254 The Cutting Edge: Advanced Editing Techniques
Improving an Edit
Those editing tips are general rules that can be put into practice regardless of
the kind of footage youre working with. The rest of this lesson focuses more
on specific tasks to help you make the most of various editing situations. To
get started, first get familiar with the project you’ll be working on.
1 Click the Project Library button in the upper-left corner of the iMovie
window to open the Project Library.
2 Click the ATS-Bhutan - (Start) project.
3 Press (backslash) to play from the beginning of the project.
The flags and the wide shots of the building serve as a nice establishing
sequence to bring us into the location where the festival is happening, but the
transition from those wide shots to the first performers feels a little abrupt.
Adding a shot of the crowd getting settled would be an ideal choice. But if
you skim the footage in the Event Browser, there isn’t such a shot available.
Fortunately, someone thought ahead and shot some video of the same event
with her still camera.
Adding Video from iPhoto
Most modern still cameras shoot video in addition to still photos. There’s not
a whole lot of use for viewing such videos in iPhotos library, but if you’ve got
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