LSTM to the rescue

While backpropagating an RNN, we discovered a problem called vanishing gradients. Due to the vanishing gradient problem, we cannot train the network properly, and this causes the RNN to not retain long sequences in the memory. To understand what we mean by this, let's consider a small sentence:

The sky is __.

An RNN can easily predict the blank as blue based on the information it has seen, but it cannot cover the long-term dependencies. What does that mean? Let's consider the following sentence to understand the problem better:

Archie lived in China for 13 years. He loves listening to good music. He is a fan of comics. He is fluent in ____.

Now, if we were asked to predict the missing word in the preceding sentence, we would predict it as Chinese, but how did we predict that? We simply remembered the previous sentences and understood that Archie lived for 13 years in China. This led us to the conclusion that Archie might be fluent in Chinese. An RNN, on the other hand, cannot retain all of this information in its memory to say that Archie is fluent in Chinese. Due to the vanishing gradient problem, it cannot recollect/remember information for a long time in its memory. That is, when the input sequence is long, the RNN memory (hidden state) cannot hold all the information. To alleviate this, we use an LSTM cell.

LSTM is a variant of an RNN that resolves the vanishing gradient problem and retains information in the memory as long as it is required. Basically, RNN cells are replaced with LSTM cells in the hidden units, as shown in the following diagram:

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