
Note: Locators followed by “f” and “t” denote figures and tables in the text

2D system

capacitive-resistive field computation in, 441442

FEM formulation with multi-dielectric media, 333334

surface charge elements in

contribution of nodal charge densities to coefficient matrix, 432434, 432f

electric field intensity exactly on electrode surface, 435436

elliptic arc, 431432

method of integration over, 434435

straight line, 430431, 430f

types of elements for, 340343

3D system

capacitive-resistive field computation in, 442446, 444f

FDM equations

for multi-dielectric medium, 293301, 293f

for single-dielectric medium, 282286, 282f

FEM formulation in

isoparametric element, 353

linear hexahedral element, 351353

natural coordinates of linear tetrahedral element, 349350, 349f

SCSM formulation in, 439441


Air flux, 11

Anisotropic dielectrics, 139143, 140f

permittivity tensor, 141143

polarization characteristics, 141f

tensor of rank 2, 140141

Arbitrary line segment charge, 382384

Arbitrary ring segment charge, 384385, 384f

Artificial neural network (ANN), 492

aided optimization of 3D electrode and insulator, 512515

assembly for optimization, 515f

flowchart, 514f

based optimization of electrode and insulator, 507512

actual electric field intensity, 510, 510f

conical support insulator, 510, 511f

optimized end profile, 509, 509f

optimized insulator contour, 512, 512f

parallel disc electrode, 508f

tangential field intensity, 511, 511f

features, 507

Assignment factor (λ), 401, 401f

Asymmetric sphere gaps, 415416, 415f

Axi-symmetric configurations

field mapping in, 264266, 265f

surface charge elements in

contribution of nodal charge densities to coefficient matrix, 432434, 432f

electric field intensity on electrode surface, 435436

elliptic arc, 430f, 431432

method of integration over, 434435

straight line, 430431

Axi-symmetric systems

capacitive-resistive field computation, 395, 441442

configurations. See Axi-symmetric configurations

FDM equations in

for multi-dielectric medium, 301313

for single-dielectric medium, 287293

FEM formulation in, 334335, 334f

triangular element for, 334

types of elements for, 340343


Benchmark models for numerical code validation

cylinder in uniform external field, 460

dielectric sphere coated with thin conducting layer in uniform external field, 461

