Control your time 79
focusing on only important tasks, because these matter; they
have consequences.
So, there are three ways to manage this risk, and effective time
managers use all three in combination:
1 Prioritise
Even if everything you plan to do today is important, it
is wise to assess which things are the most important, so
that you can get them started early and allocate your most
productive time to them – when you feel at your best and
can work uninterrupted. Likewise, knowing what is least
important (or least urgent) will give you the condence to
reschedule some activities to another day, if you need to,
freeing up more time for the higher-priority tasks that are
taking you longer than expected.
2 Contingency
Always add a little extra time to your estimates, to create
some contingency. Add more contingency for unfamiliar or
complex tasks, or tasks requiring contributions from other
people, or other people’s agreement.
3 Breaks
Allow time in your day for breaks. Not only will these keep
you fresh and working at your most efcient levels, but,
if you are under pressure, then you can use some of your
break time to get more done. If you only schedule minimal
breaks, you will not have this exibility.
The last step in OATS planning is to schedule your activities
into your day. You will need to know any xed commitments
you have before you start, and, to do this well, it will help you
to divide your activities into three categories, according to how
substantial the tasks are.
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