Index 519
text searches, 58
throwing away unwanted photos, 62
touching up photos, 69
unhiding photos, 62
viewing entire photo library, 23–24
viewing events, 18–19
zooming in on photos, 22
iPhoto Library
accessing from iWeb, 426
backing up to recordable disc, 152154
backing up with Time Machine, 151–152
date searches, 5859
keyword searches, 60
rating searches, 60
searching, 57
text searches, 58
viewing entire, 23–24
creating movie for, 205–207
exporting slideshow to, 116
syncing photos to, 108–110
capturing footage from, 240–241
podcast recording microphone, 391
iSight Movie widget, 466
iSight Photo widget, 466
iTunes, 213214
accessing from iMovie, 189
adding podcast to, 472–474
exporting songs to, 361–362
files published to Media Browser not
accessible in, 213
making changes to movie after sharing,
playing slideshow in, 116
sending ringtone to, 375–376
sending songs to, 365–367
setting GarageBand preferences for, 362–363
sharing GarageBand projects with, 360–361
sharing movie in, 205–207
subscribing to podcasts from, 467
iTunes library, 467
adding map to blank page, 441–443
adding movie pages, 437–441
adding photos to page, 426430
adding pictures and other content to
Photos page, 433437
adding text to page, 430–431
blogs, 461
building a Photos page, 431433
choosing theme for website, 420423
deciding purpose of website, 420
finding movies in Media Browser, 213–214
homepage, 423–424
lesson review, 450451
modifying page headers, 424426
options for pictures and videos, 466
overview of, 419
publishing website to a folder, 449450
publishing website to MobileMe, 444448
publishing website via FTP, 448
setting browser background, 455
sharing GarageBand projects and, 360–361
Jingles audio track, podcasts, 390
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), 7
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), 7
K (Keyword) button, 245
Keepsakes button, 139
Ken Burns effect, 183184, 282
key photo
changing, 27
looking at, 19
keyboards, GarageBand
default options, 353
instrument choices in GarageBand, 352
instrumental parts in GarageBand, 347
playing onscreen music keyboard, 371–375
playing Software Instrument with MIDI or
keyword searches, 60
adding to footage, 244–246
assigning to photos, 55–57, 499
filtering events, 247–249
searching by, 60
Large option, publishing movie to MobileMe
Gallery, 212
Large size, HD, 233
layout, photo books, 140–144
lead tracks, podcasts, 390
learning to play instruments
artist (advanced) lessons, 340–341
changing lesson mix, 336–337
customizing lesson workspace, 333–335
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