DeBlur with Shake Reduction
Choose the filter using Filter > Sharpen > Shake Reduction. It will
automatically select a square area in the middle of the image, and will
begin to calculate the amount of shake involved by tracing similar pixels. It will
then attempt to correct that shake.
You can enable or disable each trace region using the check boxes under
the thumbnails, or turn the whole Preview on and off by pressing p.
At the bottom right corner
you’ll find the Detail pane,
which shows an enlarged view of a
small section of the image.
If you click the icon at the
bottom right of this pane, it will
pop out and become a loupe you
can drag over the image for a real-
time preview of the effect.
was first leaked at Adobe Max, the
blogosphere was awash with expectation. This,
surely would be the highlight of Photoshop CS6,
and would be able to rescue just about any duff
The release of CS6 came and went, with no
sign of the much-expected filter. The trouble is,
what it attempts to do is really very difficult. It has
finally turned up in Photoshop CC, but it’s a long
way from being the universal fix that everyone had
hoped for.
Shake Reduction is a filter that attempts to
correct camera shake. It works only with a narrow
range of images, it doesn’t like images with noise,
and its results are questionable. If you’re still
intrigued, read on!
Advanced techniques
When a camera shakes it doesn’t
produce the same amount of blur all
over the image, so Photoshop allows you to
compensate for that.
Using the Blur Estimation Tool (shortcut:
e) you can draw out another rectangle,
and the amount of shake in that area will be
calculated independently.
You can create several additional regions
in this way, and each will be shown as a
thumbnail in the Advanced pane on the
right. The final image result will be a blend
of all the traces.
As well as creating automatic trace
estimation, you can also draw a precise
path using the Blur Direction Tool (shortcut:
r). Find a clear area, where the blur is easy
to define, and drag the tool so that the tiny
squares at each end align with the relative
positions of the blurred image.
It’s tricky to do this accurately, and its
worth dragging the preview pane to the
same position so you can see the final effect
as you drag.
When you select each of the trace
regions by clicking on its thumbnail,
you can set two further controls for each
one. The Smoothing slider reduces artificial
noise that creeps in during the sharpening
process, and the Artifact Suppression slider
reduces the appearance of ghosting.
Although both sliders behave as
described, they also necessarily reduce the
sharpening effect to some degree, so use
them with care.
Shake Reduction
performs its task
adequately, given
the right sort of
image – but that’s
the problem. It’s
hard to find an
image it will work
with at all.
Shake Reduction
doesn’t like noisy
images, but those
are exactly what
youd expect when
shooting in low
light – exactly the
conditions under
which camera
shake is likely to
with it, certainly,
but expect to be
frustrated by the
narrow range of
images to which it
can be applied.
How to Cheat in Photoshop CC
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