Doing the Arithmetic

Working with math in Excel is similar to working on paper, except that you actually do less work! All you have to do is type the values and the arithmetic operators and then leave it to Excel to do all the calculations. You can easily change the values you’ve entered if necessary, or make the values equal to a value in another cell or series of cells.

Calculate a Value

  1. In the cell in which you want the result of the calculation to be displayed, type an equal sign and then the numbers and operators for your calculation.

  2. Press Enter to see your result.

    Calculate a Value



Excel makes its calculations based on the standard order of precedence for arithmetic operators—that is, negation, percentage, exponentiation, multiplication and division, and addition and subtraction. If two operators have the same precedence, Excel makes the calculation from left to right. To change the order of calculation, you use parentheses to group portions of the formula.

Try This!

Try This!

In an empty cell, type = 10+5*30+6/3 and press Enter. Copy the formula to a new cell, and then press the F2 key to activate editing of the cell. Add a pair of parentheses to the formula so that it’s now =(10+5)*30+6/3 and press Enter. Note that adding the parentheses changed the order of the operations and thus the result. Continue adding, moving, or deleting pairs of parentheses in the formula to see the effects on the final result.

Arithmetic Operators




+ (plus sign)


- (minus sign)


- (minus sign)


* (asterisk)


/ (forward slash)


% (percent sign)


^ (caret)

Set order of actions

( ) (opening and closing parentheses)

Calculate the Value of Cells

  1. In the cell where you want the result to be displayed, type an equal sign.

  2. Click in the cell whose value you want to use.

  3. Type the arithmetic operator you want to use.

  4. Click in the next cell whose value you want to use in the calculation.

  5. Continue typing the operators and clicking in cells until you’ve completed the formula, and then press Enter.

    Calculate the Value of Cells
    Calculate the Value of Cells
    Calculate the Value of Cells
    Calculate the Value of Cells



You can mix cell references and numeric values in a cell—for example, a formula might be =C1+C3+10. You can also reference cells in other worksheets or in other workbooks.



Don’t assume that a formula contains an error just because it uses different operators from those you’re familiar with. Some formulas are logical tests that return a true or false value, while others are used to manipulate text. For example, a formula of =C3=10 would display TRUE if the value in cell C3 was equal to 10, and would display FALSE otherwise.

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