sphere in uniform external field, 460461

Biaxial material, 143

Boundary conditions

conductor and dielectric, 150153

on conductor surfaces, 247

field just off conductor surface, 153

for normal component of electric flux density, 150151, 150f

for tangential component of electric field intensity, 152153, 152f

conformal mapping

of non-co-axial cylinders, 249

of unequal parallel cylinders, 251

defined, 149

different dielectric media, 153159

for charge-free dielectric–dielectric interface, 158, 158f

for normal component of electric flux density, 154155, 154f

for tangential component of electric field intensity, 156157, 156f

first, 376

second, 376377

solving complex potential, 244

Boundary elements, 447, 450

closed-type, 428, 433, 436

computation of surface resistance on, 444f

linear triangular, 440f

open-type, 428, 434, 436

triangular, 439, 439f

Boundary value problems, 272

Bound surface charge density, 121123

Bound volume charge density

defined, 121

free charge density and, relationship, 129

of polarized dielectric, 122123

Brick, 351

Bushing elements, field optimization, 495


Cable termination, 462466

equipotential lines for, 466f

geometry and boundaries of, 463f

problem of design, 462

relative dielectric permittivities, 463

stress control in, 462

Cartesian coordinate systems, 6264

constant coordinate surfaces, 62f

differential area and volume elements, 63, 64f

differential line element, 63, 63f

divergence function, 80

electric field intensity, 198199, 209

gradient function, 77

Laplacian, 80, 84

Cauchy–Riemann equations, 238, 239, 244, 258

C-domain, 408

Charge simulation method (CSM), 427

accuracy criteria

determining, 400401

factors affecting, 401402

solution of system of equations in CSM, 402

capacitive-resistive field computation by

surface resistance, 393397, 394f, 395f

volume resistance, 388393, 390f, 391f

comparison with FEM, 407408

with complex fictitious charges, 385387, 386f

development in

least square error, 402403, 402f

optimized, 403

region-oriented CSM, 403406

disadvantages of, 407

examples of

asymmetric sphere gaps, 415416

post-type insulator, 414415, 414f

single-core cable termination with stress cone, 411414, 413f

sphere gap, 411, 412f

three-core belted cable, 410411, 410f

field computation under transient voltage by

surface resistance, 399400

volume resistance, 397399

formulation for

multi-dielectric medium, 375377

single-dielectric medium, 372375, 372f

hybrid method involving FEM and, 408, 409f

Circulation of vector, 81

Clausius–Mossotti relations, 132

Closed-type boundary, 428, 433, 436

Co-axial cylinders

configurations, 166173

electric field intensity, 169, 169f

single-core cable, 166, 167f

solid-type oil-impregnated paper bushing, 166, 167f, 168

conformal mapping of, 246248, 247f

field map between, 259, 259f

with homogeneous dielectric medium, 103106, 104f, 107

Combined surface, 408

Complex potential, concept of, 244245

Concentric spheres with homogeneous dielectric medium, 101103, 102f, 107

Condenser bushing of transformer, 450, 451f

Conducting cylinder in uniform field, 232233

Conducting sphere in uniform field, 206207, 207f, 224226


boundary conditions for dielectric and, 150153

field just off conductor surface, 153

for normal component of electric flux density, 150151, 150f

for tangential component of electric field intensity, 152153, 152f

-dielectric boundary, mechanical pressure, 178181

electric field intensity on conductor surface, 179

electrostatic forces on parallel plate capacitor, 179180

simulation of boundary elements, 450

Conductor surface

boundary conditions, 247

electric field intensity on, 179

electric stresses along high voltage, 464f

field just off, 153

Conformal mapping

applications in electrostatic potential problems, 246252

of co-axial cylinders, 246248, 247f

of equal parallel cylinders, 252

of non-co-axial cylinders, 248250, 248f

of unequal parallel cylinders, 250251, 250f

basic theory of, 238244

mapping of shapes, 239240, 239f

preservation of angles in, 241244, 241f

for linear fractional transformation, 248, 250

procedural steps in solving problems using, 245, 245f

reason for using, 240

Conical insulator in GIS, 447448, 448f

Constant stress element (CST), 329, 346

Continuous charge distribution, 5051, 98

Contour correction techniques

electrode and insulator optimization, 489491

field optimization using, 496507

electrode and insulator with approximation of corrected contour, 500504, 501f

insulator contour by simultaneous displacement, 496500, 497f, 498f, 500f

parametric optimization of insulator profile, 504507

principle, 501f

Contour points, 373

Control points, 314

Conventional CSM, 403

Coordinate systems, 59

Cartesian, 6264

constant coordinate surfaces, 62f

differential area and volume elements, 63, 64f

differential line element, 63, 63f

divergence function, 80

gradient function, 77

Laplacian, 80, 84

choice of origin, 6162

cylindrical, 6468

constant coordinate surfaces, 65, 66f

depiction, 65f

differential area element, 67, 67f, 68f

differential line element, 66, 67f

differential volume element, 68, 68f

divergence function, 80

gradient function, 77

Laplacian, 81, 84

unit vectors, 6566, 66f

differential distance and metric coefficient, 61

orthogonal curvilinear, 7275

characterization, 75t

constant coordinate surfaces, 73, 74f

curl in, 81, 82f

differential line, area and volume elements, 74, 75f

