Mixing Instruments in Magic GarageBand 349
4 Click each of the different guitar sounds in the list to audition them with
the first verse of the song.
When you change instrument sounds, the new instrument (virtual musi-
cian) needs to wait until the next measure to jump in—so be sure to give
each guitar a chance to play before moving on to the next one.
You should notice a clear difference in the sound of the guitars.
GarageBand comes with an awesome set of guitar amps and
stompbox effects to create these sounds—and more—with your own
guitar recordings.
5 Choose your favorite guitar sound.
If youre having trouble deciding, try the Big Stack for a nice, over-the-
top, heavy electric guitar with plenty of effects. I like this one because it
reminds me of the check out my big amp and effects” sound of the gui-
tars in every band I played keyboards for in high school and college (way
back in the ’80s, long before GarageBand, though we did practice and
record music in the garage).
6 Stop playback, if you haven’t already.
Now that you know how to audition and select different instrument parts,
let’s take a look at some additional mixing features that you can use to make
choosing instrument parts even easier.
Mixing Instruments in Magic GarageBand
Auditioning instruments while listening to the other parts works well to get
a feel for how the part fits with the overall sound. However, sometimes you
may want to solo or mute a particular instrument before you make your final
Each instrument part includes a mixer that allows you to control the volume
of that instrument in the overall mix, as well as solo and mute controls.
350 Jamming with a Virtual Band
In this exercise you’ll use the mixer to help with the audition of the bass part.
1 Click the Bass to select that instrument.
2 Click the disclosure triangle on the left side of the Bass overlay to show
the mixer.
SoloMute Volume slide
3 Start playback. Feel free to choose a different part of the song for the bass
4 Click the Solo button to isolate the sound of the bass.
You should hear only the sound of the bass instrument. This is a great
way to hear the part clearly.
5 Choose a different bass instrument from the instrument list and listen
to it.
6 Click the Solo button again to unsolo the new part.
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