Compare/Merge Utility

The same they should be

Compare and Merge bring order

Life is back in check

The Compare and Merge Utility allows you to reconcile differences between models in the same file or between a model and a database. For example, you have designed and created a model and then created a database based on that data model. A data modeler alters the model and adds the attribute Employee Gender to the Employee entity, while independently, a database administrator alters the Department table in the database and adds a column Department Name to the table. The model and the database are no longer in synch. Applying the Compare and Merge Utility can identify differences such as these, and merge the model and database so they are back in synch.

The Compare and Merge Utility compares, merges, and synchronizes models from a variety of comparison targets. It can perform different kinds of comparisons. You can use the information from these comparisons to perform merges or to create detailed reports. You can compare and merge a logical data model with:

·          A physical data model in the same .dm1 file

·          A logical data model of another ER/Studio data model

·          A physical data model of another ER/Studio data model.

You can compare and merge a physical data model with:

·          The logical data model of the same data model

·          Another physical data model of the same data model that shares the same DBMS platform (and version)

·          A logical data model of another ER/Studio data model

·          A physical data model of another ER/Studio data model that shares the same DBMS platform (and version)

·          A database or SQL file.

You can compare and merge a submodel to a submodel within the same data model.

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