divergence in, 77, 78f

right-handed convention, 61

signature of, 61

spherical, 6972

constant coordinate surfaces, 69, 70f

depiction, 69f

differential area element, 70, 72f

differential line element, 70, 71f

differential volume element, 72, 73f

divergence function, 80

gradient function, 77

Laplacian, 81, 84

unit vectors, 70, 71f

unit vectors, 60, 60f

Coulomb’s constant, 56

Coulomb’s law, 410, 143

Coulomb’s constant, 56

effect of departure from electrical neutrality, 78

electrostatic and gravitational forces, comparison, 67

force due to continuous charge distribution, 910

force due to system of discrete charges, 9, 9f

Curie point, 134135

Curl, 77

of electric field, 85

orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system, 81, 82f

in vector operations, 8184

Curved quadrilateral element, mapping of, 355f

Curvilinear field map, 258

Curvilinear squares

construction of field map, 261

field mapping using, 257263

sketching of, 260261


supported on wedge, 446447, 447f

in uniform external field, 228235, 229f

conducting cylinder, 232233

dielectric cylinder, 233235

Cylindrical coordinate systems, 6468

constant coordinate surfaces, 65, 66f

depiction, 65f

differential area element, 67, 67f, 68f

differential line element, 66, 67f

differential volume element, 68, 68f

divergence function, 80

gradient function, 77

Laplacian, 81, 84

unit vectors, 6566, 66f

Cylindrical insulator, 360, 361f


del operator, 19

Deviation angle, 315

Dielectric–dielectric boundary, 428, 445, 450, 472473

free charge density on, 437438

mechanical pressure, 181187

due to dielectric polarization, 181183

on surface film, 183185, 184f

total mechanical pressure on, 185186

Dielectric polarization

field due to, 119127, 120f

bound charge densities, 121123

macroscopic field, 123

narrow column of uniformly, 123124, 124f

sphere having constant radial distribution of polarization, 125126

sphere having uniformly, 124125, 125f

mechanical pressure due to, 181183

Dielectrics (medium), 111

anisotropy, 139143, 140f

permittivity tensor, 141143

polarization characteristics, 141f

tensor of rank 2, 140141

boundary conditions for conductor and, 150153

field just off conductor surface, 153

for normal component of electric flux density, 150151, 150f

for tangential component of electric field intensity, 152153, 152f

boundary conditions for different, 153159

for charge-free dielectric–dielectric interface, 158, 158f

for normal component of electric flux density, 154155, 154f

for tangential component of electric field intensity, 156157, 156f

classification, 130136

electrets, 135136

ferroelectric materials, 134135, 134f

molecular polarizability of linear dielectric, 131133, 131f

piezoelectric materials, 133134

co-axial cylindrical configurations, 166173

electric field intensity, 169, 169f

single-core cable, 166, 167f

solid-type oil-impregnated paper bushing, 166, 167f, 168

homogeneous, 131

co-axial cylinders with, 103106

field map, 260, 266

spheres with, 101103

isotropic, 130

mass-spring model of fields in, 137139, 137f

multi-. See Multi-dielectric medium

for parallel, 306309

parallel plate capacitor

parallel between, 189192, 189f

in parallel between plates, 162163, 162f

series between, 187188, 187f

in series between plates, 163165, 163f


in electric displacement vector, 129

in mass-spring model of fields, 138139

single-. See Single-dielectric medium

in uniform field

cylinder, 233235

sphere, 226228, 228f

Differential distance, 61

Dirichlet’s condition, 376

Discretization, 276, 313314

in 3D system, 313

error, 357

features in FEM, 354356

Disc-type insulator, 318, 318f

Displacement current, 8992

of capacitor, 90f

defined, 90

sinusoidal voltage waveform, 91, 91f

Divergence function, 77

Cartesian coordinate system, 80

cylindrical coordinate system, 80

orthogonal curvilinear coordinate system, 77, 78f

spherical coordinate systems, 80

in vector operations, 7780

Divergence theorem, 48, 275

energy stored in electric field, 99

polarized dielectric, 121

vector identity, 275

Dry band, effect of, 469471, 470f


Electrets, 135136

Electric charge, 2, 7, 92, 135, 261

within closed volume, 41, 41f

density distribution, 428430

field due to continuous distribution of, 5051

types, 2

Electric dipole, 112

and dipole moment, 112113, 113f

field due to, 113114, 113f

image charges, 200f

Electric displacement vector, 127130

defined, 128

dielectric permittivity, 129

electric susceptibility, 128129

free and bound volume charge density, relationship, 129

Electric field, 3, 15, 39, 46, 93, 137, 211, 256258, 261, 427, 462

curl of, 85

electric potential in, 15

energy stored in, 96101, 96f, 98f

equations of, 12

external, 111112, 115119

numerical computation, 411412, 459, 466, 471, 476, 476f

procedural steps, 276277, 277f

region of interest, 276, 276f

simulation, 313315

problem formulation, 272

symmetry of, 45

Electric field distribution, 196

around GIS spacer, 475482, 476f

around post-type insulator

effect of dry band, 469471

effect of partial surface pollution, 468469

effect of uniform surface pollution, 466468

impulse field distribution, 471

potential distribution, 469f

in cable termination, 462466

in condenser bushing, 471475, 472f

methods of determination, 272274, 273f

Electric field factor, 106107

Electric field intensity, 1011, 13, 31, 93, 125, 233, 256, 258262, 265266, 346, 471

