
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


3-D rotation effects, Rotating and Flipping Objects


action buttons, Draw a Shape
Action Settings dialog box, Draw a Shape
actions, Undo and Redo an Action, Draw a Shape, Draw a Shape
passing mouse over object, Draw a Shape
undoing and redoing, Undo and Redo an Action
when clicking on object, Draw a Shape
ActiveX scripts, Publishing a Presentation as a Web Page
add-in programs, Display Tabs and Panes
Add-ins tab, Using the Ribbon
All Borders style, Modify Table Borders
All Slide dialog box, Go to a Particular Slide
alternative words for text, Use the Thesaurus
animations, Add a Text Box, Adding Transition Animations, Apply a Transition to All Slides, Applying a Custom Animation to an Object, Modify Animation Settings, Modify Animation Settings, Modify Animation Settings, Reorder Effects, Reorder Effects, Previewing an Animation, Previewing an Animation, Previewing an Animation
custom, Applying a Custom Animation to an Object
delay between, Modify Animation Settings
deleting, Modify Animation Settings
modifying settings, Modify Animation Settings
motion path, Adding Transition Animations
multiple, Reorder Effects
Normal view, Apply a Transition to All Slides
playing in sequence, Previewing an Animation
previewing, Previewing an Animation
reordering effects, Reorder Effects
timing, Previewing an Animation
annotations, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides, Specify Show Options, Make Annotations on Slides, Save Annotations
adding, Make Annotations on Slides
running slide show, Specify Show Options
saving, Save Annotations
slide shows, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides
Apply To All Slides command, Apply a Slide Theme, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme
Apply To Selected Slides command, Apply a Slide Theme, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme
Arrange, Align, Align To Slide command, Align Text in Cells


Change Chart Type dialog box, Insert a Chart
Change to Eraser (Ctrl+E) keyboard shortcut, Erase Annotations on Slides
Change to Pen Tool (Ctrl+P) keyboard shortcut, Erase Annotations on Slides
character spacing, Apply Effects to Text
Chart Layout gallery, Change Chart Style and Layout
Chart Styles gallery, Change Chart Style and Layout
charts, Creating Charts, Creating Charts, Insert a Chart, Insert a Chart, Change Chart Style and Layout, Change Chart Style and Layout, Change Chart Style and Layout, Display or Hide a Chart Legend, Display or Hide a Chart Legend, Work with Master Graphics
changing style and layout, Change Chart Style and Layout
displaying or hiding legend, Display or Hide a Chart Legend
formatting legend, Display or Hide a Chart Legend
inserting, Creating Charts
manually modifying, Change Chart Style and Layout
masters, Work with Master Graphics
source data, Insert a Chart
styles, Creating Charts, Change Chart Style and Layout
types, Insert a Chart
checking spelling, Reviewing Your Presentation (see )
Choose a SmartArt Graphic dialog box, Work with SmartArt, Insert SmartArt
Choose Theme or Themed Document dialog box, Find Slide Themes Online
clip art, Adding Clip Art, Adding Clip Art, Search for Clip Art, Insert Clip Art, Insert Clip Art, Apply a Fill Color or Effect, Work with Master Graphics
dragging and dropping, Insert Clip Art
fills, Apply a Fill Color or Effect
finding, Adding Clip Art
inserting, Insert Clip Art
masters, Work with Master Graphics
permissions, Adding Clip Art
viewing collections on Microsoft Office Web site, Search for Clip Art
Clip Art icon, Adding Clip Art
Clip Art task pane, Search for Clip Art, Working with Media Objects
Color dialog box, Change Text Color
color schemes, Using Slide Layouts and Themes, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme
colors, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes, Formatting Text, Change Text Color
RGB (Red/Green/Blue) color system, Change Text Color
text, Formatting Text
themes, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes
Colors dialog box, Specify Show Options
commands and keyboard shortcuts, Creating a New Presentation
comments, Add Comments
Comparison slide layout, Insert a New Slide, Insert a Table
content placeholder, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Enter Text on Slides, Working with Pictures
content slide, Understanding How to Build a Presentation
contextual toolbar, Change Text Color
contextual tools, A Quick Overview
contrast, Adjust Brightness or Contrast
Copy (Ctrl+C) keyboard shortcut, Delete Slides
copying, Undo and Redo an Action, Delete Slides
and pasting slides, Delete Slides
text, Undo and Redo an Action
Create Chart dialog box, Creating Charts
Create Handouts in Microsoft Office Word option, Send an Outline to Word
Crop tool, Resizing Objects
cropping pictures, Crop a Picture, Resizing Objects
cropping tool, Crop a Picture
custom animation, Applying a Custom Animation to an Object
Custom Animation task pane, Modify Animation Settings, Modify Animation Settings, Modify Animation Settings, Modify Animation Settings, Modify Animation Settings, Modify Animation Settings, Reorder Effects, Reorder Effects, Previewing an Animation, Previewing an Animation
Amount field, Modify Animation Settings
AutoPreview check box, Previewing an Animation
Font Size field, Modify Animation Settings
Move Down button, Reorder Effects
Move Up button, Reorder Effects
Remove button, Modify Animation Settings
Slide Show button, Previewing an Animation
Speed field, Modify Animation Settings
Start field, Modify Animation Settings
Custom Layout slide, Add a Layout
custom slide shows, Start a Custom Show, Choose Which Slides to Publish, Save a Presentation as a Template, Run a Custom Show
creation, Save a Presentation as a Template
running, Run a Custom Show
custom themes and SharePoint sites, Adding and Deleting Master Sets
Customize window, Remove or Rearrange Tools
customizing, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, Change Theme Fonts, Apply Effects to Text, Changing the Slide Background
background, Changing the Slide Background
character spacing, Apply Effects to Text
Quick Access toolbar, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
themes, Change Theme Fonts
Cut (Ctrl+X) keyboard shortcut, Delete Slides
cutting text, Undo and Redo an Action


data, removing hidden, Removing Hidden Data with Document Inspector
Date and Time dialog box, Insert the Date and Time
dates, Insert the Date and Time, Insert Footer Information, Insert Footer Information, Work with Notes Master, Insert Headers or Footers
automatically reflecting, Insert Footer Information
footers, Insert Footer Information
headers and footers, Insert Headers or Footers
notes, Work with Notes Master
slides, Insert the Date and Time
Delete Slide command, Display Slides
Demote (Tab) keyboard shortcut, Promote and Demote Headings
design elements, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes, Work with SmartArt, Using Slide Layouts and Themes, Using Slide Layouts and Themes, Using Slide Layouts and Themes
color schemes, Using Slide Layouts and Themes
previewing, Preview Design Elements with Galleries
slide layouts, Using Slide Layouts and Themes
SmartArt, Work with SmartArt
themes, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes, Using Slide Layouts and Themes
diagrams, Apply Effects to WordArt
Dialog Box Launcher, Display Tabs and Panes
dialog boxes, opening, Display Tabs and Panes
digital signatures, Adding a Digital Signature, Create Your Own Digital Signature, Create Your Own Digital Signature
third-party, Adding a Digital Signature
user-created, Create Your Own Digital Signature
viewing, Create Your Own Digital Signature
Digital Signing software, Purchase a Third-Party Digital Signature Product
display equipment, Start a Show
Document Inspector, Introducing Advanced PowerPoint Topics, Removing Hidden Data with Document Inspector
Draw Table tool, Editing Tables
duplicating, Undo and Redo an Action, Duplicate Slides, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout
placeholders, Undo and Redo an Action, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout
slides, Duplicate Slides


e-mailing presentations for review, E-mail a Presentation for Review
Edit Photo Album dialog box, Insert a New Photo Album
editing text, Working with Text
effects, Formatting Objects, Apply a Shape Effect, Reorder Effects
objects, Formatting Objects
reordering, Reorder Effects
shapes, Apply a Shape Effect
e-mailing presentations attached as PowerPoint files, E-mail a Presentation for Review
End Show (Ctrl+Break) keyboard shortcut, End a Show
ending slide shows, End a Show
erasing annotations on slides, Erase Annotations on Slides
Esc key, End a Show
expanding and collapsing outlines, Working with Outline Contents


