3D layers 352–369
instances 362
managing models 352
Accented Edges filter 405
Actions 424
Actions, Conditional 427–435
actual size 438
Adaptive Wide Angle filter 72
adding depth 334
Adjust Edges 15
Adjustment Layers 32, 120
Curves 224, 265
Hue/Saturation 226, 253
adjustments 419
Curves 108, 110, 192, 288
Hue/Saturation 329
Levels 112
Shadows/Highlights 106, 123
Adobe Illustrator 20
ageing 226
ageing, reverse 228
Alpha Channels 292, 297
anchor points 21
animals 50
Araucaria 244–247
arrow keys 5
Auto-Enhance 15
auto masking 90
Background Eraser tool 422
backgrounds 145, 142–147
banknotes 314
basket 398
beards 224, 303
Bevel and Emboss 287, 298
Blending Options 99, 100, 269
Blur tool 231
bodies 212
body language 137, 138
body parts 212
books 316
bookshelves 163
bottle rotation 74
bottles 274
boxes 164, 344
brain 275
breaking glass 380
Brightness/Contrast 107, 109, 111,
brush design 416, 418
Brushes panel 223
brush jitter 417
brush scattering 417
Brush tool 27, 420
bubbles 252
buildings 166
Burn tool 199, 231, 315, 319
buses 378
buttons 385
cables 350
Camera Raw 68, 124–131, 394
cardboard 345
cars 160
cartoon distortions 378
Channels 110, 288, 292, 296
Clipping Masks 255
Clone tool 46, 410
closing gaps 206–211
clouds 86
Clouds filter 197, 256, 265, 292, 307
CMYK 440
coffee 54
coin 334
color 110, 116
Color Balance 231, 261, 329
Color Burn 327
Color Burn mode 83
Color Dodge mode 83
color gamut 440
coloring monochrome images 240
Color mode 27, 83, 241
Color Overlay 287
Color Range 90
Color Replacement tool 34
combining body parts 212
combining images 244
company logos 246
complex reflections 272
complex strokes 414
composition 144
compound paths 24
Conditional Actions 427–435
Content-Aware Fill 58, 60
Content-Aware Move tool 62, 64
Content-Aware Scaling 56, 58, 60
rounding 408
correcting perspective 158
cosmetic surgery 238
creases 323
cropping 170
crumpling 318
curtains 326
Curves adjustment 9, 108, 110, 120,
192, 224, 274, 284, 288, 351, 396
custom brush design 416, 418
Darken mode 82
Da Vinci 144
day for night 200
decay 294
Decontaminate Colors 14, 219
depth 334
Desaturate command 275
Detect Faces 33
Difference mode 83
Diffuse Glow filter 405
digital cameras 272, 438
Direct Selection tool 406
Displace filter 413
displacement maps 346, 348
Dissolve mode 55, 87, 255, 260, 294
distortion 40, 51, 378
Dodge and Burn 241, 261, 301, 305,
dogs 270
doors 336, 338
doubling objects 164
drawers 336
duplication 165
Edge Detection 17, 218
editing movies 446
Elliptical Marquee tool 4, 12, 185,
268, 351
embossing 296, 304
Eraser tool 11
explosions 196, 380, 383
extreme shading 192
eyebrows 225
eye contact 138, 230
eyelines 151
eyes 117, 230, 241
Fade dialog 197, 327
Feather command 86
fences 347
Fibers filter 326
File formats
GIF 442
JPEG 442
filing cabinets 336
Filter Gallery 404
Accented Edges 405
Adaptive Wide Angle 72
Camera Raw 128–131
Clouds 197, 256, 265, 292, 307
Diuse Glow 405
Displace 413
Fibers 326
Filter Gallery 404
Gaussian Blur 261, 292, 348
Gaussian Noise 225, 261, 265,
293, 307
Glass 256
High Pass 93, 123
Liquify 67, 229, 234, 238
Median 229
Motion Blur 264
Ocean Ripple 257, 265
Plastic Wrap 250, 250–255, 252,
261, 267, 329, 345
Polar Coordinates 351
Poster Edges 405
Radial Blur 225
Shake Reduction 428, 430
Shear 319
Smart Sharpen 118
Spherize 252
Texturizer 299, 303, 405
Vanishing Point 166, 168, 366
Wave 254, 258, 318
ZigZag 254, 265
fire 196
flags 44, 349
flipping 137
flipping horizontally 338
floors 298, 326
focus 116
folding 318
folds and wrinkles 312
foreground 140, 145
foreground/background color 8
frames 266
free photographs 247
Free Transform 12, 40, 75, 161, 164,
176, 182, 315, 334, 337, 345
Friday Challenge 74, 162, 186, 200,
252, 302, 306
Gamut Warning 441
Gaussian Blur 177, 185, 199, 261,
292, 401
Gaussian Noise 225, 261, 265, 293
GIF files 442
glass 266, 268, 274, 278, 380
glass distortion 412
Glass filter 256
glass, photographing 280
glass refraction 268
glow 199
gold 286
Gradient Overlay 286
Gradient tool 86, 141
graffiti 168
grain 210
grass 86, 306
gravestones 304, 306
ground shadows 176, 178
guitars 334
hair 34, 216, 218, 220
hair loss 220
hands 52, 398
Hard Light 82, 122, 188, 190, 224,
267, 275, 323
Hard Light layers 188, 190, 312
heads on bodies 210
heads, swapping 208
head turning 234
Healing brush 59, 227, 229
High Pass filter 93, 123
History brush 229, 422
History panel 229, 422
horizons 150
horses 64
Hue/Saturation 274, 329
Hue/Saturation, selective 114
IBL 368
Image-based lighting 368
image size 438
Image Warp 44, 54, 66, 75, 161, 315,
instances 362
interaction 136
internet, preparing work for 442
ivy 416
jitter 417
JPEG files 442
