Creating a Note

In addition to using activities to capture the interactions with your customers and prospects, you might find that you want to jot down some notes about a record. For example, imagine that you read an article in the newspaper about one of your accounts, and the article includes some important information about the account’s growth plans. You’d like to capture that information in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Because you didn’t interact with the customer or anyone else, the action of recording this data doesn’t fit the "activity" concept. Fortunately, Microsoft Dynamics CRM allows you to create notes and link those notes to the various records in your system.

As you learned in Chapter 3, you can upload file attachments to a record. Microsoft Dynamics CRM displays the notes you enter about a record in the same area of the user interface.

In this exercise, you will create a note about an account.


Creating a Note

USE the Sonoma Partners account record you created in Chapter 3. If you cannot locate the Sonoma Partners record in your system, select a different account record for this exercise.

BE SURE TO use the Internet Explorer Web browser to navigate to your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web site before beginning this exercise.

  1. Navigate to the Accounts view and open the Sonoma Partners record.

  2. Click the Notes tab.

  3. Click in the box that displays Click here to enter a new note.

    Microsoft Dynamics CRM inserts a new row and positions the cursor in it so you can begin typing.

  4. Enter This is a sample note about Sonoma Partners.

  5. Press . Notice that Microsoft Dynamics CRM moves the cursor to a new row. To complete your note, press the key or click anywhere on the screen outside the current note.

  6. To delete the note, right-click the Note title.


    To delete a note, you must have a security role that has delete privileges. If you are unable to perform this step, contact your system administrator about deleting the note.

    A new menu appears.

  7. Click Delete to delete the note.


Unlike activities, notes do not roll up from related records. You will see only those notes regarding the record you’re viewing.

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