Key drivers

The following lists key drivers as:

  • A physical tier such as database or application may fail or become unresponsive, causing the entire system to go offline.
  • Denial of Service: Denial of Service (DoS) attacks prevent authorized users from accessing the application. It interrupts operations due to massive loads, often due to large processing, or network congestion.
  • Inappropriate use of resources can decrease availability. For example, resources acquired early and held for a long time causes resource starvation and an inability to handle additional requests.
  • Frequent updates, such as security rollouts or application upgrades, can reduce the availability of the application.
  • Faults or issues in the application can cause a system-wide failure.
  • Hardware or network faults can cause the application to be unavailable.
  • Minimize loss due to downtime and outages.
  • Natural disaster or unforeseen circumstances can disrupt business continuity.
  • End user satisfaction and loyalty is affected by the availability of business-critical functions, process, and services.
  • Competitive advantage is lost if there is no maximum availability of software and services.
  • Adhere to laws and regulations in domains, such as healthcare for mission-critical applications.
  • Adhere to service level agreements (SLAs) promised to clients.
  • The impact on an organization's brand value.
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