
1NF. See first normal form

2NF. See second normal form

3NF. See third normal form

4NF. See fourth normal form

5NF. See fifth normal form

80/20 rule, 15, 17

abstraction, 136–42, 142, 245

alternate key. See key, alternate

ambassador, 15, 17

application stability, 136

architect, 245

associative entity, 245

attachment, 187, 190

creating in ER/Studio, 188, 190

attachment type

creating in ER/Studio, 187

attribute, 67, 87, 245

changing background color and font in ER/Studio, 73

conceptual level, 67

copying in ER/Studio, 74

creating in ER/Studio, 68, 75

defining in ER/Studio, 72

deleting in ER/Studio, 75

duplicate, 103

editing in ER/Studio, 72

finding in ER/Studio, 75

logical level, 67

moving in ER/Studio, 72

physical level, 67

BCNF. See Boyce/Codd normal form

bottom-up approach, 122

Boyce/Codd normal form, 130

business analyst, 245

CA ERwin Data Modeler, 209, 210, 212, 213, 215, 224

candidate key. See key, candidate

cardinality, 90, 110, 246

chaos, 130

class diagram, 15

class word, 246


after, 11

during, 11

loss of, 136

Compare and Merge Utility, 21, 49, 71, 84, 106, 157, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 263

concept, 113, 124

conceptual data model (CDM), 2, 111, 112, 114, 124, 246

benefits of, 116–17

creating in ER/Studio, 123, 124

dimensional data model example, 118

how to build a, 121–23

relational data model example, 117

conformed dimension, 246

creativity, 15

custom datatype, 21

Data and Reality, 16

Data Dictionary, 177, 190

importing into ER/Studio, 177

data flow

creating in ER/Studio, 200

data model, 910, 17, 246

changing background color and font in ER/Studio, 39

closing in ER/Studio, 37

creating in ER/Studio, 34

opening in ER/Studio, 37

purpose of, 121

saving in ER/Studio, 37

uses for, 12, 17

Data Model Explorer, 26

Data Dictionary tab, 26

Data Lineage tab, 26

Data Model tab, 26

Macros tab, 26

Repository tab, 26

Data Model Window, 26

data modeler, 95, 246

data modeling, 15, 246

data movement rule

creating in ER/Studio, 199

database administrator, 246

Datatype Mapping Editor, 3, 21, 28, 158, 260

DBA. See database administrator


adding in ER/Studio, 123

example of improving, 82

importance of, 115

reconciliation of competing, 15

denormalization, 159, 174, 247

applying in ER/Studio, 162

rolldown, 160, 163

rollup, 160, 163

dependent entity. See entity, dependent

developer, 247

dimension, 120, 141

dimensional data model, 111, 142, 247

CDM example, 118

LDM example, 127

PDM example, 145

domain, 85, 87, 180, 247

creating in ER/Studio, 180, 183

types of, 86

uses of, 86

enterprise data model, 248

entity, 43, 57, 248

categories, 43

changing color and font in ER/Studio, 53

changing name in ER/Studio, 49

conceptual level, 44

copying in ER/Studio, 54

creating in ER/Studio, 45, 56

deleting in ER/Studio, 56

dependent, 94

editing in ER/Studio, 47

finding in ER/Studio, 54

independent, 94

logical level, 44

moving in ER/Studio, 49

physical level, 44

resizing in ER/Studio, 51

Entity Editor, 47, 68, 69, 72, 83, 84, 85, 156, 204

entity instance, 43, 57, 248


9.5 enhancements to, 21

adding definition, 123

changing color and font, 39, 53, 63, 73, 108

changing entity name, 49

changing settings in submodel, 64

closing data model, 37

comparing models and submodels, 231–35

copying attribute, 74

copying entity, 54

creating attachment, 188, 190

creating attachment type, 187

creating attribute, 68, 75

creating CDM, 123, 124

creating data flow, 200

creating data model, 34

creating data movement rule, 199

creating domain, 180, 183

creating entity, 45, 56

creating key, 83, 85

creating LDM, 137

creating macro, 206

creating naming standard template, 226, 228

creating PDM, 146

creating recursive relationship, 102

creating reference value, 186

creating relationship, 98, 109

creating submodel, 60, 64

creating subtype, 101

creating text block, 46

creating title block, 35, 65

creating user-defined datatype, 184

creating view, 165

defining attribute, 72

defining source system, 194

deleting attribute, 75

deleting entity, 56

deleting macro, 208

deleting relationship, 109

deleting submodel, 63

deleting title block, 36

denormalizing, 162

editing attribute, 72

editing entity, 47

editing key, 84

editing macro, 207

editing relationship, 104

editing submodel, 63

editing title block, 35

exporting, 212

features of, 19

finding attribute, 75

finding entity, 54

finding relationship, 108

finding view, 54

importing, 209

importing data dictionary, 177

indexing, 169

installing, 23

landscape of, 25

moving attribute, 72

moving entity, 49

moving relationship, 106

moving submodel, 63

opening data model, 37

partitioning, 171

printing, 220–21

renaming macro, 208

reporting, 221–24

resizing entity, 51

running macro, 205

saving data model, 37

Top 10 favorite features of, 21–23

ER/Studio Business Architect, 19

ER/Studio Data Architect. See ER/Studio

ER/Studio Portal, 20