keyboard shortcuts 6, 9, 83, 92
labeling 309
lamps 186
laser beams 270
Lasso tool 6, 185, 319, 381
Layer Comps 402
Layer Groups 255, 402
Layer Masks 84, 86, 88, 92, 225, 275
Layer modes 82, 343
Color 227, 241
Hard Light 122, 190, 210, 224,
227, 253, 265, 267, 275, 323
Linear Light 197
Multiply 231, 303, 343
Screen 265
Soft Light 299
Layers 26, 98, 100
Layer Sets & Groups 273
Layer Styles 99, 268, 286, 298, 304,
Lens Correction 68
Levels adjustment 112, 182
Lighten mode 83
light from windows 180
lighting 186
Lighting Effects 290–294
light modes 188
light source 184
Line tool 153, 163
Liquify filter 67, 229, 234, 238
How to Cheat in Photoshop CC
Lock Transparency 26
logos 246
Luminosity mode 83
Magic Wand tool 6, 11
makeovers 238
marble 301
Marquee tool 198
Mask Color Range 90
mask softening 89
Masks panel 89
matching existing perspective 342
Median filter 229
Merged Copy 252
metal 284, 286, 290, 351
Mixer Brush tool 420
moats 254
modifier keys 5
mold 295
Motion Blur filter 264
Move tool 4
movie editing 446
multiple object shading 190–195
multiple strokes 414
Multiply mode 82, 343
mustaches 225
natural media brushes 420
neon 198
night scenes 200
Normal mode 82
nudge keys 183
Ocean Ripple filter 257, 265
opacity 10
opening drawers 336
Options bar 37
outlines 8, 24
Overlay mode 82, 297
panels 37
panorama correction 72
paper 318
Patch tool 411
paths 20, 24
Pen tool 20, 22, 24, 231, 328, 406
perspective 145, 160, 334, 337, 342
perspective cloning 46
perspective crop 170
perspective distortion 299, 337
photographing glass 280
photographs 322
Pin Depth 51
pipes 350
Plastic Wrap filter 250, 252, 261,
267, 329
playing cards 26, 182
Polar Coordinates filter 351
pools 256
Poster Edges filter 405
posters 144, 320
Print Size 438
Properties panel 121
public domain images 247
Puppet Warp 50, 52, 54
Purge All 37
quality settings 443
QuickMask 8, 10, 12, 31, 141, 183,
185, 225, 306, 381
Quick Selection tool 14, 16, 92, 218
Radial Blur 225
rain 264
Refine Edge 15, 16, 18, 93, 218
Refine Radius tool 17
reflections 254, 270, 271, 272, 279
refraction 268
repeat transformation 41
Replace Color 28
resolution 438
reverse shading 192
RGB 440
ribbons 328
ripping and tearing 320
rotation 40
round corners 408
Ruler tool 61
rust 294
satin 286
Saturation mode 83
Save for Web 442, 445
scaling 41
scattering 417
scratch disks 36
Screen mode 83, 98
Select Color 31, 32
selections 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 25, 27
selective hue and saturation 114
self test 448
shading 190, 335, 385
shadows 27, 106, 176, 178, 182, 183,
184, 190, 322, 341, 432
Shadows/Highlights adjustment
106, 123
shadows, portable 432
Shake Reduction filter 428, 430
Shapes layers 406
Shapes tool 153, 406
sharpening 116
Shear filter 318, 319
shearing 40
sheep 62
Shift Edge 15
shopfronts 342
shopping baskets 398
shortcuts 27
silk 348
silver 287
skintones 106, 110, 117, 241
Skin Tone selection 33
sky 30, 100
skyline 30
Smart Objects 51, 74, 316, 320, 400
Smart Sharpen filter 118
smoke 194
smoothing 88, 90
Smudge tool 86, 197, 217, 301
snow 260, 262
Soft Light 297, 299
Soft Light mode 82
Space bar 5
spectacles, adding 276
Spherize filter 252, 269, 275
Spot Healing tool 61, 410
statues 300, 302
stitching 418
stone 292, 304
Straighten 61
straightening images 68
streets 152, 158
Stroke Options 407
strokes, complex 414
stubble 224
submerging in water 258
swapping heads 208
tape 328
tape measures 66
tearing 320
telephones 384
televisions 380, 382
Test yourself 448
text 304
texture overlay 94
Texturizer filter 299, 303, 405
three point perspective 156
Timeline panel 446
tolerance setting 7
tombstones 306
toolbar 37
Background Eraser 422
Blur 231
Brush 27, 420
Burn 231, 315, 319, 335
Clone 46, 273, 410
Color Replacement 34
Content-Aware Move 62, 64
Direct Selection 406
Dodge 187, 335
Edge Detection brush 218
Elliptical Marquee 4
Healing brush 59, 227, 229
History brush 229, 422
Lasso 6, 319
Magic Wand 6
Marquee 4
Mixer Brush 420
Move 4
Patch 411
Pen 20, 22, 24, 406
Quick Selection 14, 16, 92, 218
Rene Radius 17
Ruler 61
Shapes 406
Smudge 197, 217, 301
Spot Healing 61, 410
transparency 10, 26, 268
transparency, locking 26
trucks 158
two point perspective 154
Unsharp Mask filter 116
Vanishing Point filter 166, 168, 366
vanishing points 152, 154
varnish 298
vector objects 406
visible light sources 184
walls 260
wall shadows 176
water 254, 256
water, submerging in 258
Wave filter 254, 258, 267, 318
web images 442
wide angle objects 160
windows 180
wires 199
wood 296, 298, 326
workspaces 78
ZigZag filter 254, 265
zombies 388
How to Cheat in Photoshop CC
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