Design Conventions


INSIDE OUT This Statement Illustrates an Example of an “Inside Out” Heading

These are the book’s signature tips. In these tips, you get the straight scoop on what’s going on with the software—inside information about why a feature works the way it does. You’ll also find handy workarounds to deal with software problems.


This statement illustrates an example of a “Troubleshooting” problem statement.

Look for these sidebars to find solutions to common problems you might encounter. Troubleshooting sidebars appear next to related information in the chapters. You can also use “Index to Troubleshooting Topics” at the back of the book to look up problems by topic.


Cross-references point you to locations in the book that offer additional information about the topic being discussed.


Cautions identify potential problems that you should look out for when you’re completing a task or that you must address before you can complete a task.


Notes offer additional information related to the task being discussed.

When an example has a related file that is included on the companion Web site, this icon appears in the margin. You can use these files to follow along with the book’s examples. The companion Web site is located at

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