your mental
response to
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
The courage to change the things I can.
‘The Serenity Prayer’ by Reinhold Niebuhr
e saw this quote at the start of Chapter 3, where we
started to look at how to change the things you can.
Chapter 3 was about how to change your environ-
ment, Chapter 4 was about how to change the way you use your
time, and Chapter 5 was about how to change your attitudes. This
chapter will address the other part of the quote: how to accept the
things you cannot change. We will concentrate on how to control
the way you respond mentally and emotionally to stress.
Perhaps the most inuential researcher in this area is Barbara
Frederickson. She is widely credited with being one of the key
thinkers in the establishment of ‘Positive Psychology’. Whilst
this name may sound a little self-help/new-age, this became a
respected part of psychology in 1998, when President of the
American Psychological Association, Martin Seligman, ofcially
launched Positive Psychology as a distinct branch of psychology,
and lifted it from the level of pop psychology to a topic of serious
scientic research.
Frederickson showed how positive thoughts and experiences
can undo negative emotions, make us more resilient to stress,
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