ABC model 128, 193
ABCDE model 193–6
ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation
and Arbitration Service) 149,
178, 181
action, taking 66–8
activities 76–8
goal setting 75–6
personality type 8–9
recovering perspective 114
stress-causing behaviours
adaptive coping style 48
adrenaline 7, 10
Aikido 205
alcohol 45, 47–8, 49
effects of 47
Alcoholics Anonymous 199
Alexander Technique, the 31–2,
34, 49, 205, 208
semi-supine posture 35
Almeda County Study 48
amygdale 7
anger 169, 171
anxiety 10–11
arbitration 177, 180
do’s and don’ts 181
aromatherapy 209
see also essential oils; smells
assertiveness 105–7, 208
techniques 106–7
associations 22
attention see listening
attitudes 91–108, 166
assertiveness 105–7
be careful 98–9
be perfect 96–7
be right 97
be serious 99–100
be strong 97
coping with change 161–2
dangerous/limiting beliefs
example 96
exercise 101–2
feel guilty 100
hurry up 97–8
know what you want 100–1
‘life project’ 103
please others 93–5
prejudices 112–13
self-condence 104–5
tip 99
try harder 95–6
values 91–3, 100–1
back pain 14
behaviour 135
beliefs 193
Belloc, Dr Nedra 48
bereavement 158, 163–4
blame game 196–9
body language 170–2
breaks 79, 80
Index 211
breathing 38, 117–18
Breslow, Dr Lester 48
British Association for
Counselling &
Psychotherapy (BACP) 149,
Buddha 115
caffeine 45–6
CBT (Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy) 128, 205, 208
celebration 86, 202
change 15, 16, 153–66
acceptance 158
at work 143–4, 157–8
attitude to 161–2
bereavement 158, 163–4
commitment 158
cycle 155
denial 155–6
emotional impact 156–7,
exploration 157
how it happens 153–4
management 143–4
pace of 162–3
personal tolerance for 159
process for thriving from
rational response 160–1
resistance 157
rollercoaster 155–9
tips 163
Chartered Institute of Personnel
and Development (CIPD)
chiropractors 49
chocolate 204
choice 18–19
Citizens’ Advice Bureau 200
Civil Service (UK) 57
colour 65–6
conict 169–82
anger 171
approaches to dealing with
avoidance 172
criteria for resolution 176
disagreement 170
discomfort 170
dominance 171
give and take 174
make concessions 173
play to win 173
resolving 175–7, 182
seven step process 175–7, 182
step away 172–3
stress 171
submission 171
warning signs 170–2
‘win–win’ 174
see also SCOPE process
contingency 79
controlling stress 17–23
at work 133–50
attitudes 91–108
books on 208
change 153–66
conict 169–82
energy 41–2
environment 53–69
fuel (food/drink) 43–8
helping others 184–200
humour 40–1
mental response 111–30
101 ways 202–7
physical responses 27–50
posture 28–33
process 54–7
relaxation/rest 29, 33–40
resources 49
time management 73–87
cortisol 7
Covey, Stephen 176
decision-making 66–7
212 Index
decision-making (continued)
maximisers 122–3
psychology of 122–3
satisers 122–3
decluttering 61, 203
delegation 83–4
Dickens, Charles 113
drama triangle, the 196–9
avoiding 198–9
persecutor 197, 198
rescuer 197, 198
victim 197, 198
drivers 93, 93, 103 see also
attitudes; values
alcohol 45, 47–8
caffeine 45–6
nicotine 45, 46–7
eating see food
Eisenhower, Dwight D 77
Ellis, Albert 128, 193
see also ABC model; ABCDE
emotions 128–9, 134–5
impact of change 155–6,
empathy 186, 188
employees see work
endorphins 34
energy 41–2
environment 53–69
act 56, 66–8
believe 54–5
colour 65
commit 55–6
ergonomics 61
escape 68
get organized 59–60, 69
healthy relationships 57–9
improving 60–2
light 65
noise 63–5
persist 56–7
process 54–7
resources 68
smells 63
stimulus 61–2
work 141
Epps, Helen 65, 66
ergonomics 61, 68
essential oils 63 see also
aromatherapy; smells
exercise 41–2, 49, 202, 204, 205
low-impact 42
Alexander semi-supine posture
assessing stress symptoms 5
gratitude journal 125
identifying stressors 16–17
