Sharing Photos with Flickr 123
Like a locally shared album, a Gallery album is live; any changes
you make to it are uploaded to the Gallery. In addition, any pictures added
to the Gallery by other users (if you’ve allowed them to do so) are down-
loaded to your Gallery in iPhoto. This means, for example, that you can
post pictures to your MobileMe Gallery with your iPhone while on a trip
or while visiting friends, and have the pictures arrive on your Mac the next
time you open iPhoto.
Sharing Photos with Flickr
Although MobileMe offers fantastic photo-hosting and display capabilities, it’s
not the only online photo-hosting service you can use with iPhoto. Take Flickr,
one of the world’s most popular online photo-hosting services, with more than
three billion photos stored and shared from its servers. If you have a Flickr
account (they’re free, and setting one up takes just a few minutes), you can
post photos to it right from the comfort of iPhoto.
This exercise assumes you already have a Flickr account. If you
dont, just read on or skip ahead.
1 In the Source list, select the Soccer action album, and then, near the right
side of the toolbar, click Flickr.
The first time you use iPhotos Flickr posting feature, you need to autho-
rize iPhoto to open the lines of communication with the Flickr service.
You’ll need to do this only once.
124 Sharing Your Photos
2 In the dialog that appears, click Set Up.
iPhoto opens your web browser to the Flickr sign-in page.
3 Sign in to Flickr, and then, in the iPhoto Uploader authorization page that
appears, click OK, I’LL ALLOW IT.
Flickr uses the iPhoto Uploader program from one of its partners to man-
age the communication between iPhoto and Flickr.
4 When you see the Flickr confirmation message in the browser window,
close the window.
A dialog appears in the iPhoto window containing posting options for the
photos you’ve selected to share. The default options are fine, but feel free
to examine the choices iPhoto offers.
5 Click Publish.
iPhoto uploads the selected photos to Flickr. As it did with MobileMe, iPhoto
shows you the progress of the upload, and creates a new item in the
Source list.
Sharing Photos with Flickr 125
When the upload finishes, the address of your uploaded photo set appears
above the set in the iPhoto window’s main viewing area.
6 Click the circular link icon to the right of the photo set’s web address in
the title bar.
Your web browser displays the new photo set in Flickr. Next, you’ll add a
photo to the set.
7 In iPhoto, find the photo DSC_6761, and then drag the photo to the Flickr
set in the iPhoto Source list.
iPhoto uploads the photo to the set.
8 Select the Flickr photo set in the Source list again, and then click the circu-
lar link icon to the right of the photo sets web address.
Your browser displays the updated photo set on Flickr.
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