features, What’s New in PowerPoint 2007?, What’s Where in PowerPoint 2007?, Display Tabs and Panes, Show or Hide Enhanced ScreenTips, Working with the Mini Toolbar, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar, Remove or Rearrange Tools
customizing Quick Access toolbar, Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar
design elements, Remove or Rearrange Tools
including, Display Tabs and Panes
Mini toolbar, Working with the Mini Toolbar
Quick Access toolbar, What’s Where in PowerPoint 2007?
ribbon, What’s New in PowerPoint 2007?
ScreenTips, Show or Hide Enhanced ScreenTips
File menu, A Quick Overview, What’s New in PowerPoint 2007?, What’s Where in PowerPoint 2007?, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations
accessing, What’s Where in PowerPoint 2007?
recently used files, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations
File, Close command, Save a Presentation
File, New command, Creating a New Presentation
File, Open command, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations
File, PowerPoint Options command, Show or Hide Enhanced ScreenTips, Working with the Mini Toolbar
File, Save As command, Saving and Closing a PowerPoint Presentation
File, Save As, Other Format command, Saving and Closing a PowerPoint Presentation
File, Save command, Saving and Closing a PowerPoint Presentation
files, Open a Presentation Based on an Existing Presentation, Open a Presentation Based on an Existing Presentation, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations
finding, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations
overwriting original, Open a Presentation Based on an Existing Presentation
recently used, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations
renaming, Open a Presentation Based on an Existing Presentation
fill color, Formatting Placeholders, Formatting Objects
finalizing presentations, Finalizing Your Slide Show
Find and Replace dialog box, Find and Replace Text
finding, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations, Cut, Copy, and Paste Text, Find Slide Themes Online, Adding Clip Art
clip art, Adding Clip Art
files, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations
and replacing text, Cut, Copy, and Paste Text
themes online, Find Slide Themes Online
First Slide (Home) keyboard shortcut, Go to a Particular Slide
Fit Slide to Current Window button, Sizing Panes in Normal View
flipping objects, Flip an Object
Font dialog box, Select a Font, Apply Effects to Text
font sets, Insert a Symbol
font sizes, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Display the Outline Tab
outlines, Display the Outline Tab
previewing, Preview Design Elements with Galleries
fonts, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Insert a Symbol, Change Theme Fonts, Change Theme Fonts, Applying Fonts, Applying Fonts, Select a Font, Select a Font, Change Text Size, Work with Notes Master, Taking a Presentation with You, Set up Web Options
changing, Select a Font
default, Set up Web Options
difficulty reading, Change Text Size
notes, Work with Notes Master
preinstalled, Applying Fonts
presentations, Taking a Presentation with You
previewing, Change Theme Fonts, Select a Font
selecting, Applying Fonts
symbols, Insert a Symbol
themes, Change Theme Fonts
Fonts gallery, Change Theme Fonts
Footer placeholder, Add a Layout
footers, Insert the Date and Time, Insert Footer Information, Insert Footer Information, Insert Footer Information, Insert Footer Information
date and time, Insert the Date and Time
inserting information on master, Insert Footer Information
placeholders, Insert Footer Information
returning placeholders to default, Insert Footer Information
slide number element, Insert Footer Information
Format Background dialog box, Changing the Slide Background
Format Legend command, Display or Hide a Chart Legend
Format Legend dialog box, Display or Hide a Chart Legend
Format Shape command, Formatting Placeholders, Add a Text Box
Format Shape dialog box, Add a Text Box, Apply a Shape Effect, Adjust Brightness or Contrast
formatting, Working with the Mini Toolbar, Formatting Placeholders, Display the Outline Tab, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline, Add a Text Box, Formatting Text, Formatting Objects, Work with Handout Master, Work with Notes Master
handouts, Work with Handout Master
notes, Work with Notes Master
objects, Formatting Objects
placeholders, Formatting Placeholders
text, Working with the Mini Toolbar, Display the Outline Tab, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline, Formatting Text
text boxes, Add a Text Box
turning on and off in outlines, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline


images, organizing, Insert a Picture
indented bullets levels, Promote and Demote Headings
Information Rights Management Service, Purchase a Third-Party Digital Signature Product
Insert Picture dialog box, Insert SmartArt


Last Slide (End) keyboard shortcut, Go to a Particular Slide
Last Viewed command, Go to a Particular Slide
Layout gallery, Working with Layouts
left arrow key, Navigating through Slides
Live Preview feature, Apply a Fill Color or Effect
looping slide shows, Setting Up a Slide Show


Master Layout thumbnail, Add a Layout
masters, Apply a Slide Theme, Formatting Text, Objects, and Slides, Working with Slide Masters, Understanding How Slide Masters Work, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Insert Footer Information, Work with Master Graphics, Work with Master Graphics, Work with Master Graphics, Work with Master Graphics, Add a Layout, Add a Layout, Add a Layout, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides, Adding and Deleting Master Sets, Delete a Master, Insert Additional Masters, Insert Additional Masters
adding, Insert Additional Masters
adding layout to, Add a Layout
automatically adding themes, Insert Additional Masters
charts, Work with Master Graphics
clip art, Work with Master Graphics
Custom Layout slide, Add a Layout
deleting, Delete a Master
displaying, Making Changes to a Slide Master
graphics, Work with Master Graphics
inserting footer information, Insert Footer Information
making changes to, Understanding How Slide Masters Work
modifying, Making Changes to a Slide Master
navigating, Making Changes to a Slide Master
omitting graphics from individual slides, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides
pictures, Work with Master Graphics
placeholders, Add a Layout
renaming, Adding and Deleting Master Sets
microphone, Rehearsing Your Presentation
Microphone Check dialog box, Add a Narration
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Publishing a Presentation as a Web Page
Microsoft Office PowerPoint, Save a Presentation
closing, Save a Presentation
Microsoft Office PowerPoint window, Getting Help
Microsoft Office Web site, viewing clip art collections, Search for Clip Art
Microsoft Office Word, Send an Outline to Word, Choose the Format to Print
printing slides, Choose the Format to Print
sending outline to, Send an Outline to Word
Microsoft Typography Web site, Applying Fonts
Mini toolbar, Working with the Mini Toolbar, Working with Text, Promote and Demote Headings
minimized programs, Switch to Another Program
motion path, Adding Transition Animations
Move Down command, Move Slides or Text Up and Down in an Outline, Move a Slide
Move Up command, Move Slides or Text Up and Down in an Outline, Move a Slide
movies, Working with Media Objects
moving slides, Move a Slide
multi-lingual hypertext markup format (MHTML), Publishing a Presentation to the Web
multimedia clips, automatically playing, Insert a Movie or Sound
multimedia objects, Working with Media Objects


narration, Set Up How to Advance Slides, Rehearsing Your Presentation, Rehearsing Your Presentation
recording, Set Up How to Advance Slides, Rehearsing Your Presentation
setting microphone level, Rehearsing Your Presentation
navigating, Navigating through Slides, Navigate the Print Preview
Print Preview, Navigate the Print Preview
slides, Navigating through Slides
Netscape Navigator, Publishing a Presentation as a Web Page
New Presentation (Ctrl+N) keyboard shortcut, Creating a New Presentation
New Presentation window, Creating a New Presentation
Next command, Navigating through Slides
Next Slide (N) keyboard shortcut, Navigating through Slides
Normal view, Moving among Views, Sizing Panes in Normal View, Sizing Panes in Normal View, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Manipulating Placeholders, Building a Presentation Outline, Insert Additional Masters, Insert Additional Masters, Apply a Transition to All Slides, Start a Show
applied transitions or animation, Apply a Transition to All Slides
applying themes, Insert Additional Masters
entering text, Understanding How to Build a Presentation
Fit Slide to Current Window button, Sizing Panes in Normal View
Notes pane, Insert Additional Masters
Outline tab, Understanding How to Build a Presentation
resizing panes, Sizing Panes in Normal View
returning from Slide Sorter view, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter
starting slide shows, Start a Show
notes, Insert Additional Masters, Work with Notes Master
Notes master, Working with Slide Masters, Insert Additional Masters, Work with Notes Master
Notes Page view, Moving among Views
Notes pane, Sizing Panes in Normal View, Insert Additional Masters
resizing, Sizing Panes in Normal View
Notes view, printing from, Add Comments


