Keyboard commands, function keys, and shortcuts offer alternative ways to access ER/Studio functionality without using the mouse. Below are the most common commands – we will cover additional commands throughout the book.

Here are the most common keyboard commands:

·          Page Up: Scrolls up the Data Model Window.

·          Page Down: Scrolls down the Data Model Window.

·          Up Arrow: Scrolls up one line.

·          Down Arrow: Scrolls down one line.

·          Right Arrow: Scrolls over one position to the right.

·          Left Arrow: Scrolls over one position to the left.

·          <->: Decreases zoom level by one step.

·          <SHIFT + F8>: Allows you to freeze the Zoom window so that you can pan around the diagram and still maintain focus on a specific diagram object. The same command unfreezes the Zoom window.

·          <CTRL + Home>: Scrolls to the upper left hand page of the model.

Here are the most common function keys:

·          <F1>: Opens the online Help.

·          <F4>: Opens the Find Entity/View dialog.

·          <F5>: Redraws the diagram.

·          <F7>: Activates or deactivates shadowing.

·          <F8>: Opens or closes a zoom window.

Here are the most common shortcuts:

·          <CTRL + A>: Selects all entities in the Data Model Window.

·          <CTRL + Shift + A>: Selects all entities and relationships in the Data Model Window.

·          <CTRL + H>: Straightens the selected relationship lines horizontally. The lines will straighten based on the docking point against the parent entity.

·          <CTRL + L>: Straightens the selected relationship lines vertically. The lines will straighten based on the docking point against the parent entity.

·          <CTRL + Z>: The Undo command restore your model to the last stage of edit.

·          <CTRL + Y>: The Redo command redoes the last undo command.

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