along spacer surface, 477f, 478f, 479f

area related to, 12f

boundary conditions for tangential component of

conductor and dielectric, 152153, 152f

different dielectric media, 156157, 156f

Cartesian coordinates, 198199, 209

change in curvature, 488489

co-axial cylinders, 104105

co-axial cylindrical configurations, 169, 169f

coefficients, expressions for, 379385

comparison of resultant, 479, 480f, 481f, 482f

components of, 340, 346, 429

concentric spheres, 101103

on conductor surface, 179

due to uniformly charged

disc, 2933, 30f

line, 2627, 26f

ring, 2729, 28f

electric dipole, 114

electric potential gradient and, 1721, 17f

on electrode surface, 435436

error in, 315

parallel plate capacitor, 9495, 94f

point charge, due to, 2126, 22f

sphere having uniformly polarized dielectric, 124125

Electric fieldlines, 34, 255257

due to positive/negative charges, 3, 4f

due to source charges, 3, 3f

equipotential vis-à-vis, 16, 16f

for tracing, 257

Electric field theory, 39

Electric flux, 1113, 261, 263

electric charge density, relationship, 49

Gaussian surface, 4547, 53

through surface, 4041, 40f

Electric flux density, 1113, 256

boundary conditions for normal component of, 234

conductor and dielectric, 150151, 150f

different dielectric media, 154155, 154f

co-axial cylinders, 103

concentric spheres, 101

electric charge density, relationship, 49

Neumann condition for normal component, 437

at radial distance

co-axial cylinders, 103

concentric spheres, 101

Gaussian surface, 168

vector, 40, 43, 76, 258

Electric flux lines, 187, 258, 290, 462

Electric lines of force. See Electric fieldlines

Electric potential, 1321, 4850, 123, 246, 281283, 288, 293, 343

annular strip of charge, 2930

definition of, 14f

drop, 18

of Earth surface, 1617

elementary charge

uniformly charged disc, 29

uniformly charged line, 27

uniformly charged ring, 28

energy, 329, 334, 338, 340, 341343, 346, 347

entire line charge, 27

entire ring charge, 28

equipotential vis-à-vis electric fieldline, 16, 16f

gradient, 17

gradient and electric field intensity, 1719, 17f, 18f

integral form of electric field intensity and, 14

Electric stress

comparison of resultant, 481

control, 462

distribution, 468f, 469f, 473474, 473f, 474f, 475f

plot of, 463465, 464f, 465f

Electrode and insulator optimization

ANN-aided optimization of 3D, 512515

assembly for optimization, 515f

flowchart, 514f

ANN-based, 507512

actual electric field intensity, 510, 510f

conical support insulator, 510, 511f

optimized end profile, 509, 509f

optimized insulator contour, 512, 512f

parallel disc electrode, 508f

tangential field intensity, 511, 511f

assembly, 466

contour correction techniques for, 489491

with approximation of corrected contour, 500504, 503f, 504f

parametric optimization of insulator profile, 504507

principle, 501f

shielding electrode, 504, 505f

by simultaneous displacement, 496500, 497f, 498f, 500f

soft-computing techniques for, 492494

Electrode boundary, 428, 432, 441, 446, 450

Electronic polarizability, 116117, 117f

Electrostatic forces

and gravitational force, comparison, 67

lifting of copper sphere due to, 8, 8f

on plates of parallel plate capacitor, 179180

Electrostatic Green’s function, 51

Electrostatic pump, 190191, 190f

Elements, 326

Elliptic integrals, 382

Epoxy spacer, 476477

Equal and opposite separation constant solution

cylinder in uniform external field, 231232

sphere in uniform external field, 223224

Equal parallel cylinders, conformal mapping of, 252

Equipotentials, 15, 15f, 258, 261

lines, 256, 465, 466f

properties, 16

vis-à-vis electric fieldline, 16, 16f

Experimental field mapping

analogy of stationary current field with static electric field, 256, 256t

electrolytic tank setup, 257


FDM equations

in 3D system

for multi-dielectric medium, 293301

for single-dielectric medium, 282286, 282f

in axi-symmetric system

for multi-dielectric medium, 301313

for single-dielectric medium, 287293

development in 2D system, 284f

examples of, 316318

system of, 315

F-domain, 408

Ferroelectric materials of dielectrics, 134135, 134f

Fictitious charges

contour points

for CSM formulation, 372, 372f

for LSECSM, 402, 402f

CSM with complex, 385387, 386f, 388, 397, 400, 407, 410, 410f

determining, 376

for multi-dielectric media, 376f

types of, 377385

arbitrary line segment charge, 382384, 383f

arbitrary ring segment charge, 384385, 384f

finite length line charge, 380381, 380f

infinite length line charge, 379380, 379f

point charge, 378379, 379f

ring charge, 381382, 381f

Field factor. See Electric field factor

Field mapping

in axi-symmetric configuration, 264266, 265f

experimental method of, 256257, 256t

methods, 255

in multi-dielectric media, 263264, 264f

between two co-axial cylinders, 259f

using curvilinear squares, 257263, 258f

capacitance calculation from, 261263

construction of, 261

foundations of, 258259

isolated curvilinear rectangle, 262

sketching of, 260261

Field optimization

of bushing elements, 495

flowchart of conventional, 513f

high-voltage system elements, 491492

of switchgear elements, 494495

user-friendly optimization environment, 495

using contour correction techniques, 496507

electrode and insulator with approximation of corrected contour, 500504, 503f, 504f

