This image shows a complex skyline, with many fiddly elements punctuating
the heavens – from the street light to the strings of bulbs stretched between
them, to the ornate roof on the building on the left. An impossible job using
the Lasso tool: but theres a better way. Choose Select/Color Range to begin the
replacement operation.
With the sky selected, open any other sky you have lying around. Select All
(Ca La) and Copy (Cc Lc), then paste it inside the selected
area: choose Edit > Paste Special > Paste Into. The new sky will be positioned within
the selection, and you can move or scale it as required. It will move independently of
the area you’ve pasted it inside.
command works in
precisely the same way as the
Replace Color dialog detailed
on the previous page, except
that rather than changing the
hue it returns a selection.
This makes it the ideal
tool for changing elements
such as the sky, as shown in
this example: with the sky
isolated from the original
image, we can paste in any
cloud formation we want to
strengthen and add drama to
the image.
Here, we’ve taken a
sunny day on the Brighton
seafront and made the scene
altogether more doom-laden
simply by replacing the sky
with something a touch more
Color by numbers
Natural selection
If you’ve
performed a
Select Color
operation and
want to repeat
it exactly, hold
O A as you
select it again
from the menu. It
will reappear with
the same settings
already loaded
up. Holding
this modifier
will reload the
last settings for
any of the color
as well.
The dialog works in the same way as Replace Color: the main difference is that
the selected area is shown on the image as a QuickMask selection, although you
can change this using the pop-up menu. Use S and O A as before, to add
and subtract colors to and from the selected range, until the entire sky is selected.
Choosing Paste Into creates a layer mask that exactly matches the original
selection – see Chapter 3 for more about how to use layer masks. We can now
paint on the mask to remove pieces of sky from regions where it shouldn’t have
appeared, such as halfway up the railings on the left. But note how the new sky even
shows through the glass domes of the lamp.
How to Cheat in Photoshop CC
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