objects, Working with Text, Manipulating Placeholders, Manipulating Placeholders, Use the Selection and Visibility Pane, Use the Selection and Visibility Pane, Formatting Text, Objects, and Slides, Formatting Objects, Formatting Objects, Apply a Fill Color or Effect, Resizing Objects, Resizing Objects, Rotating and Flipping Objects, Flip an Object, Flip an Object, Flip an Object, Group and Ungroup Objects, Group and Ungroup Objects, Change Object Order, Adding Sound to Transitions, Applying a Custom Animation to an Object, Add Comments
3-D rotation effects, Rotating and Flipping Objects
bringing to front, Manipulating Placeholders
changing order, Change Object Order
comments, Add Comments
custom animation, Applying a Custom Animation to an Object
fill color or effect, Formatting Objects
flipping, Flip an Object
formatting, Formatting Objects
grouping, Formatting Text, Objects, and Slides, Flip an Object
hiding and showing, Use the Selection and Visibility Pane
order of, Flip an Object
pasting in different formats, Working with Text
previewing, Apply a Fill Color or Effect
resizing, Resizing Objects
rotating, Resizing Objects
selecting, Use the Selection and Visibility Pane
selecting multiple, Group and Ungroup Objects
sending to back, Manipulating Placeholders
sound and custom animation, Adding Sound to Transitions
ungrouping, Group and Ungroup Objects
Office, Exit PowerPoint command, Save a Presentation
Office button, What’s Where in PowerPoint 2007?
Office Online Web site, Open a Template, Find Slide Themes Online
offline help topics, Getting Help
Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides task, Work with Master Graphics
Open dialog box, Creating a New Presentation, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations
Open (Ctrl+O) keyboard shortcut, Creating a New Presentation
Options dialog box, Taking a Presentation with You
Options, Header and Footer command, Inserting Headers and Footers
Outline pane, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane, Working with Text
editing text, Working with Text
Outline tab, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane
Outline toolbar, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline
Outline view, Building a Presentation Outline, Display the Outline Tab
outlines, Building a Presentation, Building a Presentation Outline, Understanding the Relationship of the Outline to Slides, Understanding the Relationship of the Outline to Slides, Display the Outline Tab, Promote and Demote Headings, Promote and Demote Headings, Working with Outline Contents, Move Slides or Text Up and Down in an Outline, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline, Send an Outline to Word, Send an Outline to Word
enlarging font size, Display the Outline Tab
entering text in, Understanding the Relationship of the Outline to Slides
expanding and collapsing, Working with Outline Contents
levels of indented bullets, Promote and Demote Headings
moving slides or text, Move Slides or Text Up and Down in an Outline
printing, Send an Outline to Word
promoting and demoting headings, Promote and Demote Headings
relationship to slides, Understanding the Relationship of the Outline to Slides
sending to Microsoft Office Word, Send an Outline to Word
shortcut menu, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline
turning formatting on and off, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline
outlining feature, Building a Presentation Outline
Outside Borders style, Modify Table Borders


Package for CD dialog box, Taking a Presentation with You
palette, Formatting Text, Change Text Color, Change Text Color
Custom tab, Change Text Color
More Colors option, Formatting Text
Standard tab, Change Text Color
panes, What’s New in PowerPoint 2007?, Using the Ribbon, Using the Ribbon, Sizing Panes in Normal View, Sizing Panes in Normal View, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane
closing, Using the Ribbon
displaying, Using the Ribbon
dividers, Sizing Panes in Normal View
hiding, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane
resizing, Sizing Panes in Normal View
paper options, Establishing Printer Settings and Printing
Paste (Ctrl+V) keyboard shortcut, Delete Slides
Paste Special command, Working with Text
Paste Special dialog box, Undo and Redo an Action
pasting text as hyperlink, Undo and Redo an Action
Pen menu, Working with the Pen and Annotations
Pen tool, Working with the Pen and Annotations, Make Annotations on Slides, Erase Annotations on Slides, Save Annotations
erasing annotations on slides, Erase Annotations on Slides
making annotations on slides, Make Annotations on Slides
saving annotations, Save Annotations
style and color, Working with the Pen and Annotations
Photo Album feature, Insert a Picture
photo albums, Creating a Photo Album, Adjust Brightness or Contrast
photos, groups of, Insert a Picture
Picture Border palette, Change the Shape Outline
picture tools, Change Object Order
pictures, Working with Pictures, Crop a Picture, Crop a Picture, Apply a Fill Color or Effect, Resizing Objects, Adjust Brightness or Contrast, Recolor a Picture, Work with Master Graphics
adjusting brightness or contrast, Adjust Brightness or Contrast
cropping, Crop a Picture, Resizing Objects
fills, Apply a Fill Color or Effect
inserting, Working with Pictures
masters, Work with Master Graphics
recoloring, Recolor a Picture
resizing, Crop a Picture
placeholders, Building a Presentation, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Insert a Symbol, Working with Text, Undo and Redo an Action, Manipulating Placeholders, Align Placeholder Contents, Formatting Placeholders, Formatting Placeholders, Apply a Layout, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Creating Charts, Insert SmartArt, Change Text Size, Insert Footer Information, Insert Footer Information, Work with Master Graphics, Add a Layout, Work with Handout Master, Work with Notes Master
adding to slide layouts, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout
aligning contents, Align Placeholder Contents
duplicating, Undo and Redo an Action, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout
editing text, Working with Text
fill color, Formatting Placeholders
font sizes, Change Text Size
footers, Insert Footer Information
formatting, Formatting Placeholders
graphics overlapping, Work with Master Graphics
handouts, Work with Handout Master
inserting charts, Creating Charts
inserting symbols, Insert a Symbol
manipulating, Manipulating Placeholders
masters, Add a Layout
notes, Work with Notes Master
returning to default, Insert Footer Information
SmartArt icon, Insert SmartArt
styles, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout
text, Building a Presentation
PowerPoint file format (PPT), Save a Presentation
PowerPoint files, presentations attached as, E-mail a Presentation for Review
PowerPoint Options button, What’s Where in PowerPoint 2007?
PowerPoint Show file, E-mail a Presentation for Review
PowerPoint Viewer, Taking a Presentation with You
