Manage stress at work 147
Initiatives like these need to be led from the very top of the organi-
sation to have the credibility they need, to succeed.
Actively find and resolve problems
Problem solving is a large area, but making it a part of a new
culture requires three vital things:
1 Establish processes for data collection.
2 Use structured analysis to find and address root causes.
3 Bring together diverse teams to plan and carry out remedial
Create a wellbeing culture
The gold standard for a non-stressing workplace is one with a
‘wellbeing culture’ where staff are encouraged to take care of
themselves, and their employer provides the resources to support
them. Corporate gyms and relaxation rooms, on-site counsellors
and masseurs all seem like an indulgence. But in some environ-
ments the reduction in absences and illness, and the increase in
productivity and customer service can bring bottom-line results
that more than pay for the investment and running costs. This
will require a business case.
You may not need to go quite so far, to maximise a sense of
wellbeing by prioritising health, tness and relaxation. Just
creating opportunities for exible working and offering shower
facilities for people who want to ride or run to work, or exercise
at lunchtime, are a big start. You may then be able to offer some
social, exercise or therapeutic resources, or consider subsidising
their costs or giving over some working time to social activities.
Protecting yourself from stress at work
What can you do to protect yourself from the stresses and strains
of a managerial role? Let’s look at three major stressors for a
typical manager.
148 brilliant stress management
Uneasy lies the head . . .
As a manager you do have responsibility, so nding someone
to talk to with experience of what you are dealing with is an
important way to protect yourself – giving you a chance to vent,
and as a source of advice. Another valuable asset is humility: you
will get things wrong, so do the best you can and accept your
setbacks as chances to learn.
Too busy
Not only do you have your own work, but you need to be there
for every member of your team too. Make sure you schedule
time off to relax, and plan your work accordingly. Scheduling
private thinking and planning time is a great tool that many
managers value highly. Delegate and prioritise as much as you
can, so you can focus on what matters most.
Not liked
Sometimes you won’t be liked; you may be resented, despised,
hated even. It may not be in your job description, but it some-
times goes with the job. Keep your attention on what matters
most, do things properly and, above all, always do the right
thing. If you can achieve that, you may not be liked, but people
will respect you.
Personal incident diary
If you find yourself getting stressed, start to keep a personal incident diary.
At the end of each day, note any incidents that stressed you out. For each
incident, answer seven questions:
Manage stress at work 149
1 What happened?
2 Who was involved?
3 How did you respond?
4 How did it turn out?
5 What did you learn?
6 What will you do next time?
7 What are you grateful for?
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS):
British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP):
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD):
Health and Safety Executive (HSE):
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH):
Trades Union Congress (TUC):
Spot the health, mood and behavioural signs of stress in
individuals, and the collective signs of stress across your whole
You must take stress seriously and deal with it.
Be aware that, as a manager, you may be causing some of the
stress in your team. Look for ways to minimise this.
150 brilliant stress management
The right systems and processes can turn around a workplace
environment, and there is a lot of help available from
professional and statutory bodies.
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