484 Making a DVD
Motion Button
Finally, iDVD can play a motion menus animation as you work. However, this
can be distracting. You can stop and start the motion menu playback by click-
ing the Motion button at the bottom of the iDVD window.
Okay, enough preliminary information. Lets build something!
Starting Your iDVD Project
The project youre about to build uses a movie that you’ve seen before in a pre-
vious lesson: the Bhutan movie. The version you’ll use has had chapter mark-
ers added to it.
1 Open iDVD, and then click Magic iDVD. The Magic iDVD window appears.
2 At the top left of the window, in the DVD Title box, replace the proposed
title with Bhutan.
3 At the right, above the Choose a Theme thumbnails, click the pop-up
menu and choose All. The Magic iDVD window displays many more
theme thumbnails.
4 In the Choose a Theme thumbnails, click Travel.
Starting Your iDVD Project 485
You have to scroll a little to the right to see the Travel theme. The Travel
theme is appropriate for the Bhutan movie.
5 On your Desktop, open the iLife09_Book_Files folder and the Lesson_17
folder inside of that, and then drag the
ATS - Bhutan (Final for DVD).m4v
file to the Drop Movies Here strip in the Magic DVD window.
A thumbnail of the movie appears in the strip.
6 Near the lower right of the window, click Create Project.
A progress sheet appears as iDVD creates the project. The Magic iDVD
window changes to become the Bhutan project window, displaying the
projects main DVD menu. The Motion menu button in the window is
active, so the menu is animated, and you hear the default music associated
with the Travel theme.
7 Click the Motion menu button to stop the music and the animation.
The Motion menu button becomes gray. Take a moment to enjoy the
silence, then notice that the main menu screen has a menu button with
the name of the file that you dragged into the Magic iDVD window.
This button leads to a submenu from which you can either play the
whole movie or choose a scene to play. Before you explore that submenu,
though, you need to change the menu buttons text to something more
486 Making a DVD
8 In the iDVD window, click the ATS – Bhutan (Final for DVD) menu button,
and then click the text inside the menu button.
The text inside the menu button is selected, and a formatting panel
appears near the button. You can use the formatting panel to change
the typeface, style, and size of the menu buttons text.
Don’t double-click a menu button to edit its label—instead, click
once to select the button, and then click a second time. Double-clicking
a menu button causes iDVD to perform the action associated with that
menu button. For example, double-clicking the ATS – Bhutan (Final for
DVD) menu button causes iDVD to show the submenu to which the
button links.
9 Change the buttons text to View Movie.
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