
Drivers for the Message Bus solution pattern include:

  • Low complexity: Complexity is reduced because each application only communicates with the bus, and the bus, in turn, is integrated with the other endpoint applications
  • Extensibility: Applications can be added to or removed from the Message Bus without impacting the existing architecture.
  • Loose coupling: As long as applications expose interfaces via the Message Bus, there is no dependency on the application, allowing updates, changes, and replacements.
  • Flexibility: The set of applications that make up the entire organizational landscape can be easily changed to fit changes in business requirements, simply through changes in the configuration or parameters.
  • Simplicity: Although the Message Bus component adds complexity to the architecture, each application is required to support only one connection to the bus instead of multiple connections to other applications in the landscape.
  • Scalability: Multiple instances of the application may be attached to the bus in order to handle increased workload.
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