Pivotal NFRs KPI and framework

The following table and diagram depict the pivotal NFRs KPIs and frameworks:




Mean time to integrate with a new interfacing system

Ability of a system to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specific period of time

Data integrity: Referential integrity in database tables and interfaces

Application integrity and information integrity--during transactions

Fault trapping (I/O): Handling failures and recovery

Business continuity

RTO/Restore time: Time required switching to secondary site when the primary fails

RPO/Backup time: Time taken to back your data


Length of time between failures

Recoverability: Time required by the system to resume operations in the event of failure

Resilience: The reliability characteristics of the system and sub-components


Encryption (data in flight and at rest): All external communications between the system's data server and clients must be encrypted

Data confidentiality: All data must be protectively marked, stored and protected

Compliance: The process to confirm systems compliance with the organizations security standards and policies


Mean time to integrate with a new interfacing system

Compatibility with shared applications: Other systems it need to integrate

Compatibility with third-party applications: Other systems that it has to live with amicably


Percentage of failures due to invalid data/input

Degree of service degradation

Minimum performance under extreme user loads

Active services in presence of faults

Length of time for which the system is required to manage stress conditions


System must maintain full traceability of transactions

Audited objects and audited database fields to be included for auditing

File characteristics: Size before, size after, structure

User and transactional time stamps

Get notices and alerts as thresholds (for example, storage, memory, processor) are approached

Remotely manage systems and create new virtual instances at the click of a button

Rich graphical dashboard for all key application metrics

System must maintain full traceability of transactions

Audited objects and audited database fields to be included for auditing

User and transactional time stamps, and so on


Conformance to design standards, coding standards, best practices, reference architectures and frameworks.

Flexibility: The degree to which the system is intended to support change

Release support: The way in which the system will support the introduction of initial release, phased rollouts and future releases

Handle new information types

Manage new or changed business entities

Consume or provide new feeds


Number of targeted platforms (hardware, OS)

Proportion of platform specific components or functionality

Mean time to port to a different platform


Percentage of reused requirements, design elements, code, tests, and so on

Coupling of components

Degree of use of frameworks


Time to run tests

Time to setup development and execution testing environment

Probability of visible failure in presence of a defect

Test coverage (requirements coverage, code coverage)


Look and feel standards: Screen element density, layout and flow, colors, UI metaphors, keyboard shortcuts

Internationalization/Localization requirements: Languages, spellings, keyboards, paper sizes, and so on.

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