image DAY 361 ART 101

Art Appreciation



Let’s wrap up your year in Art 101 by putting together a touch of everything we’ve learned. Whether you’re prepping to impress someone on a date at the museum or just trying to understand the significance of a work of art for your own satisfaction, you’ll find the prompts below helpful for discussing and appreciating a particular work of art. (Go ahead and tear out this page and use it as a cheat sheet—just don’t let your date see you peek at it.)


Do you like the work of art? Allow yourself an initial reaction before getting too analytical.

Address the work’s aesthetic qualities. Do the elements of art come together to create a pleasing composition?

Think about how the aesthetic qualities create a mood. How do the style and use of the medium communicate the atmosphere or emotions of the scene?

Acknowledge the historical context. Relating the piece to social influences and events of its time can open the door to a deeper understanding of the subject matter. And admiring a piece against the backdrop of art history gives it a place in the ever-developing scope of art.

Consider the piece within the context of the artist’s life. The work may represent a statement in response to personal circumstances, embodying a particular time in the artist’s life or marking a turning point in the artist’s approach to art. Whatever the case, personal insights can make viewing art a more intimate experience.

Do you like the work of art? After pursuing steps 2–5, ask yourself this question again. Chances are you’ll feel differently about a piece once you’ve taken the time to understand it on multiple levels. —ETG

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