insulator contour by simultaneous displacement, 496500, 497f, 498f, 500f

parametric optimization of insulator profile, 504507

Field utilization factor, 107

Finite difference method (FDM), 358

equations in. See FDM equations

examples of, 316318

grid, 316318, 316f, 317f, 318f

principle of, 281, 371

Finite element method (FEM), 325

advantages of, 358359

approach towards formulation

in 2D system with multi-dielectric media, 333334

in 2D system with single-dielectric medium, 328333

in 3D system, 345353

in axi-symmetric system, 334335

derivation of field variables using natural coordinates, 338340

mapping of finite elements, 353354

natural coordinates of, 337338, 337f

relationship between global and natural coordinates, 337

shape functions of, 336337, 336f

types of elements for 2D and axi-symmetric systems, 340345

basics of, 326327

comparison of CSM with, 407408

depiction formulation for, 326f

in design cycle, 358359

examples of

circuit breaker contacts, 359360, 360f

cylindrical insulator, 360, 361f

porcelain bushing of transformer, 360362, 362f

features of discretization, 354356

acceptability of element after, 356

refinement of mesh, 355356, 357f

hybrid method involving CSM and, 408409

principle of, 371

procedural steps in, 327

solution of system of equations in, 356358

sources of error in, 357358

Finite elements, 325

Finite length line charge, 380381, 380f

Floating potential electrodes, 374375

Flux tube, 259, 262263

Formulation error, 357

Fringing of flux, 94, 95f, 179

Functionally graded material (FGM) spacer, 494495


Gas-insulated substation (GIS) spacer, 408

axi-symmetric configuration of, 476f

conical insulator in, 447448, 448f

electric field distribution, 475482, 476f

high-voltage DC (HVDC), 480481

Gas-insulated transmission line (GIL), 105106, 105f, 493

Gaussian elimination technique, 402

Gaussian pillbox, 150151, 154

Gaussian surface, 39, 4546, 45f, 46f, 9394, 150, 162, 164, 262

Gauss–Legendre Quadrature rule, 434436, 435t

Gauss’s law, 101, 103, 127128, 151, 154, 162164, 262

cylindrical Gaussian surface, 9394

differential form, 4648, 47f

divergence theorem, 48

electric flux/charge density, relationship, 49

Gaussian surface, 4546, 45f, 46f

integral form, 4346, 43f

steps to solve problems, 5155

Global equation system, 327


Cartesian coordinate system, 77

defined, 77

scalar function U, 76

spherical coordinate system, 77

in vector operations, 7677

Grading ring, 450

Graphical field plotting, 255

Gravitation/gravitational force, 2

capacitor plates, liquid column, 191

electrostatic and, comparison, 67

Newton’s law for, 6


Harmonic function, 239, 244246

Hexahedral element, mapping of, 355f

High gradient insulators (HGIs), 492

High-voltage (HV) conductor surface, 463, 476

High-voltage DC (HVDC) GIS, 480481

High-voltage system elements, field optimization, 491492

Homogeneous dielectric medium, 131

field map, 260, 266

two co-axial cylinders with, 103106, 104f, 107

two concentric spheres with, 101103, 102f, 107


Image charges, 195196

electric dipole, 200f

location, 203

magnitude, 203

Image of true charge distribution, 195

Images, method of, 195

features of, 216

infinitely long line charge

infinitely long conducting plane, 208211, 208f, 211f

infinitely long parallel cylinders replaced, 211, 212f

infinitely long parallel cylinders, 211216, 212f

point charge

grounded conducting sphere, 201207, 202f

infinitely long conducting plane, 196201, 196f, 201f

Impulse field distribution, 471

Indirect boundary element method, 427

Infinite length line charge, 379380, 379f

Infinitely long conducting plane

infinitely long line charge, 208211, 208f, 211f

point charge, 196201, 196f, 201f

Infinitely long line charge

Gaussian surface due to, 46, 46f

infinitely long conducting plane, 208211, 208f, 211f