ER/Studio Repository, 19

ER/Studio Software Architect, 20

ER/Studio XE3, 19, 20, 21, 23

Extensible Markup Language, 248

factless fact, 248

fifth normal form, 130

first normal form, 130, 131–33

flexibility. See application stability

foreign key. See key, foreign

fourth normal form, 130

function key, 32

grain, 249

GreenPlum, 21

hierarchy, 94

horizontal partitioning. See partitioning, horizontal

How, 43

hybrid approach, 122

IBM DB2, 21

IDEF1X. See Integration Definition for Information Modeling

IE. See Information Engineering

impact analysis, 12

independent entity. See entity, independent

index, 169, 249

creating in ER/Studio, 169

Information Engineering, 15, 97, 98, 119

integration, 80

Integration Definition for Information Modeling, 15, 97, 98

inversion entry. See key, inversion entry

Kent, William, 16

key, 76, 87, 249

alternate, 79, 245

candidate, 77, 87, 245

creating in ER/Studio, 83, 85

editing in ER/Studio, 84

foreign, 81, 87, 249

inversion entry, 82

natural, 81, 250

primary, 79, 128, 251

surrogate, 80, 87, 253

keyboard command, 32

LDAP Integration, 21

logical data model (LDM), 2, 111, 112, 125, 142, 249

creating in ER/Studio, 137

dimensional data model example, 127

relational data model example, 126

macro, 205, 208

creating in ER/Studio, 206

deleting in ER/Studio, 208

editing in ER/Studio, 207

renaming in ER/Studio, 208

running in ER/Studio, 205

measure, 249


application, 27

shortcut, 28

metadata, 250

MetaWizard, 20

meter, 120, 140, 250

Microsoft SQL Server, 21

model, 10

Naming Standards Template, 182, 225, 226, 228, 229, 263

Naming Standards Utility, 182, 225, 228, 229, 263

natural key. See key, natural

Netezza, 21

network, 94

normalization, 12836, 142, 250

Northwind data model, 177, 178, 179

object, 251

Object Role Modeling, 15

ontology, 251

Options, 38

Oracle, 146, 156, 158, 168, 191, 204

organizer, 15, 17

ORM. See Object Role Modeling

Overview Window, 26

partial layout, 21

partition, 251

partitioning, 170

creating in ER/Studio, 171

horizontal, 170

vertical, 170

physical data model (PDM), 2, 111, 112, 143, 174, 251

creating in ER/Studio, 146

dimensional data model example, 145

relational data model example, 144

PostgreSQL, 21

precision, 11

primary key. See key, primary

program, 251

project, 251

project manager, 251

recursive relationship, 252, See also relationship, recursive

reference value, 185, 190

creating in ER/Studio, 186

relational data model

CDM example, 117

LDM example, 126

PDM example, 144

relational data model, 111

relationship, 89, 252, See recursive

changing background color and font in ER/Studio, 108

conceptual level, 90

creating a recursive relationship in ER/Studio, 102

creating in ER/Studio, 98, 109

deleting in ER/Studio, 109

duplicate, 102

editing in ER/Studio, 104

finding in ER/Studio, 108

identifying, 100

logical level, 90

many-to-many, 100

moving in ER/Studio, 106

non-identifying mandatory, 100

non-identifying optional, 100

one-to-one, 100

physical level, 90

reading, 91–93, 91–93

recursive, 94

Relationship Editor, 93, 99, 104, 105

reverse engineering, 12

rule, 89, 110

data, 89

loss of, 137

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner, 209, 224

second normal form, 130, 133

See entity, independent, 94

semi-structured data, 252

slowly changing dimension (SCD), 252

SME. See subject matter expert

snowflake, 252

spreadsheet, 13, 252

stakeholder, 121, 252

star schema, 161, 162, 253

Status Bar, 33

showing and hiding, 33

structured data, 253

subject matter expert, 253

submodel, 59, 65

changing background color and font in ER/Studio, 63

changing settings in ER/Studio, 64

creating in ER/Studio, 60, 64

deleting in ER/Studio, 63

editing in ER/Studio, 63

moving in ER/Studio, 63

subtype, 96

creating in ER/Studio, 101

subtyping, 9697, 110

supertype, 96

surrogate key. See key, surrogate

Table Editor, 139, 155, 174, 192, 204

taxonomy, 253

Technics Publications case study

modeling book cover example for, 14

overview of, 12

Teradata, 21, 156, 158, 168, 191, 204

text block, 46

creating in ER/Studio, 46

third normal form, 130, 134–36

title block, 39, 65

creating in ER/Studio, 35, 65

deleting in ER/Studio, 36

editing in ER/Studio, 35


Application, 29

Drawing Shapes, 31

Layout & Alignment, 31, 50–51

Modeling, 30

top-down approach, 121

UML. See Unified Modeling Language

Unified Modeling Language, 10, 15, 20

Universal Data Model, 20

universal mappings, 21

Universal Naming Utility, 22, 28, 54, 55, 75, 258

use case, 253

user, 254

User Guide, 21, 28, 175

user-defined datatype, 183, 190

creating in ER/Studio, 184

vertical partitioning. See partitioning, vertical

view, 164, 254

creating in ER/Studio, 165

finding in ER/Studio, 54

View Editor, 166, 167

wayfinding, 10, 17, 254

What, 43

When, 43

Where, 43

Who, 43

Why, 43

Windows 8, 21

XML. See Extensible Markup Language

Zoom Window, 27

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