Adding Journal Items Manually

Automatic journaling can be tremendously useful, but what if some of the work you need to track is done in applications other than Microsoft Office system applications? You can’t record the files automatically in your journal, but you can record them manually. Or what if you want to track your work only in a specific Word 2007 file rather than in every Word 2007 document? Instead of turning on automatic recording for all Word 2007 files, you can manually record your work in only specified files.

Likewise, if you want to record a nonelectronic event in your journal—a chat at the water cooler, a box of chocolates sent to a client, or your approval of a printed proposal—you can add a journal entry manually. You can also use this method if you’d prefer to pick and choose which documents, messages, meetings, and task requests are entered in the journal rather than having Outlook 2007 routinely record all such items.

Recording Work in a File Manually

To keep a record of when and how long you worked in a file (along with any extraneous notes to yourself), follow these steps:

  1. Locate the file you want to work in. You can browse to the folder that contains the file using any technique you like, such as browsing My Computer or My Documents.

  2. Drag the file icon in the folder window to the Journal icon in the Navigation Pane. It’s easiest to drag the file if you resize both the Outlook 2007 window and the folder window so that you can clearly see both.

  3. Click Start Timer to begin recording your working hours, as shown in Figure 23-6, and then double-click the file shortcut icon to open the file. At any time, you can enter notes to yourself in the area where the shortcut icon is located.

    Click Start Timer to start recording time spent on a document.

    Figure 23-6. Click Start Timer to start recording time spent on a document.

  4. When you finish working in the file, remember to stop the journal timer by clicking Pause Timer and then clicking Save & Close.


If you need to take a temporary break in your work, click Pause Timer. When you return to work on the file, click Start Timer to continue recording your working hours.

Recording Outlook Items Manually

Recording an Outlook 2007 item such as a task in the journal is even easier than recording a file: open the Outlook 2007 window where the item is listed, and then drag the item to the Journal icon in the Navigation Pane. For example, suppose that you want to record how much time you spend cleaning out your filing cabinets, a task you’ve entered in the Tasks folder. Open the Tasks folder, and then drag the task item to the Journal icon in the Navigation Pane. Click Start Timer and go to work. Then click Pause Timer to take a break. When you finish, click Save & Close.

Recording Other Activities Manually

Any activity you want to record can be entered in your journal. For example, you can monitor the time you spend on the Internet (which can be considerable) as well as recording any Web page addresses you want to save and other notes you need to jot down.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Double-click a blank area in your Journal folder. A new journal entry form opens.

  2. In the Subject box, type a description of your activity.

  3. In the Entry Type box, select an appropriate entry type for the activity. You can’t create your own entry type on this screen, but you can choose among several available types. For example, you could classify an Internet search as Remote Session. Type any notes, including hyperlinks, in the body of the journal item.


    For information about custom entry types, see "Creating and Using Custom Entry Types" later in this chapter.

  4. Click Start Timer to begin recording your activity.

  5. When you’ve finished with your activity, click Pause Timer to stop the timer, and then click Save & Close to close the journal entry.

Manually Recording Phone Calls

When you use automatic dialing to call a contact, you can time the phone call, type notes in Outlook 2007 while you talk, and create a journal entry for the call. This feature can come in handy if, for example, you bill clients for your time spent on phone conversations.

Follow these steps to keep a record of an outgoing call in the journal:

  1. Open the Contacts folder, and select the contact entry for the person you want to call.

  2. Click the Dial button on the Standard toolbar, or if the Contact window is open for the contact, click the Call button in the Communicate group on the Contact tab to open the New Call dialog box, as shown in Figure 23-7.

    You can automatically start a new journal entry from the New Call dialog box.

    Figure 23-7. You can automatically start a new journal entry from the New Call dialog box.

  3. Select the Create New Journal Entry When Starting New Call check box, and then click Start Call. A journal entry opens with the timer running. You can type notes in the body of the journal entry while you talk.

  4. When you’ve finished with the call, click Pause Timer to stop the clock, and then click Save & Close.

You also can create journal entries for incoming calls, although Outlook 2007 currently offers no means of automatically creating the journal entries when you pick up the phone and start talking. Instead, when you answer the call and realize that you want to track it, you can open the journal as you begin the conversation, start a new journal item, and click Start Timer. Make notes as needed, and click Pause Timer when you hang up. Add any necessary details to the journal entry form, and then click Save & Close to create the item.


For information about setting up automatic phone dialing and making calls from the Contacts folder, see "Working with Contacts" in Chapter 18.

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