Creating a Table

After you have some data in a worksheet range, you can designate that range as a table by selecting any cell within it and pressing Ctrl+T or Ctrl+L. That’s the easy way. If you want to work a little harder, you can click Table in the Tables group on the Insert tab. Either way, start by selecting a single cell anywhere in the table range before issuing the command. Excel figures out the dimensions of the table for you and asks for confirmation in the Create Table dialog box shown next.

image with no caption

Unless the program has made some kind of mistake, you can click OK to create your table. If you select more than one cell but less than the entire range before pressing Ctrl+T, Excel tries to create a table out of the specific cells you selected.


Many features of Excel tables do not work if your workbook is opened in Compatibility mode. You must convert a workbook you have saved with the Excel 97–2003 Workbook file type to an Excel 2010 workbook to get the new functionality. See File Formats on page 51 for details about converting a compatibility-mode workbook into native Excel format.

Overwriting Default Headers

Notice that, in addition to recognizing the size of the table, Excel figures out whether the top row of your range is a header row—a row of column labels. If your range does not include such a row or if for some reason you choose to clear the My Table Has Headers check box in the Create Table dialog box, Excel creates a header row for you using labels such as Column 1, Column 2, and so on. Default headers like these are both uninformative and unattractive; it’s far better to set up your own descriptive headers before creating the table. But if you omit this step, you can always override the defaults later by selecting the header cells and typing over them, just as if they were ordinary worksheet cells. (They’re not quite ordinary data, actually; Excel won’t let you delete them, and if you try to clear a header, you’ll just get the default back.)

Turning a Table Back into an Ordinary Range

If the need arises to turn a table back into an ordinary worksheet range, select any cell or block of cells within the table. Then click Convert To Range in the Tools group on the Table Tools Design tab. Click Yes to answer the confirmation prompt. Note that after you change a table into a regular range, the formatting turns into regular cell formatting. This can cause unexpected behavior if you ever turn the range back into a table. See Formatting Tables on page 770 for details about managing table and cell formatting.


INSIDE OUT Check the Ribbon

An easy way to tell whether a range is a table is to select a cell in the range and look at the ribbon. If you see a Table Tools tab, the current list has been converted to a table.

Naming a Table

When you designate a range as a table, Excel assigns a name to that table and displays the name in the Properties group on the Table Tools Design tab:

image with no caption

As this example shows, Excel uses default names (Table1, Table2, and so on) unless you supply your own names. Does the name matter? Perhaps. Formulas that take advantage of structured referencing use the table name, and a descriptive name serves the purpose of self-documentation better than a default name. For example, in the formula


the word Scores is the table’s name. (The formula sums the values from the Math column of the Scores table.)

Giving a meaningful name to a table is particularly useful when you have multiple tables on a single worksheet and have formulas that refer to the tables. By using names for the tables, you can instantly tell when looking at a formula which table it is referencing.

It’s definitely worthwhile to assign an intelligible name to your table if you think you might at some point record or write a macro that references the table. That way, your macro code will be easier to understand (easier for you and easier for anyone else who sees your code). Moreover, if you record a macro that references Table1 and you subsequently name the table SurveyData, your macro will no longer perform as expected and will cause you considerable vexation. It’s best to form the habit of naming objects when you create them.

To change a table’s current name (default or otherwise), select a cell within the table, and click the Table Tools Design tab. Then type the new name in the Table Name box in the Properties group.

Expanding a Table

To add a new row to the end of a table, go to the bottom-right cell of the table (ignoring the total row, if there is one), and press Tab. Excel extends the table for you, no questions asked, copying all formatting and formulas in the process. When you get to the last column in the new row, press Tab to create yet another new row. Thus, after you have created the stub of a table, you can expand it downward simply by typing in the usual way and pressing Tab between cells (or at any rate at the end of each row).

Note that pressing Tab creates a new table row above the total row, if your table has a total row. The total row simply moves down one row to accommodate your new data, and Excel updates the formulas appropriately. (For more about the total row, see Adding Totals to a Table on page 736.) If you don’t have a total row in your table, you can also extend the table by typing in the blank row below the bottom row of the table. Using Tab to extend the table works whether you have a total row or not.

Automatic expansion works for columns as well as rows. If you type in any row of the column directly to the right of a table, Excel expands the table to include the new column. If the new data is a formula, the formula is replicated throughout the column.

If you don’t want the table to automatically expand or automatically fill columns with formulas, you can turn off these options. Click File, and then click Options. Select the Proofing category, and click AutoCorrect Options. In the AutoCorrect dialog box, shown in Figure 22-2, click the AutoFormat As You Type tab. Clear the Include New Rows And Columns In Table check box to prevent Excel from expanding the table, and clear the Fill Formulas In Tables To Create Calculated Columns check box to prevent Excel from filling entire columns with identical formulas.

Use the AutoCorrect dialog box to control table expansion.

Figure 22-2. Use the AutoCorrect dialog box to control table expansion.

If you’re not currently using a total row in your table, you’ll find a minuscule handle in the lower-right corner of the cell occupying the lower-right corner of your table. This handle gives you yet another way to expand your table. Usually, it’s easier just to add data and let Excel expand the table. But if you want to add several new rows or columns all at once, the handle is a good way to do it.

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