of xh, we can determine whether yh can be classified as an additive outlier. Specifically, if yh is a value that is likely to occur under the derived distribution, then yh is not an additive outlier. However, if the chance to observe yh is very small under the derived distribution, then yh can be classified as an additive outlier. Therefore, detection of additive outliers and treatment of missing values in time series analysis are based on the same idea.

In the literature, missing values in a time series can be handled by using either the Kalman filter or MCMC methods; see Jones (1980), Chapter 11, and McCulloch and Tsay (1994a). Outlier detection has also been carefully investigated; see Chang, Tiao, and Chen (1988), Tsay (1988), Tsay, Peña, and Pankratz (2000), and the references therein. The outliers are classified into four categories depending on the nature of their impacts on the time series. Here we focus on additive outliers.

12.6.1 Missing Values

For ease in presentation, consider an AR(p) time series

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where {at} is a Gaussian white noise series with mean zero and variance σ2. Suppose that the sampling period is from t = 1 to t = n, but the observation xh is missing, where 1 < h < n. Our goal is to estimate the model in the presence of a missing value.

In this particular instance, the parameters are inline, where inline. Thus, we treat the missing value xh as an unknown parameter. If we assume that the prior distributions are


where the hyperparameters are known, then the conditional posterior distributions inline and inline are exactly as those given in the previous section, where X denotes the observed data. The conditional posterior distribution inline is univariate normal with mean μ* and variance inline. These two parameters can be obtained by using a linear regression model. Specifically, given the model and the data, xh is only related to {xhp, … , xh−1, xh+1, … , xh+p}. Keeping in mind that xh is an unknown parameter, we can write the relationship as follows:

1. For t = h, the model says


Letting yh = ϕ1xh−1 + ⋯ + ϕpxhp and bh = − ah, the prior equation can be written as


where ϕ0 = 1.

2. For t = h + 1, we have


Letting yh+1 = xh+1 − ϕ2xh−1 − ⋯ − ϕpxh+1−p and bh+1 = ah+1, the prior equation can be written as


3. In general, for t = h + j with j = 1, … , p, we have


Let inline and bh+j = ah+j. The prior equation reduces to


Consequently, for an AR(p) model, the missing value xh is related to the model, and the data in p + 1 equations

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where ϕ0 = 1. Since a normal distribution is symmetric with respect to its mean, ah and − ah have the same distribution. Consequently, Eq. (12.16) is a special simple linear regression model with p + 1 data points. The least-squares estimate of xh and its variance are


For instance, when p = 1, we have inline, which is referred to as the filtered value of xh. Because a Gaussian AR(1) model is time reversible, equal weights are applied to the two neighboring observations of xh to obtain the filtered value.

Finally, using Result 12.1, we obtain that the posterior distribution of xh is normal with mean μ* and variance inline, where

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Missing values may occur in patches, resulting in the situation of multiple consecutive missing values. These missing values can be handled in two ways. First, we can generalize the prior method directly to obtain a solution for multiple filtered values. Consider, for instance, the case that xh and xh+1 are missing. These missing values are related to {xhp, … , xh−1;xh+2, … , xh+p+1}. We can define a dependent variable yh+j in a similar manner as before to set up a multiple linear regression with parameters xh and xh+1. The least-squares method is then used to obtain estimates of xh and xh+1. Combining with the specified prior distributions, we have a bivariate normal posterior distribution for (xh, xh+1). In Gibbs sampling, this approach draws the consecutive missing values jointly. Second, we can apply the result of a single missing value in Eq. (12.17) multiple times within a Gibbs iteration. Again consider the case of missing xh and xh+1. We can employ the conditional posterior distributions inline and inline separately. In Gibbs sampling, this means that we draw the missing value one at a time.

Because xh and xh+1 are correlated in a time series, drawing them jointly is preferred in a Gibbs sampling. This is particularly so if the number of consecutive missing values is large. Drawing one missing value at a time works well if the number of missing values is small.


In the previous discussion, we assumed hp ≥ 1 and h + pn. If h is close to the end points of the sample period, the number of data points available in the linear regression model must be adjusted.  □

12.6.2 Outlier Detection

Detection of additive outliers in Eq. (12.14) becomes straightforward under the MCMC framework. Except for the case of a patch of additive outliers with similar magnitudes, the simple Gibbs sampler of McCulloch and Tsay (1994a) seems to work well; see Justel, Peña, and Tsay (2001). Again we use an AR model to illustrate the problem. The method applies equally well to other time series models when the Metropolis–Hasting algorithm or the Griddy Gibbs is used to draw values of nonlinear parameters.

Assume that the observed time series is yt, which may contain some additive outliers whose locations and magnitudes are unknown. We write the model for yt as

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where {δt} is a sequence of independent Bernoulli random variables such that Pt = 1) = ϵ and Pt = 0) = 1 − ϵ, ϵ is a constant between 0 and 1, {βt} is a sequence of independent random variables from a given distribution, and xt is an outlier-free AR(p) time series,


where {at} is a Gaussian white noise with mean zero and variance σ2. This model seems complicated, but it allows additive outliers to occur at every time point. The chance of being an outlier for each observation is ϵ.

Under the model in Eq. (12.18), we have n data points, but there are 2n + p + 3 parameters—namely, inline, inline, inline, σ2, and ϵ. The binary parameters δt are governed by ϵ and the βt are determined by the specified distribution. The parameters δ and β are introduced by using the idea of data augmentation with δt denoting the presence or absence of an additive outlier at time t, and βt is the magnitude of the outlier at time t when it is present.

