Radiology Art



Have you ever wondered what your Barbie™ doll looked like on the inside? Ever wished you could look inside your computer without having to take it apart? New York artist and medical student Satre Stuelke lets you do just that. Since 2007, he has taken CT scans of everyday objects, including toys, electronics, food—anything he thought could be interesting. He scans and then colorizes the images based on “the spread of densities within a particular subject,” and minimally color-corrects them in Photoshop®.


There is currently a collection of about 40 images, most done by him, although he allows others to contribute to the effort. You just need access to your own CT scanner, which can be a little problematic for most people.


Aside from large-format, museum-quality prints, which he shows and sells at galleries, there are several movies you can watch of the scans. The videos provide a fascinating three-dimensional perspective of the objects, as you can see all the “guts” and how they relate in space to one another.


My favorite image is one of a simple toaster, which illuminates all the little bits and pieces that make this magic box work. In goes the bread, out comes the toast—so simple, yet so beautiful in this context. —GRG


The insides of your toaster. Image courtesy of Satre Stuelke (

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