Working with Notes

Of all the Outlook 2007 features, notes are by far the easiest to use. The following sections explain how to create notes, change their color, copy them to other folders, and more.

Adding a Note

You create notes in the Notes folder. To open this folder, click the Notes icon at the bottom of the Navigation Pane.

After you’ve opened the folder, follow these steps to create a note:

  1. Right-click in the Notes folder and choose New Note on the shortcut menu, or simply double-click in the folder window. Either action opens a blank Note window.

  2. Type your note directly in the window.

  3. Click the Close button in the upper-right corner of the Note window to close and save the note.

If the current view is set to Icons, Outlook 2007 uses the first approximately 26 characters in the note as the title and displays the title under the icon for the note in the Notes folder.

Reading and Editing a Note

To read a note, you can double-click it to open the Note window or point to or click the icon for the note and read the text under the icon. Switching to Notes List view (on the View menu, choose Current View, Notes List) shows more contiguous content. To change the content of a note, open it as just described, and then edit it the same way you would edit a text file. Keep in mind, however, that you have no formatting options, so your notes are limited to plain text. To save your changes, simply close the Note window.

After you have opened a note, a note icon appears in the upper-left corner of the Note window, which provides a menu of editing options, as follows:

  • New Note. Creates a new note.

  • Save As. Saves the current note as a new note.

  • Delete. Deletes the current note (without confirmation).

  • Forward. Forwards the note as an attachment to a new e-mail message.

  • Cut. Cuts the selected text in the current note.

  • Copy. Copies the selected text in the current note.

  • Paste. Pastes the cut or copied text in the current note.

  • Categorize. Enables you to assign categories to the note.

  • Contacts. Lets you assign a contact to the note.

  • Print. Prints the note to the selected printer.

  • Close. Closes the Note window.

Forwarding a Note

Although you’ll probably create notes mainly for your own use, you might need to forward a note to someone. For example, a colleague might request a phone number or other contact information that you’ve stored in a note. The easiest way to share the information is to forward the note as an e-mail message. Because Outlook 2007 sends the note as an attachment, the recipient can easily copy the note to his or her own Notes folder, place it on the desktop, or use the Clipboard to copy the data to a new contact entry.

To forward a note, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Notes folder, right-click the note, and choose Forward on the shortcut menu. Outlook 2007 opens a standard message form. If you are using Outlook 2007 as your e-mail editor, the note is shown as an attachment to the message, as shown in Figure 24-4. If you are sending a note in a Rich Text message, Outlook 2007 embeds the note as an icon in the body of the message.

    When you forward a note, Outlook 2007 attaches it to the message.

    Figure 24-4. When you forward a note, Outlook 2007 attaches it to the message.

  2. Complete and send the message as you would any other message.

You can send notes in e-mail messages using other methods too—you’re not limited to embedding the note in the message or attaching it. For example, if you first click in the Folder List at the bottom of the Navigation Pane, you can open the Notes folder and then use the right mouse button to drag the selected note to the Inbox. The resulting shortcut menu allows you to create a message with the note as text in the body of the message, as a shortcut, or as an attachment.

Adding a Note Sent to You

When someone else sends you a note in an e-mail message, you can work with the note directly in the message. The note appears as an attachment to the message, as shown in Figure 24-5. You can open the message and double-click the note to open it in a Note window, but you’ll probably prefer to copy the note to your own Notes folder.

When a note is embedded in an e-mail message, you can open the note by double-clicking it.

Figure 24-5. When a note is embedded in an e-mail message, you can open the note by double-clicking it.

To copy a note you’ve received to your Notes folder, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Navigation Pane (if it is not already open), click the Folder List icon, and then scroll down so that the Notes folder is visible.

  2. Open your Inbox, locate the note, and drag it to the Notes folder in the Navigation Pane. If the Reading Pane in the Inbox is open, you can drag the note from there; otherwise, open the message and drag the note.

Using a Note to Create a Task or an Appointment

If you’ve made a note about a task you must perform or an appointment you must keep, you can easily create an Outlook 2007 task or appointment directly from the note. To do so, drag the note to the Tasks icon or the Calendar icon in the Navigation Pane, as appropriate. Alternatively, you can click the Folder List icon in the Navigation Pane and then select the note and drag it to the Tasks folder or Calendar folder. Outlook 2007 opens a new task form or a new appointment form with the note contents as the subject and contents of the task or appointment.

Moving and Copying Notes

You can move and copy notes to other folders. How Outlook 2007 treats the note depends on the destination folder itself. For example, if you copy a note to another notes folder, Outlook 2007 treats it as a note. But if you copy a note to the Calendar or Tasks folder, Outlook 2007 uses the note to create a new appointment or a new task.

If you use the right mouse button to drag a note to the Contacts icon (or Contacts folder, if the Folder List is open) in the Navigation Pane, Outlook 2007 creates a new contact and gives you several options for how to handle the note text. Outlook 2007 can add the text to the contact, add it as an attachment, or add it as a shortcut, depending on your selection. You can also copy the note as a journal entry by using the right mouse button to drag it to the Journal icon in the Navigation Pane. You can then choose to create the journal item with the note as an attachment or as a shortcut.


Copying a note within the Notes folder is easy. Just use the right mouse button to drag the note to a new location in the folder, release the mouse button, and choose Copy.

You can move or copy notes by dragging. To move a note to another Notes folder, drag the icon for the note to the destination folder. To copy a note instead of moving it, hold down the Ctrl key while dragging the note.


