Using Effects 87
The grain in the wood almost completely vanishes as the De-noise tool
smoothes the sharp gradations between nearby pixels.
4 Drag the De-noise slider all the way back to the left, and then
click Done.
This concludes your work with the Adjust pane. Now it’s time to play.
Using Effects
iPhoto includes an Effects pane that presents a number of interesting and
amusing visual effects you can apply to photos. Some effects can be applied
multiple times to intensify what they do. Other effects act like switches: They’re
either on or off. You might want to apply effects, for example, to photos that
you plan to use for cards, or books, or calendars (you’ll find out how to make
these things with iPhoto in Lesson 4).
88 Reviewing and Improving Your Photos
Rather than work through an exercise, you should simply pick a photo
or two and try some effects out. Below you can see a few different effects
that have been applied to a photo of the young child from the Katie Event,
Katie 48. Have fun!
Black-and-white child Antique child Child with color boosted
four times
Child with edges blurred
seven times
Child with matte applied
five times
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