Assume that the prior distributions are


where the hyperparameters are known. These are conjugate prior distributions. To implement Gibbs sampling for model estimation with outlier detection, we need to consider the conditional posterior distributions of


where 1 ≤ hn, Y denotes the data, and θ−1 denotes that the ith element of θ is removed.

Conditioned on δ and β, the outlier-free time series xt can be obtained by xt = yt − δtβt. Information of the data about inline is then contained in the least-squares estimate


where inline, which is normally distributed with mean inline and covariance matrix


The conditional posterior distribution of inline is therefore multivariate normal with mean inline and covariance matrix inline, which are given in Eq. (12.9) with inline being replaced by inline and inline by inline. Similarly, the conditional posterior distribution of σ2 is an inverted chi-squared distribution—that is,


where inline and xt = yt − δtβt.

The conditional posterior distribution of δh can be obtained as follows. First, δh is only related to, with jh, inline, inlineand σ2. More specifically, we have


Second, xh can assume two possible values: xh = yh − βh if δh = 1 and xh = yh, otherwise. Define


where inline if jh and inline. The two possible values of xh give rise to two situations:

  • Case I: δh = 0. Here the hth observation is not an outlier and inline. Hence, wj = aj for j = h, … , h + p. In other words, we have


  • Case II: δh = 1. Now the hth observation is an outlier and inline. The wj defined before is contaminated by βh. In fact, we have


If we define ψ0 = − 1 and ψi = ϕi for i = 1, … , p, then we have wjN(− ψjhβh, σ2) for j = h, … , h + p.

Based on the prior discussion, we can summarize the situation as follows:

1. Case I: δh = 0 with probability 1 − ϵ. In this case, wjN(0, σ2) for j = h, … , h + p.

2. Case II: δh = 1 with probability ϵ. Here wjN(− ψjhβh, σ2) for j = h, … , h + p.

Since there are n data points, j cannot be greater than n. Let m = min(n, h + p). The posterior distribution of δh is therefore

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This posterior distribution is simply to compare the weighted values of the likelihood function under the two situations with weight being the probability of each situation.

Finally, the posterior distribution of βh is as follows.

  • If δh = 0, then yh is not an outlier and βhN(0, ξ2).
  • If δh = 1, then yh is contaminated by an outlier with magnitude βh. The variable wj defined before contains information of βh for j = h, h + 1, … , min(h + p, n). Specifically, we have wjN(− ψjhβh, σ2) for j = h, h + 1, … , min(h + p, n). The information can be put in a linear regression framework as


Consequently, the information is embedded in the least-squares estimate


which is normally distributed with mean βh and variance inline. By Result 12.1, the posterior distribution of βh is normal with mean inline and variance inline, where


Example 12.2

Consider the weekly change series of U.S. 3-year Treasury constant maturity interest rate from March 18, 1988, to September 10, 1999, for 600 observations. The interest rate is in percentage and is a subseries of the dependent variable c3t of Example 12.1. The time series is shown in Figure 12.3(a). If AR models are entertained for the series, the partial autocorrelation function suggests an AR(3) model and we obtain


where standard errors of the coefficients are 0.041, 0.042, and 0.041, respectively. The Ljung–Box statistics of the residuals show Q(12) = 11.4, which is insignificant at the 5% level.

Figure 12.3 Time plots of weekly change series of U.S. 3-year Treasury constant maturity interest rate from March 18, 1988, to September 10, 1999: (a) data, (b) posterior probability of being an outlier, and (c) posterior mean of outlier size. Estimation is based on Gibbs sampling with 1050 iterations with first 50 iterations as burn-ins.


Next, we apply the Gibbs sampling to estimate the AR(3) model and to detect simultaneously possible additive outliers. The prior distributions used are


where inline and inline. The expected number of additive outliers is 5%. Using initial values ϵ = 0.05, σ2 = 0.012, ϕ1 = 0.2, ϕ2 = 0.02, and ϕ3 = 0.1, we run the Gibbs sampling for 1050 iterations but discard results of the first 50 iterations. Using posterior means of the coefficients as parameter estimates, we obtain the fitted model


where posterior standard deviations of the parameters are 0.046, 0.045, 0.046, and 0.0008, respectively. Thus, the Gibbs sampling produces results similar to that of the maximum-likelihood method. Figure 12.3(b) shows the time plot of posterior probability of each observation being an additive outlier, and Figure 12.3(c) plots the posterior mean of outlier magnitude. From the probability plot, some observations have high probabilities of being an outlier. In particular, t = 323 has a probability of 0.83 and the associated posterior mean of outlier magnitude is − 0.304. This point corresponds to May 20, 1994, when the c3t changed from 0.24 to − 0.34 (i.e., about a 0.6% drop in the weekly interest rate within 2 weeks). The point with second highest posterior probability of being an outlier is t = 201, which is January 17, 1992. The outlying posterior probability is 0.58 and the estimated outlier size is 0.176. At this particular time point, c3t changed from − 0.02 to 0.33, corresponding to a jump of about 0.35% in the weekly interest rate.


Outlier detection via Gibbs sampling requires intensive computation but the approach performs a joint estimation of model parameters and outliers. Yet the traditional approach to outlier detection separates estimation from detection. It is much faster in computation, but may produce spurious detections when multiple outliers are present. For the data in Example 12.2, the SCA program also identifies t = 323 and t = 201 as the two most significant additive outliers. The estimated outlier sizes are − 0.39 and 0.36, respectively.

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