infinitely long parallel cylinders replaced, 211, 212f

Insulator contour optimization, 491, 493, 494. See also Electrode and insulator optimization

ANN-aided optimization of 3D, 512515

assembly for optimization, 515f

flowchart, 514f

ANN-based, 507512

actual electric field intensity, 510, 510f

conical support insulator, 510, 511f

optimized end profile, 509, 509f

optimized insulator contour, 512, 512f

parallel disc electrode, 508f

tangential field intensity, 511, 511f

contour correction techniques for, 489491

with approximation of corrected contour, 500504, 503f, 504f

parametric optimization of insulator profile, 504507

principle, 501f

shielding electrode, 504, 505f

by simultaneous displacement, 496500

distance constant, 498500, 498f, 500f

potential difference constant, 496497, 497f

soft-computing techniques for, 492494

tangential field intensity, 501f, 511, 511f

Interfacial polarizability, 119, 119f

Ionic polarizability, 117118, 117f

Isoparametric element, 353

Isoparametric hexahedral coordinates, 352

Isotropic dielectrics, 130


Jacobian matrix, 338, 350, 440


Laplace’s equation, 4950, 237239, 244, 246, 287, 294, 302, 304, 306, 308, 313

axis of symmetry, 290

Cartesian coordinates, 284


infinitely long line charge, 208

point charge with infinitely long conducting plane, 197

cylindrical coordinates, 209, 228229, 287288

in multi-dielectric media, 296, 304, 306, 308

in spherical coordinates, 220221

Laplacian, 49

Cartesian coordinate system, 80, 84

cylindrical coordinate system, 81, 84

spherical coordinate system, 81, 84

in vector operations, 8081

Least square error CSM (LSECSM), 402403, 402f

L’Hospital’s rule, 290

Linear charge density distribution, 429

Linear dielectrics

molecular polarizability of, 131133, 131f

permittivity of, 138139

Linear hexahedral element, 351353, 352f

Linear, isotropic and homogeneous (LIH) dielectrics, 111, 130131

Linear quadrilateral element, 341342, 342f, 354f

Linear stress triangle, 340

Linear tetrahedron element, 345, 346f

Linear triangular element

boundary, 440f

mapping of, 354f

modelling of HV insulator using, 359f

simplest 2D element, 329, 329f, 358

Long-range interaction, 2


Mass-spring model of fields in dielectrics, 137139

of atom, 137f

dielectric permittivity, 138139

Mechanical pressure

conductor–dielectric boundary, 178181

electric field intensity on conductor surface, 179

electrostatic forces on parallel plate capacitor, 179180

dielectric–dielectric boundary, 181187

due to dielectric polarization, 181183

on surface film, 183185, 184f

total mechanical pressure on, 185186

Metal oxide surge arresters, 449450, 449f

Metric coefficients, 61

Molecular field, 131, 131f

Molecular polarizability of linear dielectric, 131133, 131f

Multi-dielectric medium

2D system with

FDM equations in, 296, 297f

FEM formulation in, 333334

arrangement of, 437f

CSM formulation for, 375377

elemental discretization for, 333, 333f

FDM equations in 3D system for, 293301, 293f

FDM equations in axi-symmetric system for

for node on dielectric interface lying away from, 301304, 302f

for node on dielectric interface lying on, 304306, 305f

for parallel dielectric media, 306313, 307f

for series dielectric media, 301

fictitious charges for, 375, 376f

field mapping in, 263264, 264f

SCSM formulation for, 436438

system of equations for CSM in, 377

Multi-electrode arrangement, 437f


Natural coordinate system, 337, 341

Negative mass, 7

Neumann boundary condition, 437, 445

Nodal connectivity, 332

Nodes, 313

Non-co-axial cylinders, conformal mapping of, 248250, 248f

Non-uniform field, 15, 15f

Numerical code validation, benchmark models for

cylinder in uniform external field, 460

dielectric sphere coated with thin conducting layer in uniform external field, 461