lead the mind: lead the body 115
meditation 37
past positive 124
posture 32, 33
regaining control 116–17
self-esteem book 104
understanding your values
your anchors 161
Farley, Frank 11
fear of failure 116
‘Felicity factor’, the 41, 49
ght-or-ight response 8
exibility 161–2
focus 112–19
food 43–4, 50, 202, 205, 206
list of stress-healthy 44
forgiveness 203
Frederickson, Barbara 111
Freidman, Meyer (Mike) 8, 9,
10, 22
fuel (food/drink) 43–8
Gamblers Anonymous 200
goal setting 75–6, 121, 202
GP (General Practitioner) 199
Index 213
gratitude 122–5, 162
exercises 124, 125
journal 125, 130, 161
grieving see bereavement
happiness 41
health 134
Health and Safety at Work Act
1974 137
Health and Safety Executive
(HSE) 1, 68, 133, 138, 149
management standards 140–4
risk assessment process 145–7
healthy ageing 48–9, 50
heart disease 10
helping other people with stress
184–200, 203
expert/professional 199
listening 184–92
regaining control 192–6
resources 199–200
see also ABCDE model; drama
helplessness 55
hostility 10, 23
humour 40
iceberg model 92
impatience 4
Institute of Ergonomics and
Human Factors 68
Institute of Occupational Safety
and Health (OSH) 149
International Stress Management
Association (SMA) 200
‘karoshi’ 201
Karpman, Stephen 196 see also
drama triangle
Kaya, Naz 65, 66
Ki Aikido 32, 49, 116, 205
King Solomon x
laughing 40, 41, 118–19, 205
‘life project’ 103–4
light 65
lists see food, to do list; today list
listening 184–92
attending 188
awareness 190
control your inner voice 190
deep 188–92
empathising 186, 188
rst response 186–7
levels 187–8
making time 186
match and mirror 191
open questions 189
power of silence 192
pretending 187
put yourself out of the way
reect not rephrase 191
selecting 187–8
supportive responses 189
tip 190–1
Logan, Richard 53, 54, 67
longevity factors 48
Management of Health and
Safety at Work Regulations
1999 138
management responsibilities
mediation 177, 178
process 178–9
tip 179–80
meditation 36–8, 145, 202
breathing 38
exercise 37
sleeping 39
mental response 111–30
be good to yourself 127–8
breaking the cycle 128–30
determination 121
exibility 121–2
focus 112–19
gratitude 122–5
214 Index
mental response (continued)
motivation 125–6
optimism 119–21
persistence 122
rage 117–19
responsibility 120
self-talk 125–8
survivor talk 126–7
tip 129
tune your antennae 120–1
victim talk 126–7
Mind 200
mind reading 195
‘mirror neurons’ 186–7
mood 134–5
Morris, William 62
music 64–5, 203
negative thinking 195–6
nervous system 7–8, 34,
parasympathetic 40, 41
nicotine 45, 46–7
Niebuhr, Reinhold 53, 111
NLP 205
no, saying see saying NO
noise 63–5
noradrenaline 7, 10
OATS principle 73–80
activities 76–8
outcomes 74–6
schedule 79–80
time 78–9
101 ways to reduce stress 202–07
optimism 119–21, 161–2, 202
osteopaths 49
outcomes 74–6 see also goal
setting; OATS principle
overwhelm 84–6
personal incident diary 148–9
personality types 8–10
activity 8–9
Type A 8–10, 22
Type B 8–10
Type T 10–11
pets 39–40, 203
physical responses 27–50
posture 28–33
physiology of stress 6–8
see also posture
Pilates 42, 205
play 202–03
‘Positive Psychology’ 111,
posture 28–33, 49
Alexander Technique 31–2
benets of good 28–30
exercises 32, 33
movement 29, 32
sitting 31
standing 30–1
prioritisation 79, 202
procrastination 80–4
rage 117–19, 169
reducing stress see controlling
stress; 101 ways
Relate 200
relaxation/rest 29, 33–40, 49, 201
deep 36
pets and 39–40
see also meditation
relationships 57–9, 69
resilience 112 see also mental
Reticular Activating System
Roosevelt, Eleanor 104, 115
Rosenman, Dr Ray 8, 9, 10
Samaritans, the 200
saying NO 82–4, 94, 105–6,
delegation 83–4
Noble Objections 82–3
tip 106
scheduling 78–9
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