Adding Members to a List by Using Advanced Find

Most lists have something that relates the records to each other—for example, a list might contain only those contacts who reside in the state of Illinois or all accounts with a preferred customer status. The Advanced Find feature allows you to easily search for records that share a specified attribute and add either all of them or a selected set from the query results as members to your marketing list.

See Also

For more information on searching for data with the Advanced Find feature, see Chapter 15.

In this exercise, you will add all active contacts with an Illinois address as members to the Illinois Contacts marketing list created in the previous section.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM will not add duplicate members to a list. If your query results contain a record that already exists in the marketing list, Microsoft Dynamics CRM ignores the duplicate record.



USE a user account that has the Marketing Manager security role or another role with privileges to add members to a marketing list.

BE SURE TO use the Internet Explorer Web browser to navigate to your Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web site before beginning this exercise.

  1. In the Marketing area, click Marketing Lists.

  2. Double-click the Illinois Contacts marketing list created in the previous exercise.

  3. In the left navigation area, click Marketing List Members to view the members of the list.

  4. Click the Manage Members button.

  5. In the Manage Members dialog box, click Use Advanced Find to add members.

  6. Click OK. In the Add Members dialog box, create your query conditions where the Status field equals Active and the Address1:State/Province field equals IL.



    If your organization typically enters the full state name instead of an abbreviation or does not have any contact records with an IL address, enter a different state or other criterion instead to ensure that results are returned in your search.


    Save your Advanced Find query to quickly add additional member records in the future.

  7. Click Find. Verify that at least one contact is returned in the results. Then, below the results view, click Add all the members returned by the search to the marketing list.

  8. Click Add to Marketing List.

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