86 brilliant stress management
you clear all of your quick, Type A tasks before you have nished
your Type B tasks. If you are still in overwhelm, then skip the
Frenzy step and allow 50-minute bursts of work on your Type B
tasks, with 10-minute breaks.
If you want to break the cycle of success, it is vital that you
recognise progress, so that your brain can start to stand down
its ght-or-ight troops. So, make a point of noticing and
acknowledging your successes. Praise yourself and celebrate
your achievements. Even give yourself little rewards. Noticing
your successes will change your stress levels all on its own.
Take your time
As you start to bring your time under control, mastery will come
when you start to slow down and take your time over things.
There is an old proverb: ‘more haste, less speed’. Who knows if
it’s true? It certainly seems to be. What is true, however, is that
taking the time to be present in the moment, to savour the
sounds, colours and textures around you, to relish the company
you are in, or to enjoy the avours
of your food, will relax you. Make
time for good company, make time
for your loved ones, and make time
for yourself. These are the ultimate
rewards of good time management.
make time for good
company, make time
for your loved ones, and
make time for yourself
For brilliant time management, get your OATS.
Don’t put things off you’ll only end up wasting more time,
feeling guilty, and getting more stressed.
Control your time 87
Say NO when it is the noble thing to do.
When too many things overwhelm you, use the structured
Boxed Burst and Break method to take control.
Celebrate your successes, so you know you are making progress.
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