presentations, Remove or Rearrange Tools, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes, Getting Started with PowerPoint 2007, Creating a New Presentation, Creating a New Presentation, Creating a New Presentation, Open a Presentation Based on an Existing Presentation, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane, Display More Slides in Slide Sorter, Saving and Closing a PowerPoint Presentation, Saving and Closing a PowerPoint Presentation, Saving and Closing a PowerPoint Presentation, Save a Presentation, Save a Presentation, Building a Presentation, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Insert a New Slide, Insert the Date and Time, Display the Outline Tab, Adding Text in the Outline Tab, Viewing Slides in Slide Pane, Hide and Unhide Slides, Creating a Photo Album, Add a Text Box, Add a Text Box, Formatting Text, Objects, and Slides, Working with Slide Masters, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Insert Footer Information, Insert Additional Masters, Insert Additional Masters, Insert Additional Masters, Work with Handout Master, Work with Notes Master, Set the Speed for Transitions, Reorder Effects, Finalizing Your Slide Show, Reviewing Your Presentation, Reviewing Your Presentation, Reviewing Your Presentation, E-mail a Presentation for Review, E-mail a Presentation for Review, E-mail a Presentation for Review, E-mail a Presentation for Review, Rehearsing Your Presentation, Rehearsing Your Presentation, Taking a Presentation with You, Taking a Presentation with You, Taking a Presentation with You, Taking a Presentation with You, Start a Show, End a Show, Go to a Particular Slide, Go to a Particular Slide, Start a Custom Show, Working with the Pen and Annotations, Printing a Presentation, Publishing a Presentation to the Web, Saving a Presentation as a Web Page, Publishing a Presentation as a Web Page, Choose Which Slides to Publish, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates, Removing Hidden Data with Document Inspector
advancing slides, Set the Speed for Transitions
animation, Add a Text Box
attached as PowerPoint file, E-mail a Presentation for Review
based on blank template, Creating a New Presentation
based on existing presentation, Open a Presentation Based on an Existing Presentation
blank, Creating a New Presentation
building, Understanding How to Build a Presentation
changing Quick Access toolbar settings, Remove or Rearrange Tools
closing, Save a Presentation
consistency, Formatting Text, Objects, and Slides, Working with Slide Masters
creation, Creating a New Presentation
current date in, Insert Footer Information
custom slide show, Choose Which Slides to Publish
date and time, Insert the Date and Time
display equipment, Start a Show
e-mailing for review, E-mail a Presentation for Review
finalizing, Finalizing Your Slide Show
first or last slide, Go to a Particular Slide
fonts, Taking a Presentation with You
handouts, Insert Additional Masters, Work with Handout Master
ink to write on slides, Working with the Pen and Annotations
inserting photo album, Creating a Photo Album
inserting slides, Insert a New Slide
modifying for PowerPoint Viewer, Taking a Presentation with You
moving to any slide in, Go to a Particular Slide
multiple themes, Insert Additional Masters
naming, Save a Presentation
navigating, Viewing Slides in Slide Pane
notes, Insert Additional Masters, Work with Notes Master
opening, Finding and Opening Existing Presentations
Outline view, Display the Outline Tab
PowerPoint Show file, E-mail a Presentation for Review
printing, Printing a Presentation
printing with hidden slides, Hide and Unhide Slides
proofreading, Reviewing Your Presentation
publishing, Taking a Presentation with You, Publishing a Presentation to the Web
publishing as Web page, Publishing a Presentation as a Web Page
recording narration, Rehearsing Your Presentation
rehearsing, Rehearsing Your Presentation
removing hidden data, Removing Hidden Data with Document Inspector
renaming, Saving and Closing a PowerPoint Presentation
reorganizing slides, Reorder Effects
reviewing, Reviewing Your Presentation
running, Display More Slides in Slide Sorter
saving, Saving and Closing a PowerPoint Presentation
saving as template, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates
saving as Web page, Saving a Presentation as a Web Page
saving to CD, Taking a Presentation with You
Slide Show mode, E-mail a Presentation for Review
spell checking, Reviewing Your Presentation
summary slides, Start a Custom Show
temporarily suspending, End a Show
text, Building a Presentation
themes, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes
title slide, Adding Text in the Outline Tab
transitions, Add a Text Box
viewing whole, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane
XML format, Saving and Closing a PowerPoint Presentation
Preview as a Web Page tool, Display Tabs and Panes
previewing, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Work with SmartArt, Open a Template, Display the Outline Tab, Apply a Slide Theme, Change Theme Fonts, Select a Font, Change Text Size, Apply a Fill Color or Effect, Applying a Transition, Previewing an Animation, Publishing a Presentation as a Web Page
animation, Previewing an Animation
design elements, Preview Design Elements with Galleries
font sizes, Preview Design Elements with Galleries
fonts, Change Theme Fonts, Select a Font
objects, Apply a Fill Color or Effect
slides, Display the Outline Tab
SmartArt, Work with SmartArt
templates, Open a Template
text, Change Text Size
themes, Apply a Slide Theme
transitions, Applying a Transition
Web pages, Publishing a Presentation as a Web Page
Previous command, Navigating through Slides
Previous Slide (P) keyboard shortcut, Navigating through Slides
Print dialog box, Send an Outline to Word, Establishing Printer Settings and Printing, Choose Which Slides to Print, Choose the Format to Print, Specify the Number of Copies and Print, Specify the Number of Copies and Print
Collate check box, Specify the Number of Copies and Print
Number of Copies field, Specify the Number of Copies and Print
Outline View option, Send an Outline to Word
Print What field, Choose the Format to Print
Selection option, Choose Which Slides to Print
Print Preview, Inserting Headers and Footers, Using Print Preview, Using Print Preview, Navigate the Print Preview, Navigate the Print Preview, Navigate the Print Preview, Navigate the Print Preview, Navigate the Print Preview
changing headers and footers, Inserting Headers and Footers
displaying, Using Print Preview
navigating, Navigate the Print Preview
Next Page button, Navigate the Print Preview
Options button, Navigate the Print Preview
Previous Page button, Navigate the Print Preview
printing from, Navigate the Print Preview
Zoom slider, Using Print Preview
Printer Properties dialog box, Choose a Printer and Paper Options
printers, Establishing Printer Settings and Printing
printing, Getting Help, Send an Outline to Word, Hide and Unhide Slides, Add Comments, Printing a Presentation, Navigate the Print Preview, Navigate the Print Preview, Choose a Printer and Paper Options, Choose Which Slides to Print, Choose the Format to Print, Specify the Number of Copies and Print
format, Choose the Format to Print
help topics, Getting Help
Notes view, Add Comments
number of copies, Specify the Number of Copies and Print
options, Navigate the Print Preview
outlines, Send an Outline to Word
page orientation, Choose a Printer and Paper Options
presentations, Printing a Presentation
presentations with hidden slides, Hide and Unhide Slides
from Print Preview, Navigate the Print Preview
selecting slides for, Choose Which Slides to Print
programs, Display Tabs and Panes, Save Annotations, Switch to Another Program
add-in, Display Tabs and Panes
minimized, Switch to Another Program
switching to another, Save Annotations
Promote (Shift+Tab) keyboard shortcut, Promote and Demote Headings
promoting and demoting headings, Promote and Demote Headings
proofreading presentations, Reviewing Your Presentation
Publish as Web Page dialog box, Publishing a Presentation as a Web Page
Publish command, Choose the Format to Print
publishing presentations, Taking a Presentation with You, Publishing a Presentation to the Web, Publishing a Presentation as a Web Page, Choose Which Slides to Publish
selecting slides for, Choose Which Slides to Publish
as Web page, Publishing a Presentation as a Web Page


