Make a new layer, and choose a small Brush. Set the Brush
mode to Dissolve (set this in the Options bar). Now, it
will paint a spray of individual pixels. The lower the opacity of
the brush, the more widely spaced the pixels; use about 40%
opacity, and paint some brown streaks.
For the cutaway, paint
in gray on another new
layer. Use a higher Brush
opacity, so that more of the
interior is filled with dots.
This time, we want more
Gaussian Blur – try a
3-pixel blur. This produces a
softer result, as seen here, and
fills in some of the holes.
we saw how to make the sign above using
Lighting Effects, and how to use a version of
the Alpha channel with added Noise to make
a paint-on rust effect. Here, we’ll look at how
to make a better type of rust, lichen and decay
that you can ‘spray’ onto the artwork using a
Brush set to Dissolve mode, followed by a Bevel
set in Layer Styles to add a three-dimensional
quality to the decay and degradation.
Four different versions of the effect are
shown here, all using slightly different settings.
The result is a little over-the-top – I wouldn’t
necessarily recommend you apply all these
techniques to the same piece of artwork.
What’s surprising, though, is that all the effects
here are painted on new layers on top of the
base artwork – which hasn’t itself been touched
at all.
Spray-on rust and decay
Metal, wood and stone
When placing
elements such as
rust, think where
they’re likely to be
found. If this sign is
hanging vertically,
then rust will form
in the places water
gathers when it
rains – dripping
from the bottom
of the letters,
hanging on the
underside of the
triangle, and so on.
The eaten-away
enamel works well
when it more or
less follows the
contour of the
raised areas.
After you’ve finished
painting your brush
strokes, use the Gaussian Blur
filter to add a 1-pixel blur to
the whole layer.
Use the Layer Styles
dialog to add an Inner
Bevel to the layer. Use a Size
of around 2px, and a Depth of
around 180%.
Apply an Inner Bevel again, with the Technique set to
Smooth; add an Inner Shadow (left). Now check the Gloss
Contour box and go to that section, and
apply a Cove Shallow contour to make
this eaten-away look (right).
To make the mold, make
a new layer and, using
the Brush still set to Dissolve,
paint in light green at 20%
opacity, then Blur as before.
Add another Inner Bevel,
and this time use a
large Depth – around 500%.
Change the Technique to
Chisel Soft for a lumpy effect.
Finally, make yet another layer and add an Inner Bevel to
it, the Direction set to Down. When you paint in gray on
this layer with a very small brush, you can make the scratches
shown here. You can vary the depth of the scratches and adjust
the layer opacity so they aren’t too strong.
How to Cheat in Photoshop CC
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