148 Publishing Your Photos
The map on page 2 now shows Thimphu in Bhutan. The name of the
country is covered by the Thimphu label, however, so you need to add a
title to the map.
5 In the pane, in the Title field, type Bhutan, and then press Return.
A label appears in the maps lower right.
You can use the size slider at the top of the pane to change the
magnification of the map. You can also drag in the map to reposition the
geographic area displayed.
Previewing Your Book
Although the Bhutan book in these exercises would require more work before
youd want to print it, it’s never too early to preview it. In fact, you should
always preview a book as you work on it, and certainly before you print it, to
make sure it is laid out properly. iPhoto provides two ways to preview your
book: a slideshow, so you can see how the sequence of pictures in the book
works; and a print preview, so you can get an idea of how it will look when
Previewing Your Book 149
You’ll use both options to preview the Bhutan book.
1 In the toolbar, click Slideshow.
The screen goes black and a “Preparing Slideshow” message appears. After
a few seconds, the slideshow begins to play. It uses the Classic slideshow
template and, by default, plays the templates associated music.
2 Press the Spacebar.
The slideshow pauses and the slideshow controller appears. You can use
the Music and Settings buttons on the controller to change the behavior of
the slideshow, but you cant change the theme. You can also click the arrow
buttons, or use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys on your keyboard,
to page through the slideshow.
3 Page through the slideshow using the arrow keys on your keyboard, and
then press Escape.
The iPhoto window appears. Next you’ll create a print preview.
4 In the layout area, in the gray region beside the page that is showing,
Control-click or right-click, and then, on the shortcut menu that appears,
choose Preview Book.
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