Building a Blog 461
Building a Blog
A blog is a great way to keep a site fresh and up to date. iWeb blogs provide the
features and components that every blog needs:
A main page that lists the most recent entries and gets updated automati-
cally when a new entry is added
The blog entries themselves, including links that allow the reader to move
from one entry to the next
An archive of entries, so that even when older entries have dropped off the
main page, readers can still find them
You can also enhance your text posts by adding photos, video, or audio.
Visitors can subscribe so they’re notified whenever something new is posted.
If you publish your site to MobileMe, you can also let visitors comment on
your blog.
In this exercise, youre going to add a blog and then add three entries.
1 Click the Add Page button at the bottom of the iWeb window. In the sheet
that appears, choose the White theme, click Blog, and then click Choose.
We’re mixing two themes here, but they’re both very similar in
iWeb creates a new blog for you consisting of a main page, an Entries page,
and an Archive page. The Entries page appears in the webpage canvas.
Before you start adding entries, you need to customize the three pages
iWeb has created to have the same look as the rest of the site.
2 In the sidebar, click Blog.
3 Rename the Blog page MommyCast Video.
This page is the one visitors see when they click it in the site’s navigation
menu. You’ll begin customizing this page first.
462 Creating a Blog and Podcast
4 Select the Page inspector and click Layout. Click the Browser Back-
ground pop-up menu and choose Image Fill. The last-used fill is added
to the page.
5 Drag the photo portrait.jpg from the Lesson_16 > Web Page Graphics
folder onto the large placeholder image.
Double-click the masked image and drag it downward so the heads show
through in the masked area.
6 Double-click the text “My Blog and type MommyCast Video.
7 Change the font to Comic Sans MS, Bold, 36 pt.
8 Navigate to the Web Page Text folder and drag the text file Welcome to our
blog.rtf onto the large text block at the top of the page.
The RTF file contains formatted text including a web link.
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