recoloring pictures, Recolor a Picture
Record Narration dialog box, Rehearsing Your Presentation
recording narration, Set Up How to Advance Slides
Redo (Ctrl+Y) keyboard shortcut, Undo and Redo an Action
redoing actions, Undo and Redo an Action
rehearsing presentations, Rehearsing Your Presentation
removing hidden data, Removing Hidden Data with Document Inspector
Rename Master dialog box, Adding and Deleting Master Sets
renaming masters, Adding and Deleting Master Sets
reordering effects, Reorder Effects
Research task pane, Using the Ribbon, Use the Thesaurus
resizing, Sizing Panes in Normal View, Sizing Panes in Normal View, Sizing Panes in Normal View, Insert WordArt, Crop a Picture, Change Text Color, Resizing Objects
objects, Resizing Objects
panes, Sizing Panes in Normal View
pictures, Crop a Picture
slide preview, Sizing Panes in Normal View
Slides/Outline or Notes pane, Sizing Panes in Normal View
text, Change Text Color
WordArt, Insert WordArt
reviewing presentations, Reviewing Your Presentation
RGB (Red/Green/Blue) color system, Change Text Color
ribbon, A Quick Overview, What’s New in PowerPoint 2007?, What’s Where in PowerPoint 2007?, Using the Ribbon, Using the Ribbon, Using the Ribbon, Using the Ribbon, Using the Ribbon, Display Tabs and Panes, Display Tabs and Panes, Display Tabs and Panes, Display Tabs and Panes, Display Tabs and Panes, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes, Work with SmartArt, Open a Template, Open a Template, Moving among Views, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter, Insert a New Slide, Insert a New Slide, Insert a New Slide, Enter Text on Slides, Enter Text on Slides, Enter Text on Slides, Insert a Symbol, Insert a Symbol, Insert the Date and Time, Undo and Redo an Action, Undo and Redo an Action, Undo and Redo an Action, Undo and Redo an Action, Undo and Redo an Action, Cut, Copy, and Paste Text, Cut, Copy, and Paste Text, Manipulating Placeholders, Manipulating Placeholders, Manipulating Placeholders, Manipulating Placeholders, Manipulating Placeholders, Manipulating Placeholders, Use the Selection and Visibility Pane, Use the Selection and Visibility Pane, Align Placeholder Contents, Align Placeholder Contents, Align Placeholder Contents, Align Placeholder Contents, Formatting Placeholders, Formatting Placeholders, Promote and Demote Headings, Promote and Demote Headings, Promote and Demote Headings, Promote and Demote Headings, Working with Outline Contents, Working with Outline Contents, Working with Outline Contents, Expand and Collapse the Outline, Expand and Collapse the Outline, Managing and Viewing Slides, Delete Slides, Delete Slides, Delete Slides, Duplicate Slides, Duplicate Slides, Hide and Unhide Slides, Hide and Unhide Slides, Hide and Unhide Slides, Hide and Unhide Slides, Working with Layouts, Working with Layouts, Working with Layouts, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Working with Themes, Working with Themes, Find Slide Themes Online, Find Slide Themes Online, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme, Change Theme Fonts, Creating Tables, Creating Tables, Insert a Table, Insert Rows and Columns, Insert Rows and Columns, Insert Rows and Columns, Insert Rows and Columns, Insert Rows and Columns, Editing Tables, Align Text in Cells, Align Text in Cells, Align Text in Cells, Align Text in Cells, Align Text in Cells, Align Text in Cells, Merge Cells, Merge Cells, Creating Charts, Creating Charts, Insert a Chart, Insert a Chart, Display or Hide a Chart Legend, Insert Clip Art, Insert Clip Art, Creating WordArt, Apply Effects to WordArt, Apply Effects to WordArt, Apply Effects to WordArt, Apply Effects to WordArt, Add Text to SmartArt, Add Text to SmartArt, Working with Pictures, Insert a Picture, Insert a Picture, Crop a Picture, Crop a Picture, Working with Media Objects, Working with Media Objects, Insert a Movie or Sound, Insert a Movie or Sound, Creating a Photo Album, Creating a Photo Album, Creating a Photo Album, Creating a Photo Album, Insert a New Photo Album, Insert a New Photo Album, Drawing Shapes and Text Boxes, Add a Text Box, Add a Text Box, Add a Text Box, Applying Fonts, Applying Fonts, Select a Font, Select a Font, Formatting Text, Formatting Text, Change Text Size, Change Text Size, Apply Effects to Text, Apply Effects to Text, Apply Effects to Text, Apply Effects to Text, Apply Effects to Text, Apply Effects to Text, Formatting Objects, Formatting Objects, Change the Shape Outline, Change the Shape Outline, Change the Shape Outline, Apply a Shape Effect, Apply a Shape Effect, Resizing Objects, Resizing Objects, Resizing Objects, Resizing Objects, Rotating and Flipping Objects, Rotating and Flipping Objects, Rotating and Flipping Objects, Group and Ungroup Objects, Group and Ungroup Objects, Group and Ungroup Objects, Group and Ungroup Objects, Change Object Order, Change Object Order, Change Object Order, Change Object Order, Adjust Brightness or Contrast, Adjust Brightness or Contrast, Adjust Brightness or Contrast, Recolor a Picture, Recolor a Picture, Changing the Slide Background, Changing the Slide Background, Understanding How Slide Masters Work, Understanding How Slide Masters Work, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Insert Footer Information, Insert Footer Information, Insert Footer Information, Insert Footer Information, Work with Master Graphics, Add a Layout, Add a Layout, Add a Layout, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides, Adding and Deleting Master Sets, Adding and Deleting Master Sets, Delete a Master, Delete a Master, Delete a Master, Insert Additional Masters, Insert Additional Masters, Insert Additional Masters, Insert Additional Masters, Insert Additional Masters, Work with Handout Master, Work with Handout Master, Work with Handout Master, Work with Handout Master, Work with Handout Master, Work with Handout Master, Work with Handout Master, Work with Handout Master, Work with Handout Master, Work with Handout Master, Work with Notes Master, Work with Notes Master, Work with Notes Master, Work with Notes Master, Applying a Transition, Apply a Transition to All Slides, Adding Sound to Transitions, Add Sound, Add Sound, Modifying Transition Speed, Modifying Transition Speed, Select a Method to Advance a Slide, Select a Method to Advance a Slide, Applying a Custom Animation to an Object, Applying a Custom Animation to an Object, Previewing an Animation, Previewing an Animation, Previewing an Animation, Reviewing Your Presentation, Reviewing Your Presentation, Check Spelling, Check Spelling, Check Spelling, Check Spelling, Use the Thesaurus, Use the Thesaurus, Use the Thesaurus, Use the Thesaurus, Add Comments, Add Comments, Add Comments, E-mail a Presentation for Review, E-mail a Presentation for Review, E-mail a Presentation for Review, Setting Up a Slide Show, Setting Up a Slide Show, Setting Up a Slide Show, Setting Up a Slide Show, Setting Up a Slide Show, Setting Up a Slide Show, Specify Show Options, Specify Show Options, Specify Show Options, Specify Show Options, Specify Which Slides to Include, Specify Which Slides to Include, Specify Which Slides to Include, Specify Which Slides to Include, Specify Which Slides to Include, Set Up How to Advance Slides, Rehearsing Your Presentation, Save Timings, Save Timings, Taking a Presentation with You, Taking a Presentation with You, Taking a Presentation with You, Starting and Ending a Slide Show, Start a Show, End a Show, Go to a Particular Slide, Start a Custom Show, Working with the Pen and Annotations, Erase Annotations on Slides, Switch to Another Program, Switch to Another Program, Inserting Headers and Footers, Inserting Headers and Footers, Insert Headers or Footers, Insert Headers or Footers, Insert Headers or Footers, Saving a Presentation as a Web Page, Saving a Presentation as a Web Page, Saving a Presentation as a Web Page, Choose Which Slides to Publish, Choose Which Slides to Publish, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates, Save a Presentation as a Template, Save a Presentation as a Template, Save a Presentation as a Template, Run a Custom Show, Run a Custom Show, Removing Hidden Data with Document Inspector, Removing Hidden Data with Document Inspector, Removing Hidden Data with Document Inspector, Adding a Digital Signature, Adding a Digital Signature, Adding a Digital Signature, Create Your Own Digital Signature, Create Your Own Digital Signature, Create Your Own Digital Signature, Create Your Own Digital Signature
Add a Digital Signature button, Adding a Digital Signature, Create Your Own Digital Signature
Add Effect button, Applying a Custom Animation to an Object
Add-ins tab, Using the Ribbon
additional settings and features, Display Tabs and Panes
Align Right button, Align Text in Cells
Align Text Left button, Align Placeholder Contents
Align Text Right button, Align Placeholder Contents
Align Top button, Align Text in Cells
All option, Specify Which Slides to Include
Animations tab, Applying a Transition, Modifying Transition Speed
Apply to All button, Apply a Transition to All Slides
Arrange button, Align Text in Cells, Rotating and Flipping Objects
Arrange group, Use the Selection and Visibility Pane
Automatically After check box, Select a Method to Advance a Slide
Automatically option, Insert a Movie or Sound
Background group, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides
Background Styles button, Changing the Slide Background, Work with Handout Master
Bold button, Apply Effects to Text
Border button, Change the Shape Outline
Brightness button, Adjust Brightness or Contrast
Bring Forward option, Change Object Order
Bring to Front button, Manipulating Placeholders, Change Object Order
Browsed At A Kiosk option, Setting Up a Slide Show
Browsed By An Individual option, Setting Up a Slide Show
Bullets and Numbering option, Enter Text on Slides
Bullets button, Enter Text on Slides
Center button, Align Placeholder Contents, Align Text in Cells
Change Chart Type option, Insert a Chart
Character spacing button, Apply Effects to Text
Chart button, Creating Charts
Chart Tools, Design tab, Insert a Chart
Clip Art button, Insert Clip Art
Collapse All option, Working with Outline Contents
Collapse option, Working with Outline Contents
Colors button, Formatting Placeholders, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme
