144 brilliant stress management
then, are just four essential tips to avoid imposing unnecessary
1 Have a clear plan and communicate it relentlessly.
2 Show determination, but not inflexibility.
3 Expect resistance and engage with it positively.
4 Be respectful of staff and try to empathise with their
Supporting team members with stress
The last chapter in this book, Chapter 10, is about helping
others to manage their stress, so this section will focus on speci-
cally managerial and workplace approaches. Much of Chapter
10 will also be relevant.
It is also important at these times to review your management
practices. Consider all of the ideas in the previous section and
how you can further reduce the stressors you are applying to a
vulnerable person.
Provide resources
The most important thing that you can do to help is to make it
easy to ask for help. You may not be the best person to directly
respond, but, if you are receptive to requests and are aware of
the resources your organisation can offer, you will start to offer
choices and control to the person who has come to you.
Just allowing someone to vent their frustration, anger or upset
can be a huge help too. The next step is to look at what specic
support you can give to alleviate particular stressors. Examples
include generosity around hours and breaks, reducing the need
for travel, or changes in the work assigned or the people to work
with. The most important thing to ask is: What changes would
help you the most? Don’t try to second guess how people want to
be helped. Some, for example, need to lose themselves in work
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