sphere in uniform external field, 460461

Numerical computation, 411412, 459, 466, 471, 476, 476f

procedural steps, 276277, 277f

region of interest, 276, 276f


accuracy criteria, 314315

discretization, 313314, 314f

system of FDM equation, 315

of unbounded field region, 314

Numerical error, 357358


Open-type boundary, 428, 434, 436

Optimized CSM (OCSM), 403

Orientational or dipolar polarizability, 118119, 118f

Orthogonal curvilinear coordinate systems, 7275

characterization, 75t

constant coordinate surfaces, 73, 74f

curl in, 81, 82f

defined, 73

differential line, area and volume elements, 74, 75f

divergence in, 77, 78f


Parallel plate capacitor, 9296

arrangement, 92, 92f

dielectrics in

parallel between plates, 162163, 162f, 189192, 189f

series between plates, 163165, 163f, 187188, 187f

electric field intensity, 9495, 94f

electrostatic forces on plates of, 179180

energy stored in, 9596

field due to infinitely long-charged sheet, 93f

flux lines in, 94, 95f

impregnation of porous solid insulation, 166

void in insulation, 165166, 165f

Partial discharge (PD), 166

Partial surface pollution, effect of, 468469

Permittivity tensor of anisotropic dielectric, 141143

Piezoelectricity, 133

Piezoelectric materials of dielectrics, 133134

Point charges, 378379, 378f

axis of symmetry, 414, 414f

electric flux density, 11

electrostatic forces, 5, 5f

field due to, 2126, 22f, 113, 113f

Gaussian surface, 45, 45f

Gauss’s law for discrete, 4344, 43f

images, method of

grounded conducting sphere, 201207, 202f

infinitely long conducting plane, 196201, 196f, 201f

sphere simulated by, 411, 411f

Poissonian field, 437

Poisson’s equation, 39, 4849, 274

Polar axis, 64

Polarizability, 115119

defined, 115

electronic polarizability of atom, 116117, 116f

frequency dependence of, 136137, 136f

of linear dielectric, molecular, 131133, 131f

non-polar and polar molecules, 115116, 116f


electronic, 117

interfacial, 119, 119f

ionic, 117118, 117f

orientational or dipolar, 118119, 118f

Polarization, 112

in anisotropic dielectric, 140, 140f, 141f

mechanical pressure due to dielectric, 181183

spontaneous, 134135

Polarization vector, 112, 114115

dielectric–vacuum boundary, 183f

Polarized dielectric, field due to, 119127, 120f

bound charge densities, 121123

bound surface charge density, 122123

bound volume charge density, 122

equivalent charge distribution, 122f

macroscopic field, 123

narrow column of uniformly, 123124, 124f

sphere having constant radial distribution of polarization, 125126

sphere having uniformly, 124125, 125f

Pole, 64

Polymeric insulation, 449

Positive definite matrices, 356357

Post-type insulator, 414415, 466, 467f

by conventional CSM, 414, 414f

electric field distribution around

effect of dry band, 469471

effect of partial surface pollution, 468469

effect of uniform surface pollution, 466468

impulse field distribution, 471

potential distribution, 469f

FDM grid for, 317, 317f

Potential discrepancy, 401

Potential drop, 18

Potential energy

in 3D electric field, 345


in tetrahedral element, 347

in triangular element, 334

principle of minimum, 328

Potential error, 314315

Potential theory, 244


Quadratic quadrilateral element, 342343, 342f

Quadratic triangular element, 340341, 341f

Quantum electromagnetism, 7

Quarks, 2


Region of interest (ROI), 272, 276, 276f, 281283, 288, 313, 372, 374375, 407408

Region-oriented CSM (ROCSM), 403406, 404f406f

Riemann mapping theorem, 237238

Right-handed convention, 61

Ring charge, 381382, 381f


Separation constant solution

equal and opposite

cylinder in uniform external field, 231232

sphere in uniform external field, 223224


cylinder in uniform external field, 230231

sphere in uniform external field, 222223

Simultaneous displacement

insulator contour optimization by, 496500

distance constant, 498500, 498f, 500f

potential difference constant, 496497, 497f

method of, 499

Simultaneous linear equations, 332, 356357

Single-dielectric medium