Comments group, Add Comments
Contrast button, Adjust Brightness or Contrast
Copy button, Undo and Redo an Action, Delete Slides
Crop button, Crop a Picture
Custom Animation button, Applying a Custom Animation to an Object, Previewing an Animation
Custom Show option, Specify Which Slides to Include
Custom Slide Show option, Save a Presentation as a Template, Run a Custom Show
Cut button, Undo and Redo an Action
Date and Time check box, Insert the Date and Time, Insert Footer Information, Insert Headers or Footers
Decrease List Level option, Promote and Demote Headings
Delete option, Delete a Master
Design tab, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes, Open a Template, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter, Formatting Placeholders, Working with Themes, Find Slide Themes Online, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme, Changing the Slide Background, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides
dialog launcher icon, Select a Font
Don’t Show On Title Slide check box, Insert Headers or Footers
Drawing Tools, Format tab, Apply Effects to WordArt, Add a Text Box, Formatting Objects, Group and Ungroup Objects
Drawing Tools Format tab, Display Tabs and Panes
Duplicate command, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout
Duplicate option, Undo and Redo an Action
Duplicate Selected Slides option, Duplicate Slides
E-Mail button, E-mail a Presentation for Review
Edit button, Save a Presentation as a Template
Edit Master group, Adding and Deleting Master Sets, Insert Additional Masters
Edit Master tools, Understanding How Slide Masters Work
Edit Photo Album option, Insert a New Photo Album
Edit Theme group, Insert Additional Masters, Work with Notes Master
Editing group, Manipulating Placeholders
End Show option, End a Show
Erase All Ink On Slide option, Erase Annotations on Slides
Expand All option, Expand and Collapse the Outline
Expand option, Expand and Collapse the Outline
From field, Specify Which Slides to Include
To field, Specify Which Slides to Include
File/Disk button, Creating a Photo Album
Find button, Cut, Copy, and Paste Text
Font Color tool, Formatting Text
Font field, Applying Fonts
Font group, Select a Font
Font Size tool, Change Text Size
Fonts button, Change Theme Fonts
Footer check box, Insert Footer Information, Add a Layout
Format Shape dialog box launcher, Apply a Shape Effect
Format tab, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Use the Selection and Visibility Pane, Change the Shape Outline, Resizing Objects
Go To Slide option, Go to a Particular Slide
Group button, Group and Ungroup Objects
Handout Master option, Work with Handout Master
Handout Master tab, Work with Handout Master
Handout Orientation option, Work with Handout Master
Header & Footer option, Inserting Headers and Footers
Hide Background Graphics check box, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides, Work with Handout Master
Hide Slide button, Hide and Unhide Slides
Hide Spelling Errors check box, Check Spelling
Home tab, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Insert a New Slide, Undo and Redo an Action, Manipulating Placeholders, Promote and Demote Headings, Delete Slides, Working with Layouts, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Align Text in Cells, Applying Fonts, Formatting Text, Change Text Size, Rotating and Flipping Objects, Delete a Master
Illustrations group, Work with Master Graphics
Increase List Level option, Promote and Demote Headings
Insert Above button, Insert Rows and Columns
Insert Below button, Insert Rows and Columns
Insert button, Creating a Photo Album
Insert Layout option, Add a Layout
Insert Left button, Insert Rows and Columns
Insert menu, Insert Footer Information
Insert Pictures From File icon, Working with Pictures
Insert Right button, Insert Rows and Columns
Insert Slide Master option, Insert Additional Masters
Insert tab, Display Tabs and Panes, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter, Insert a Symbol, Creating Tables, Creating Charts, Insert Clip Art, Add Text to SmartArt, Insert a Picture, Working with Media Objects, Creating a Photo Album, Add a Text Box, Work with Handout Master, Inserting Headers and Footers
Inspect Document button, Removing Hidden Data with Document Inspector
Italic button, Apply Effects to Text
Justify button, Align Placeholder Contents
Landscape option, Work with Handout Master
Layout button, Working with Layouts
Legend button, Display or Hide a Chart Legend
Loop Continuously Until ‘Esc’ option, Specify Show Options
Loop Until Next Sound option, Add Sound
Master tab, Insert Additional Masters
Merge Cells button, Merge Cells
More arrow, Working with Themes
More Themes on Microsoft Office Online option, Find Slide Themes Online
On Mouse Click check box, Select a Method to Advance a Slide
Movie or Sound button, Working with Media Objects
New Comment option, Add Comments
New Slide button, Insert a New Slide, Working with Layouts
New Text Box button, Insert a New Photo Album
Normal view button, Making Changes to a Slide Master
Notes Page Orientation option, Work with Notes Master
Office button, Check Spelling, E-mail a Presentation for Review, Taking a Presentation with You, Saving a Presentation as a Web Page, Choose Which Slides to Publish, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates, Removing Hidden Data with Document Inspector, Adding a Digital Signature, Create Your Own Digital Signature
Other Formats option, Saving a Presentation as a Web Page
Outline tab, Working with Outline Contents
Package for CD button, Taking a Presentation with You
Paragraph group, Enter Text on Slides, Promote and Demote Headings
Paste button, Undo and Redo an Action, Delete Slides
Pen button, Working with the Pen and Annotations
Pen Color field, Specify Show Options
Photo Album button, Creating a Photo Album
Picture button, Insert a Picture
Picture Correctness Options, Adjust Brightness or Contrast
Picture Tools, Format tab, Crop a Picture, Group and Ungroup Objects
Play button, Previewing an Animation
Portrait option, Work with Handout Master
PowerPoint Options option, Check Spelling
Prepare option, Removing Hidden Data with Document Inspector, Adding a Digital Signature, Create Your Own Digital Signature
Presentation Views group, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Work with Notes Master
Presented By A Speaker option, Setting Up a Slide Show
Preview button, Previewing an Animation
Proofing option, Check Spelling
Publish button, Taking a Presentation with You
Recolor button, Recolor a Picture
Record Narration button, Rehearsing Your Presentation
Rehearse Timings option, Save Timings
Replace button, Cut, Copy, and Paste Text
Research button, Using the Ribbon
Review tab, Using the Ribbon, Reviewing Your Presentation, Use the Thesaurus
Rotate options, Rotating and Flipping Objects
Save As option, Saving a Presentation as a Web Page, Choose Which Slides to Publish, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates
Search for box, Use the Thesaurus
Select button, Manipulating Placeholders
Selection Pane option, Manipulating Placeholders
Send Backward option, Change Object Order
Send button, E-mail a Presentation for Review
Send to Back button, Manipulating Placeholders, Change Object Order
Set Transparent Color, Recolor a Picture
Set Up Slide Show button, Setting Up a Slide Show
Setup group, Hide and Unhide Slides
Shadow button, Apply Effects to Text
Shape Effects tool, Apply Effects to WordArt
Shape Fill tool, Apply Effects to WordArt, Formatting Objects
Shape Height settings, Resizing Objects
Shape Outline tool, Apply Effects to WordArt, Change the Shape Outline
Shape Styles group, Apply a Shape Effect
Shape Width settings, Resizing Objects
Shapes button, Display Tabs and Panes, Drawing Shapes and Text Boxes
Shapes gallery, Preview Design Elements with Galleries
Show Markup button, Add Comments
Show Scrollbar check box, Setting Up a Slide Show
Show Slides section, Specify Which Slides to Include
Show Without Animation option, Specify Show Options
Show Without Narration option, Specify Show Options
Size group, Resizing Objects
Slide Master button, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Making Changes to a Slide Master
Slide Master tab, Understanding How Slide Masters Work, Insert Footer Information, Adding and Deleting Master Sets
Slide Number check box, Insert Headers or Footers
Slide Orientation option, Work with Handout Master
Slide Show icon, Starting and Ending a Slide Show, Switch to Another Program
Slide Show tab, Hide and Unhide Slides, Setting Up a Slide Show, Save Timings, Start a Custom Show, Save a Presentation as a Template, Run a Custom Show
Slide Sorter view button, Hide and Unhide Slides, Making Changes to a Slide Master
Slides group, Delete a Master
Slides tab, Managing and Viewing Slides, Duplicate Slides
SmartArt button, Work with SmartArt, Add Text to SmartArt
Spelling button, Reviewing Your Presentation
Split Cells button, Merge Cells
Start Searching button, Use the Thesaurus
Strikethrough button, Apply Effects to Text
Switch Programs button, Switch to Another Program
Symbol button, Insert a Symbol
Table button, Creating Tables
Table Tools, Design tab, Insert a Table, Editing Tables
Table Tools, Layout tab, Insert Rows and Columns, Align Text in Cells
tabs, What’s Where in PowerPoint 2007?, Using the Ribbon
Text Box button, Add a Text Box
Theme drop-down box, Insert a New Slide
Themes group, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme
Themes option, Open a Template, Insert Additional Masters
Thesaurus button, Use the Thesaurus
Title check box, Add a Layout
tools not on, Display Tabs and Panes
Transition Sound field, Adding Sound to Transitions
Transition Sound list, Add Sound
Transitions Speed field, Modifying Transition Speed
Underline button, Apply Effects to Text
Ungroup option, Group and Ungroup Objects
Use Rehearsed Timings check box, Set Up How to Advance Slides
View Signatures option, Create Your Own Digital Signature
View tab, Moving among Views, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Making Changes to a Slide Master, Work with Notes Master, Start a Show
Views group, Work with Handout Master
When Clicked option, Insert a Movie or Sound
WordArt button, Creating WordArt
right arrow key, Navigating through Slides
rotating objects, Resizing Objects


