444 Publishing a Website
Publishing the Site
Now that the site is done, you can publish it for the world to see. This is your
chance to see how the site looks and works in a web browser, and to tell a few
friends about it so they can visit.
Before you publish your site, you have one loose end to clean up: the name of
the site and the name of the homepage.
1 In the iWeb sidebar, double-click the top item, Site.
The name of your site is selected for editing. It needs to be changed to
something less generic than the word Site.
2 Type The Kingdom of Bhutan and press Return.
3 Choose File > Save to store your work so far.
You are now ready to publish the website.
iWeb also keeps track of which pages you’ve published and which
pages you haven’t. The pages and sites you havent published, or have
changed since the last time you published, appear in red in iWeb’s sidebar.
Publishing Your Website to MobileMe
By far the easiest way to publish your site is to a MobileMe account. If you
have a MobileMe account, iWeb can send the site there with a single click of
a button.
Ready? Let’s publish your site.
1 Select the site in the sidebar.
The Site Publishing controls appear in the center pane.
Publishing Your Website to MobileMe 445
2 Choose MobileMe from the “Publish to menu.
Make sure you’ve signed in to MobileMe by launching System
Preferences and updating the MobileMe preference pane.
3 Enter your email address if youd like visitors to contact you.
4 Review the privacy settings.
You can choose to keep a site private if youd like to share it with only
friends and family. This also works well if you’re making a website for
clients of your business.
5 If youre a Facebook user, you can select the checkbox next to “Update my
Facebook profile when I publish this site.
A new sheet opens to complete the Facebook login. You must allow iWeb
to access your Facebook page.
6 At the lower left of the iWeb window, click Publish Site.
446 Publishing a Website
iWeb displays a Content Rights window with a reminder about using
copyrighted material.
Clicking the Publish button is the same as choosing File >
Publish. Both of these publish only any changed pages on your site to
MobileMe. In addition, you can choose File > Publish All, which pub-
lishes all the pages on your site, whether they’ve been changed or not.
7 Click Continue.
iWeb logs into your account, prepares your site for publishing, and then
begins sending your site to MobileMe. It presents a sheet telling you that
the publishing is now taking place. You can continue working while iWeb
sends your site to MobileMe.
8 Click OK.
You can see how the publishing process is going by looking in your side-
bar: iWeb displays a small round progress indicator as it transfers your site
to MobileMe.
That’s it: three steps. If you select the two “Don’t show this message again
checkboxes in the two sheets that iWeb displays, it will take only one step the
next time you publish.
As soon as your site is published, MobileMe lets you know with one more sheet.
Publishing Your Website to MobileMe 447
You can click OK to dismiss the sheet, click Visit Site Now to open Safari and
view the site, or click Announce to open Mail and send an email message with
the sites address to anyone you want. iWeb even prepares the email for you—
all you have to do is supply the addressees.
Once you’ve published your site to MobileMe, the Visit button
at the bottom of the iWeb window becomes active. You can click it at any
time to visit your published site.
Let’s take a look at the site you just published.
It looks almost exactly as it does in the iWeb window. If there are any dis-
crepancies between how iWeb displays the site and how it looks in your
browser, trust your browser because that’s what people will be using to
view your site. But keep in mind that what looks one way in your browser
might look different in another browser on another computer.
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