CSM formulation for, 372375

fictitious charges and contour points, 372, 372f

floating potential electrodes, 374375

FDM equations in 3D system for, 282286

FDM equations in axi-symmetric system for

insulator geometry, 287f

for node lying away from, 288289, 288f

for a node lying on, 290293, 290f

FEM formulation in 2D system with, 328333

SCSM formulation for, 428430

Solid angle, 4142, 42f

Solid–gas dielectric interface, 414

Source charge, 3, 11, 1617

Sphere-gap arrangements, 411, 412f

field factor, 205, 206t

method of successive images, 204, 204f


asymmetric gaps, 415416, 415f

with constant radial distribution of polarization, 125126

with homogeneous dielectric medium, concentric, 101103, 102f, 107

image of point charge to grounded conducting, 201207, 202f

successive images, method of, 204206

in uniform field, 206207

in uniform external field, 220228, 220f, 460461

conducting in, 224226

conducting sphere, 224226

dielectric, 226228, 228f

dielectric coated with thin conducting layer in, 461, 461f

dielectric sphere, 226228, 228f

with uniformly polarized dielectric, 124125, 125f

Spherical coordinate systems, 6972

constant coordinate surfaces, 69, 70f

depiction, 69f

differential area element, 70, 72f

differential line element, 70, 71f

differential volume element, 72, 73f

divergence function, 80

gradient function, 77

Laplacian, 81, 84

unit vectors, 70, 71f

Spontaneous polarization, 134

Steradian, 41

Streamlines. See Electric flux lines

Sub-parametric element, 353

Successive images, method of, 204206

defined, 205

to sphere-gap arrangement, 204, 204f

Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6), 466

Super-parametric element, 353

Support vector machine (SVM), 494

Surface charge elements, 430436

method of integration over, 434435

and nodes on electrode boundary, 428f

Surface charge simulation method (SCSM)

capacitive-resistive field computation by

in 2D system, 441442

in 3D system, 442446, 443f

axi-symmetric systems, 441442

examples of

condenser bushing of transformer, 450, 451f

conical insulator in GIS, 447448, 448f

cylinder supported on wedge, 446447, 447f

metal oxide surge arrester, 449450

formulation for

in 3D system, 439441

multi-dielectric medium, 436438

single-dielectric medium, 428430

Surface-oriented CSM. See Conventional CSM

Switchgear elements, field optimization, 494495


Tangential field intensity

along spacer surface, 477, 478f

boundary condition for

conductor–dielectric boundary, 152153, 152f

dielectric–dielectric boundary, 156158, 156f

electrode and insulator optimization, 489490, 496

insulator contours, 501f, 504505

non-optimized/optimized profiles, 507f

optimized insulator contour, 511512, 511f

Tangential stress, 463464

Taylor series

in 3D system, 283

expansion, 283, 288, 290, 294, 302, 305, 307

Tensor of rank 2, 140141

Thermoelectrets, 135

Three-dimensional (3D) system. See 3D system

Transmission line parallel conductors, 316317, 316f

Triangular boundary elements, 439, 439f

Triple junction, 446

Two-dimensional (2D) system. See 2D system


Unequal parallel cylinders, conformal mapping of, 250252

Uniaxial material, 143

Uniform external field

cylinder in, 228235, 229f, 460

conducting cylinder, 232233

dielectric cylinder, 233235

dielectric sphere coated with thin conducting layer in, 461, 461f

sphere in, 220228, 220f, 460461

conducting sphere, 206207, 207f, 224226

dielectric sphere, 226228, 228f

Uniform field, 15, 15f

Uniform surface pollution, effect of, 466468, 467f

Uniqueness theorem, 274276

Unit vectors, 60, 60f

cylindrical coordinate system, 6566, 66f

spherical coordinate system, 70, 71f

User-friendly optimization environment, 495


Vector operations

curl, 8184

del operator, 77

divergence, 7780

gradient, 7677

Laplacian, 8081


Weighted residuals approach, 327


Zero separation constant solution

cylinder in uniform external field, 230231

sphere in uniform external field, 222223

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