This 50 Euro banknote is a flat, scanned object. These
days, Photoshop prevents us from scanning banknotes:
even if we take a photograph of one with a digital camera and
then try to import it, Photoshop will prevent us from opening
the image. Fraud is harder than it used to be!
We can drag the handle up as well as down, to create a
note that waves in the opposite direction – a quick way
of building an instant, different view of the object.
With the basic distortion added, we can now choose to
view our banknote from any perspective. Simply using
Free Transform to squeeze it vertically and rotate it a little gives
us a much flatter view of the note.
Sunday Telegraph, is a simple enough
concept – a couple navigating a sea of debt. If
I’d had to draw each of those bills individually,
I’d probably still be drawing them now.
We can use Photoshop’s Image Warp tool
to take a single flat piece of artwork and distort
it so it appears to be a real, three-dimensional
object, and create multiple views of the same
item to create a lot of variation.
In early editions of this book I described
how to do this using the Shear filter, which is
how we used to have to work before Photoshop
CS3 brought us Image Warp. It’s altogether a
much better way to get the results we need.
How to make a load of money
Paper and fabric
To make the note look more three-dimensional, use
Ct Lt to enter Free Transform, then press the
Image Warp button on the Options bar. From the pop-up
menu, select Flag as the warp preset.
The sides look too straight and unnatural with just the
Flag distortion. Change the method from Flag to Custom,
again using the pop-up menu, and we can grab the corners
and handles and apply a more natural distortion.
We can easily distort that single note further, simply
using Free Transform. If you’re building a pile of notes,
adding shadows to all but the topmost note using the Burn
tool will make them look much more real.
The default distortion is far too strong. We can modify the
amount by grabbing the only control handle for this warp
method, and dragging it down until we get a more realistic
view of the note.
Hit E to apply the distortion. Adding shading using
the Burn tool, set to Highlights, instantly makes the
distorted note look much more like a real object. Add shading
to the valleys, rather than the hills, for added realism.
Although we can distort the note to a very high degree,
the one thing we can’t do is to flip it horizontally or
vertically. This is exactly the sort of error that will get noticed –
try not to fall into the trap!
Although the
pile of notes in
step 8 was built
using minor
of the single note I
completed in step
6, in practice you’d
want to make
a stock of three
or four different
notes before going
on to build the
pile. It only needs
a few variations to
fool the eye into
thinking all the
notes are different.
How to Cheat in Photoshop CC
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