170 Instant Moviemaking: Creating Your First iMovie
The rejected area is marked with a red bar.
You can also reject a selection by pressing Delete. This doesn’t
remove the footage from your hard disk, just adds it to the rejected
clips list.
6 Set the Show menu back to “Favorites and Unmarked” or press
You haven’t yet marked any favorites, but the “Favorites and Unmarked”
setting allows you to see everything except what you’ve rejected.
For the sake of this lesson, most of these clips have been pre-
trimmed to include only the best moments. In your own footage, you will
likely reject huge swaths of your footage. If you do, you’re in good com-
pany. Most Hollywood feature films only use 1 to 5 percent of the footage
they shoot. Documentaries use even less than that! Trust me: The shorter
your movie is, the better.
Marking Favorites
The opposite of rejecting clips is marking your favorites. This gives you
another opportunity to review your footage and identify all the best parts.
1 Position your pointer over the beginning of the third clip and press the
spacebar to play it.
The shot shows the two girls running into the room to get their presents.
2 Press the spacebar to stop playback. Find the frame just before the first girl
enters and drag to the right, all the way to the end of the clip.
The selected area is bordered in yellow.
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