Save As dialog box, Saving and Closing a PowerPoint Presentation, Saving a Presentation as a Web Page
saving presentations to CD, Taking a Presentation with You
ScreenTips, Show or Hide Enhanced ScreenTips
Section Header slide layout, Insert a New Slide
Selection and Visibility pane, Building a Presentation, Manipulating Placeholders
Send To Microsoft Office Word dialog box, Send an Outline to Word
Set As Default Theme command, Find Slide Themes Online
Set Up Show dialog box, Specify Which Slides to Include, Run a Custom Show
Shape Fill gallery, Apply a Fill Color or Effect
Shape Outline palette, Change the Shape Outline
shapes, Display Tabs and Panes, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Drawing Shapes and Text Boxes, Draw a Shape, Change the Shape Outline, Apply a Shape Effect
changing outline, Change the Shape Outline
drawing, Display Tabs and Panes, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Drawing Shapes and Text Boxes
effects, Apply a Shape Effect
text, Draw a Shape
Shapes gallery, Preview Design Elements with Galleries
SharePoint sites, Adding and Deleting Master Sets, Saving a Presentation as a Web Page, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates
custom themes, Adding and Deleting Master Sets
publishing presentations to, Saving a Presentation as a Web Page
sharing templates, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates
Show Presenter view, Set Up How to Advance Slides
Show Text Formatting command, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline
Sign dialog box, Create Your Own Digital Signature
Signatures pane, Create Your Own Digital Signature
Single File Web Page format, Publishing a Presentation to the Web
Size and Position dialog box, Rotating and Flipping Objects
Slide (Ctrl+S) keyboard shortcut, Go to a Particular Slide
slide layouts, Using Slide Layouts and Themes, Working with Layouts, Apply a Layout, Apply a Layout, Apply a Layout, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Add a Layout, Add a Layout
adding placeholders, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout
adding to masters, Add a Layout
applying, Working with Layouts
bullet points, Apply a Layout
graphics, Apply a Layout
including or excluding items from, Add a Layout
placeholders, Apply a Layout
Slide Master view, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme, Delete a Master, Applying a Custom Animation to an Object
closing, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout
custom animation, Applying a Custom Animation to an Object
Insert Placeholder button, Add a Placeholder to a Slide Layout
Insert Slide Master button, Delete a Master
slide masters, Apply a Slide Theme (see )
slide number, Insert Footer Information, Work with Notes Master, Go to a Particular Slide
moving directly to slide, Go to a Particular Slide
notes, Work with Notes Master
Slide pane, Sizing Panes in Normal View, Viewing Slides in Slide Pane, Display Slides, Making Changes to a Slide Master
resizing slide preview, Sizing Panes in Normal View
viewing slides, Viewing Slides in Slide Pane
zooming in and out, Display Slides, Making Changes to a Slide Master
Slide Show Help window, End a Show
Slide Show menu, accessing, Navigating through Slides
Slide Show mode, E-mail a Presentation for Review
Slide Show view, Getting Started with PowerPoint 2007, Moving among Views, Display More Slides in Slide Sorter, Select a Method to Advance a Slide, Previewing an Animation, Add Comments, Navigating through Slides
comments, Add Comments
previewing animation, Previewing an Animation
Slide tool, Select a Method to Advance a Slide
slide shows, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides, Setting Up a Slide Show, Setting Up a Slide Show, Setting Up a Slide Show, Setting Up a Slide Show, Setting Up a Slide Show, Setting Up a Slide Show, Specify Show Options, Specify Show Options, Specify Show Options, Specify Which Slides to Include, Set Up How to Advance Slides, Set Up How to Advance Slides, Save Timings, Starting and Ending a Slide Show, End a Show, Navigating through Slides, Go to a Particular Slide, Start a Custom Show, Save Annotations, Choose Which Slides to Publish, Introducing Advanced PowerPoint Topics
advancing slides, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides, Set Up How to Advance Slides
annotations, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides
annotations while running, Specify Show Options
browsed at kiosk, Setting Up a Slide Show
browsed by individual, Setting Up a Slide Show
choosing slides for, Specify Which Slides to Include
custom, Start a Custom Show, Choose Which Slides to Publish, Introducing Advanced PowerPoint Topics
ending, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides, End a Show
looping, Setting Up a Slide Show, Specify Show Options
moving directly to, Go to a Particular Slide
next and previous slides, Navigating through Slides
presented by speaker, Setting Up a Slide Show
recording narration, Set Up How to Advance Slides
saving timings, Save Timings
setting up, Setting Up a Slide Show
specifying options, Specify Show Options
starting, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides, Starting and Ending a Slide Show
switching to another program, Save Annotations
types, Setting Up a Slide Show
Slide Sorter view, Getting Started with PowerPoint 2007, Moving among Views, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter, Display More Slides in Slide Sorter, Display More Slides in Slide Sorter, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline, Managing and Viewing Slides, Display Slides, Display Slides, Delete Slides, Duplicate Slides, Move a Slide, Apply a Slide Theme, Add Comments, Start a Show, Choose Which Slides to Print
applying themes, Apply a Slide Theme
comments, Add Comments
copying and pasting slides, Delete Slides
deleting slides, Display Slides
displaying, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane
displaying more slides, Display More Slides in Slide Sorter
duplicating slides, Duplicate Slides
managing slides, Display More Slides in Slide Sorter, Display Slides
moving slides, Move a Slide
returning to Normal view from, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter
selecting slides for printing, Choose Which Slides to Print
starting slide shows, Start a Show
unavailable commands in, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter
slides, Sizing Panes in Normal View, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter, Display More Slides in Slide Sorter, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Insert a New Slide, Insert a New Slide, Insert a New Slide, Enter Text on Slides, Insert a Symbol, Insert the Date and Time, Manipulating Placeholders, Align Placeholder Contents, Understanding the Relationship of the Outline to Slides, Display the Outline Tab, Adding Text in the Outline Tab, Move Slides or Text Up and Down in an Outline, Managing and Viewing Slides, Managing and Viewing Slides, Viewing Slides in Slide Pane, Display Slides, Display Slides, Display Slides, Delete Slides, Duplicate Slides, Move a Slide, Move a Slide, Working with Themes, Creating Tables, Align Text in Cells, Creating Charts, Insert Clip Art, Creating WordArt, Insert SmartArt, Working with Pictures, Working with Media Objects, Drawing Shapes and Text Boxes, Add a Text Box, Changing the Slide Background, Understanding How Slide Masters Work, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides, Work with Handout Master, Adding Transition Animations, Apply a Transition to All Slides, Set the Speed for Transitions, Select a Method to Advance a Slide, Select a Method to Advance a Slide, Reorder Effects, Use the Thesaurus, Add Comments, Specify Which Slides to Include, Set Up How to Advance Slides, Navigating through Slides, Navigating through Slides, Go to a Particular Slide, Go to a Particular Slide, Go to a Particular Slide, Start a Custom Show, Working with the Pen and Annotations, Make Annotations on Slides, Erase Annotations on Slides, Save Annotations, Inserting Headers and Footers, Choose Which Slides to Print, Choose Which Slides to Publish
advancing, Start a Slide Show and Advance Slides, Set the Speed for Transitions, Set Up How to Advance Slides
aligning table relative to edges, Align Text in Cells
alternative words for text, Use the Thesaurus
annotations, Make Annotations on Slides
automatically advancing, Select a Method to Advance a Slide
balancing items on, Align Placeholder Contents
blank, Insert a New Slide
building, Understanding How to Build a Presentation
changing background, Changing the Slide Background
charts, Creating Charts
choosing for slide show, Specify Which Slides to Include
clip art, Insert Clip Art
comments, Add Comments
copying and pasting, Delete Slides
date and time, Insert the Date and Time
deleting, Display Slides
displaying hidden, Go to a Particular Slide
displaying more in Slide Sorter view, Display More Slides in Slide Sorter
drawing shapes, Drawing Shapes and Text Boxes
duplicating, Duplicate Slides
entering text, Enter Text on Slides
erasing annotations, Erase Annotations on Slides
headers and footers, Inserting Headers and Footers
hiding and unhiding, Managing and Viewing Slides, Move a Slide
ink to write on, Working with the Pen and Annotations
inserting, Insert a New Slide
last viewed, Go to a Particular Slide
layouts, Understanding How Slide Masters Work
managing, Display Slides
manipulating placeholders, Manipulating Placeholders
manually advancing, Select a Method to Advance a Slide
moving, Move a Slide
moving directly to, Go to a Particular Slide
moving in outline, Move Slides or Text Up and Down in an Outline
multimedia objects, Working with Media Objects
navigating, Navigating through Slides
next and previous, Navigating through Slides
number per handout page, Work with Handout Master
omitting graphics from, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides
organizing, Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter
pictures, Working with Pictures
placeholders, Understanding How to Build a Presentation
previewing, Display the Outline Tab
relationship to outlines, Understanding the Relationship of the Outline to Slides
reorganizing, Reorder Effects
resizing preview, Sizing Panes in Normal View
saving annotations, Save Annotations
selecting for printing, Choose Which Slides to Print
selecting for publishing, Choose Which Slides to Publish
SmartArt, Insert SmartArt
star icon, Apply a Transition to All Slides
summary, Start a Custom Show
symbols, Insert a Symbol
tables, Creating Tables
text boxes, Add a Text Box
text-only layouts, Insert a New Slide
themes, Working with Themes
as thumbnails, Managing and Viewing Slides
title, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Adding Text in the Outline Tab
topic, Understanding How to Build a Presentation
transitions, Adding Transition Animations
viewing, Viewing Slides in Slide Pane
WordArt, Creating WordArt
zooming in and out, Display Slides
Slides Per Page field, Choose the Format to Print
Slides/Outline pane, Sizing Panes in Normal View, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane, Building a Presentation Outline, Viewing Slides in Slide Pane
closing, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane
Outline tab, Building a Presentation Outline
redisplaying, Close and Redisplay the Slides/Outline Pane
resizing, Sizing Panes in Normal View
Slides tab, Viewing Slides in Slide Pane
SmartArt, Work with SmartArt, Work with SmartArt, Apply Effects to WordArt, Apply Effects to WordArt, Insert SmartArt, Insert SmartArt, Insert SmartArt, Add Text to SmartArt, Add Text to SmartArt, Add Text to SmartArt, Add Text to SmartArt
closing text entry box, Insert SmartArt
headings, Add Text to SmartArt
indenting heading placeholder, Add Text to SmartArt
inserting, Insert SmartArt
opening placeholder for editing, Add Text to SmartArt
picture icons, Insert SmartArt
previewing, Work with SmartArt
text, Apply Effects to WordArt, Add Text to SmartArt
SmartArt objects, Work with SmartArt
sound, Working with Media Objects, Adding Sound to Transitions, Add Sound, Modifying Transition Speed
modifying speed of, Modifying Transition Speed
repeating, Add Sound
transitions, Adding Sound to Transitions
Sound Selection dialog box, Rehearsing Your Presentation
spell checking presentations, Reviewing Your Presentation
Spelling dialog box, Check Spelling
Split Cells dialog box, Insert Rows and Columns
starting, Starting and Ending a Slide Show, Start a Custom Show
custom slide shows, Start a Custom Show
slide shows, Starting and Ending a Slide Show
styles, Preview Design Elements with Galleries
subheads, moving with title, Move Slides or Text Up and Down in an Outline
subtitle placeholders, Understanding How to Build a Presentation
summary slides, Start a Custom Show
switching to another program, Save Annotations
Symbol font, Insert a Symbol
symbols, Insert a Symbol
Symbols dialog box, Insert a Symbol


