Manage stress
at work
n 2009/10, the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) esti-
mated that between 8 and 11 million working days were lost
to the UK economy due to stress. This was the largest single
cause of lost productivity. It has an economic cost of around
£1 billion and equates to 1.5 per cent of people who worked in
that year suffering from stress caused or made worse by work
at some time during those 12 months. Stress accounts for just
over 40 per cent of days lost to illness: it is a big workplace
And these gures are only the most obvious consequence
of stress. Others include increased staff turnover, with all of
the cost and disruption that causes, accidents, errors and
poor judgement, damage to workplace relationships among
colleagues and with customers, and simple reductions in
This chapter therefore considers stress at work:
How to spot it
Managers’ responsibilities
How to reduce the stress you cause your colleagues,
particularly if you are a manager
How to support team members who show signs of stress
Turning around a stressed work environment
How to protect yourself from stress at work
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