Control your
What is important to you?
What is really important to you?
What things drive the decisions you make in your life?
ne of the major sources of stress is a conflict between
these values and some of the requirements that work,
or our relationships, or our other choices put upon us.
Sometimes it’s a conflict between our values and what we are
asked to do, sometimes it’s a conflict with the values of our
employer, and sometimes it’s a conflict with the values of the
people around us: our bosses, colleagues, customers, family
members or social contacts. Sometimes it’s a conflict with the
values that we believe will make us successful.
Values conict is a particular source
of stress at work. It may be deep-
seated and the only way to resolve
it is to nd different work. However,
there may be another solution. We all
want to live by our values, but very few of us actually set out to
choose them. Have you ever taken time to articulate what your
values are, let alone what you want them to be?
Sometimes your acquired values drive you to make choices that
serve you poorly. Perhaps those values did serve you well once.
values conflict is a
particular source of
stress at work
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