tables, Creating Tables, Creating Tables, Insert a Table, Insert Rows and Columns, Insert Rows and Columns, Insert Rows and Columns, Editing Tables, Editing Tables, Modify Table Borders, Align Text in Cells, Align Text in Cells, Merge Cells, Merge Cells
aligning relative to edges of slides, Align Text in Cells
aligning text in cells, Align Text in Cells
borders around cells, Modify Table Borders
Comparison Slide layout, Insert a Table
editing, Editing Tables
inserting, Creating Tables
inserting rows and columns, Insert Rows and Columns
merging cells, Merge Cells
modifying borders, Editing Tables
number of rows and columns, Creating Tables
Split Cells button, Insert Rows and Columns
splitting cells, Insert Rows and Columns
undoing merged cells, Merge Cells
tabs, A Quick Overview, What’s Where in PowerPoint 2007?, Using the Ribbon, Using the Ribbon
displaying, Using the Ribbon
ribbon, What’s Where in PowerPoint 2007?, Using the Ribbon
taskbar, accessing views, Moving among Views
template (.potx) files, Making Changes to a Slide Master
templates, Open a Template, Open a Template, Introducing Advanced PowerPoint Topics, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates
earlier versions of PowerPoint, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates
opening, Open a Template
previewing, Open a Template
saving presentations as, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates
sharing on SharePoint site, Saving Your Own PowerPoint Templates
text, Working with the Mini Toolbar, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Preview Design Elements with Galleries, Building a Presentation, Building a Presentation, Building a Presentation, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Insert a New Slide, Enter Text on Slides, Insert the Date and Time, Working with Text, Working with Text, Working with Text, Undo and Redo an Action, Undo and Redo an Action, Cut, Copy, and Paste Text, Align Placeholder Contents, Align Placeholder Contents, Understanding the Relationship of the Outline to Slides, Display the Outline Tab, Adding Text in the Outline Tab, Move Slides or Text Up and Down in an Outline, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme, Align Text in Cells, Apply Effects to WordArt, Add Text to SmartArt, Draw a Shape, Formatting Text, Formatting Text, Change Text Color, Change Text Size, Apply Effects to Text, Apply Effects to Text, Use the Thesaurus
adding in Outline tab, Adding Text in the Outline Tab
aligning in cells, Align Text in Cells
aligning on placeholder, Align Placeholder Contents
alternative words for, Use the Thesaurus
blank slides, Insert a New Slide
centering, Align Placeholder Contents
character spacing, Apply Effects to Text
colors, Formatting Text
copying, Undo and Redo an Action
cutting, Undo and Redo an Action
dark colors, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme
deleting, Working with Text
editing, Working with Text
effects, Apply Effects to Text
entering in outlines, Understanding the Relationship of the Outline to Slides
entering on slides, Enter Text on Slides
finding and replacing, Cut, Copy, and Paste Text
fonts, Preview Design Elements with Galleries
formatting, Working with the Mini Toolbar, Display the Outline Tab, Turn Formatting On and Off in an Outline, Formatting Text
outlines, Building a Presentation, Move Slides or Text Up and Down in an Outline
pasting, Working with Text
placeholders, Building a Presentation
presentations, Building a Presentation
previewing, Change Text Size
resizing, Change Text Color
shapes, Draw a Shape
SmartArt, Apply Effects to WordArt, Add Text to SmartArt
styles, Preview Design Elements with Galleries
text boxes, Add a Text Box
text-only slide layouts, Insert a New Slide
Theme Gallery, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes, Find Slide Themes Online
additional themes from, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes
Browse for Themes command, Find Slide Themes Online
themes, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes, Align Placeholder Contents, Using Slide Layouts and Themes, Working with Themes, Apply a Slide Theme, Find Slide Themes Online, Find Slide Themes Online, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme, Change Theme Fonts, Change Theme Fonts, Understanding How Slide Masters Work, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides, Adding and Deleting Master Sets, Insert Additional Masters, Insert Additional Masters, Insert Additional Masters
additional, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes
applying, Working with Themes
automatically adding to masters, Insert Additional Masters
balancing items on slides, Align Placeholder Contents
color schemes, Select a Different Theme Color Scheme
colors, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes
customizing, Change Theme Fonts
default, Find Slide Themes Online
finding online, Find Slide Themes Online
fonts, Change Theme Fonts
masters and, Understanding How Slide Masters Work
modifying, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes
multiple, Omit Master Graphics on Individual Slides, Insert Additional Masters
Normal view, Insert Additional Masters
overdoing, Adding and Deleting Master Sets
previewing, Apply a Slide Theme
Themes gallery, Get a Cohesive Look with Themes
thesaurus, Use the Thesaurus
third-party digital signatures, Adding a Digital Signature
thumbnails, Managing and Viewing Slides
time, Insert the Date and Time, Insert Headers or Footers
headers and footers, Insert Headers or Footers
slides, Insert the Date and Time
title, moving subheads with, Move Slides or Text Up and Down in an Outline
Title and Content layout, Adding Text in the Outline Tab
Title placeholder, Understanding How to Build a Presentation, Enter Text on Slides, Add a Layout
title slide, Understanding How to Build a Presentation
Title Slide layout, Adding Text in the Outline Tab
titles, Adding Text in the Outline Tab
tools, unable to find, Display Tabs and Panes
Transition gallery, Applying a Transition
transitions, Add a Text Box, Adding Transition Animations, Applying a Transition, Applying a Transition, Applying a Transition, Apply a Transition to All Slides, Adding Sound to Transitions, Modifying Transition Speed
applying to slides, Applying a Transition
deleting, Applying a Transition
modifying speed of, Modifying Transition Speed
Normal view, Apply a Transition to All Slides
previewing, Applying a Transition
sound, Adding Sound to Transitions
Two Content slide layout, Insert a New Slide


Undo (Ctrl+Z) keyboard shortcut, Undo and Redo an Action
undoing actions, Undo and Redo an Action
ungrouping objects, Group and Ungroup Objects
URLs, linking action buttons to, Draw a Shape
user-created digital signatures, Create Your Own Digital Signature


views, moving between, Moving among Views
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