Index 517
clips, 169
photos, 6062
Podcast Track, Browser and editor, 389–391
Highlights control, for adjusting photos, 77–79
creating, 423–424
creating for podcast site, 454
naming, 444
templates, 422
i.Link, 234–235
iChat, 392
identifying photos
automatically identifying faces, 35–37
with faces, 33
manually identifying faces, 33–35
missing faces, 37–39
with places, 4042
adding chapter markers for DVDs, 216–218
adding photo files to DVDs, 503
adding slideshow to DVD, 498–501
aspect ratios, 481
burning DVD, 503–508
drop zones, 483
DVD menus and menu buttons, 480481
DVD submenus, 482
editing drop zones, 491–493
editing main menu, 493496
exploring, 478
finding movies in Media Browser, 213–214
lesson review, 509–510
Magic iDVD, 479
main window, 480
modifying menu buttons, 501–503
Motion button, 484
motion menus, 482483
navigating project with Map View, 487–490
OneStep DVD, 479
overview of, 477
previewing DVD, 496498
sharing GarageBand projects and, 360–361
starting project in, 484486
switching themes, 490491
IEEE 1394, 234–235
image formats
importing photos and, 17–18
JPEG vs. RAW, 7
Image Palettes button, iWeb Colors
window, 424425
importing from applications, 16–17
importing image file formats, 17–18
adding clips to project, 173–177
adjusting clips in projects, 178–179
audio added to, 189–191
audio clips, 305–306
audio in, 301–302
audio levels, 302–304
audio mixing levels, 314–316
background music, 306–309
color enhancement, 185186
creating new projects, 171–173
customizing themes, 192193
customizing transitions, 193–194
event management, 165–166
favorites, 170–171
finishing movies, 183–184
frame size for, 233
lesson review, 199
lesson review for audio, 316
maps, 196–198
normalizing audio clips, 304–305
opening, 164 165
overview of, 163
Precision Editor and, 179–183
rearranging clips in projects, 177–178
recording rate for, 233
rejecting footage, 167–170
sharing GarageBand projects with, 358
sound effects to a clip, 309–312
themes, 191–192
titles, 194–196
transition effects, 187–189
viewing clips, 166–167
voiceovers, 312314
Import From Camera window, 235
importing footage
from camera, 233–236
choosing frame size, 233
from Flip cameras, 238–239
from iPhoto, 240
from iSight, 240–241
from movie files, 236–238
importing GarageBand projects, 403404
importing images, from applications, 16–17
importing photos
all photos from camera, 12–13
518 Index
image file formats, 17–18
from memory card, 1415
overview of, 11
selected photos from camera, 13–14
importing video, from camera, 15–16
Input Level slider, setting audio levels, 313, 323
Insert command, for clips, 256–257
Inspector window, iDVD, 503
instruments (musical)
adding, 354–356
auditioning virtual musicians (instrument
parts), 347–349
connecting MIDI instruments to
computer, 324
connecting musical instruments to
computer, 321–324
learning to play. see learning to play
mixing in jam session, 349–351
setting up, 351–353
Internet domains, publishing websites and, 448
Intro to Guitar lesson, GarageBand, 331
Intro to Piano lesson, GarageBand, 332
invisible edits, creating, 266
adding photos to MobileMe gallery, 119
creating movie for, 205–207
exporting slideshow to, 116
syncing photos to, 108–110
iPhone ringtone, 369–384
editing Real Instrument voice track,
editing regions in editor, 379–381
lesson review, 383–384
merging Real Instrument regions, 382–383
opening ringtone template, 370–371
overview of, 368–369
playing onscreen music keyboard, 371–375
project tasks, 381
recording new Software Instrument
part, 371
sending ringtone to iTunes, 375–376
adding still image to movies, 272–274
adding video from, 254–255
Adjust and Effects panes, 135
adjusting contrast and definition, 76–77
adjusting exposure and levels, 74–76
adjusting highlights and shadows, 77–79
adjusting saturation, 7981
adjusting sharpness and noise, 83–85
adjusting temperature and tint, 81–83
assigning keywords to photos, 55–57
automatically identifying faces, 35–37
changing Event key photo, 27
comparing photos, 52–54
connecting camera to, 9–10
creating events, 32
creating places, 4548
cropping photos, 6367
date searches, 5859
effects, 8586
enhancing photos, 69–71
event descriptions, 26–27
event titles, 25–26
Events key photo, 19
getting footage from, 240
GPS data capture, 7–8
greeting cards, 148–151
hiding unwanted photos, 6062
identifying missing faces, 37–39
identifying photos with faces, 33
identifying photos with places, 4042
importing from applications, 16–17
importing photo files, 17–18
importing photos from camera, 10–13
importing photos from memory card, 14–15
importing selected photos, 13–14
importing video from camera, 15–16
keyword searches, 60
lesson review, 4849, 8586
manually identifying faces, 33–35
merging events, 30
moving photos between events, 32
navigating viewing area, 21–22
opening for first time, 8–9
ordering prints, 136–138
organizing events, 24–25
placing photos, 4345
printing photos, 132
rating photos, 5455
rating searches, 60
removing red-eye from photos, 71–73
reordering events, 31
restoring photos from Trash, 63
retouching photos, 73–74
searching iPhoto library, 57
skimming events, 20–21
splitting events, 28–29
straightening photos, 67–69
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