Dragging a note to a non-notes folder always copies the note rather than moving it—the original note remains in the Notes folder.

Copying a Note to the Clipboard

If you want to use the text of a note in another application or another Outlook 2007 folder, you can copy the note text to the Clipboard. For example, you might copy a phone number from a note to a contact entry in the Contacts folder. To copy information from inside a note, open the note, select the desired text, and then press Ctrl+C. To copy the entire contents of a note from an e-mail attachment to the Clipboard, right-click the note, and then choose Copy. If you’re working with the note in the Notes folder, you can select the note and then choose Edit, Copy or press Ctrl+C. Start the application or open the form in which you want to use the note text, and then choose Edit, Paste or press Ctrl+V to paste the data from the Clipboard. By default, this process will copy the text of the note down to the end of the first paragraph (the first place you pressed Enter in the note). To copy the entire contents of a note, open the note and select all the text (or right-click and choose Select All), and then right-click and select Copy.


If you copy a note from an e-mail message and then paste the note into another message, Outlook 2007 copies the note as an embedded OLE object rather than as text.

Copying a Note to the Desktop or Another Folder

In addition to moving and copying notes inside Outlook 2007, you also can move or copy notes to your desktop or to another file system folder. Outlook 2007 creates an .msg file (an Outlook 2007 message file) to contain the note when you copy or move it outside Outlook 2007. After you have copied or moved the note, you can double-click the file to open it.

To copy a note to the desktop or a file system folder, you need only drag it from the Notes folder to the desired destination. To move the note instead of copying it, hold down the Shift key while dragging.


You can also move or copy a note from the desktop or a file system folder to your Notes folder. Just drag the note from its current location to the Notes folder.

Changing Note Color

By default, Outlook 2007 notes are yellow; however, you can change the default color in the Notes Options dialog box. To change the default color of Notes, choose Tools, Options, click on Note Options, and then select one of the five available colors (blue, green, pink, yellow, or white) in the Color drop-down list as your default.

You can change the color of an individual note at any time by changing its category and thus the color it is associated with (see the next section).


For information about the Notes Options dialog box, see "Configuring Note Options" earlier in this chapter.

Assigning Color Categories to Notes

You can assign categories to notes, just as you can to any other Outlook 2007 item. Categorizing helps you organize your notes, particularly if you choose to view your Notes folder by category. By default, notes are not assigned to any category. (When displayed by category, unless otherwise assigned to a specific category, the notes show up under None.) You can assign multiple categories to each note. For example, you might assign a project category to a note as well as an Urgent category.

You assign colors to notes in Outlook 2007 by selecting a category and thus the color associated with it. You can have a category with no color association and assign that category to a note, but this will effectively color the note white. You can have up to 25 colors associated with categories, and you can have more than one category using the same color; thus, there is a bit of flexibility in color and category assignment. You might, for example, decide to color all of your marketing communications green and so set up a general Marketing category, a Sales Calls category, and a New Client Meetings category all associated with the color green. In this way, you provide yourself with the visual cue (the color green) that the notes (appointments, meetings, e-mail messages, and so on) colored green are related to marketing efforts, and yet you can still differentiate the nature of the item (general marketing, sales call, new client meeting, and so on) when you sort them by category.


For information about By Category view, see "Viewing Notes" later in this chapter.

To assign categories to a note, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the note and choose Categorize, or select the note and choose Edit, Categorize.

  2. On the Categorize menu, shown in Figure 24-6, choose the applicable category.

    Use the Categorize menu to assign categories to notes.

    Figure 24-6. Use the Categorize menu to assign categories to notes.

  3. If you don’t see the categories you need, or if you want to select multiple categories for the note, click All Categories to display the Color Categories dialog box, click New to create the required category and to associate a color, and then click OK.

  4. Click OK in the Color Categories dialog box to close the dialog box and assign the selected categories.

You can view the categories assigned to notes by using any one of several methods. For example, you can choose View, Current View, By Category (or Notes List or Outlook Data Files) to view the Notes folder organized by category. You can choose File, Print Preview to view all notes with category information. To show one note and the categories assigned to it, you can select a note and then choose File, Print Preview—the printout contains the note’s categories.


For detailed information about working with categories, see Chapter 5.

Printing a Note

To print a note, select the note, and then choose File, Print. Alternatively, you can right-click the note and choose Print on the note’s shortcut menu. Outlook 2007 prints your name at the top of the page, followed by the date the note was created or last modified, the categories assigned to the note (if any), and the body of the note text. You also can choose File, Print Preview to preview the note.

Date and Time Stamping Notes

Outlook 2007 stamps each note with the date and time you created it and displays this information at the bottom of the Note window. This date and time remain until you modify the note by adding or removing text. Outlook 2007 then replaces the original date and time with the date and time you modified the text and stores this information with the note.

Deleting a Note

If you no longer need a note, you can delete it. Deleting a note moves it to the Deleted Items folder. What happens to it from there depends on how you have configured Outlook 2007 to process deleted items. If Outlook 2007 clears out the Deleted Items folder each time you exit the program, for example, the note is permanently deleted at that time. You can delete a note in any of the following ways:

  • Right-click the note, and then choose Delete.

  • Select the note, and then press the Delete key.

  • Select the note, and then choose Edit, Delete.

  • Drag the note to the Deleted Items folder in the Navigation Pane.

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